Five of my Favourite Pubs in Medway...

in #pubs2 years ago

I've had a glorious time here in Medway the last three weeks, so glorious in fact that I decided earlier this week to put my temporary return back to Portugal back by one week to give myself an extra week here in late summer to just chill and drink beer.

Medway really does have some great pubs it has to be said, all with their different characters and here are a few of my favourites...

The Man of Kent


Despite the fact that its A LOT quieter now than the pre-covid days this is still currently my number one pub, in fact I'm such a local now that the landlady pours me a pint before I order it, claiming to know my taste buds better than I do myself!

And there are plenty of beers on offer - typically at least five decent ales including the ever reliable if somewhat session-deadly Goldstar - at 5% it's one of those that punches above its weight.

The only downside is that it used to be rammed every Thursday to Saturday but now it's like a ghost town because the landlady got very paranoid about mask wearing and extended the requirement long beyond most other pubs and pissed a few other people off for various other reasons.

But it's still good for a quiet pint of very good beer!


Bit of an odd location this one, tucked away about 3 minutes up from Rochester High Street in a suburban area.

The Who'd Ha Thought It

Excuse spelling but this is THE public house discovery of my 2022 summer - literally just on a suburban street in the middle of suburban Rochester it's a real middle-class locals pub.

It's not so much a specialist beer-pub (like the Man O Kent very much is) but this has a really friendly feel - a great and large garden and they have football on a Sunday, and you can get a decent pint of Ale too, very much passable!

And I'm a real sucker for a suburban pub!

The 10-50


This is the only pub in my selection that's in Strood, just over the river from Rochester - a true micro-pub basically a hatch in a railway arch with 80% of its seating capacity outside.

It serves five ales and five ciders, rotated weekly or thereabouts and the beer is always very good quality.

The only downside is the barman is a bit of a miserable fucker most of the time, as was the used to be barwoman he replaced. I mean you'd expect these guys to be happy when the pub is busy, but this never seems to be the case!

But the beer is so good this is still going to sit at NUMBER THREE!

The Three Sheets....

This is a relatively new pub, it wasn't here when I was in Medway four years ago but I'm putting it second as it's got a decent selection of lagers and ciders (including elderflower cider), a great beer garden and it's busy a lot of time and has a great vibe.

I spent a very pleasant Saturday afternoon here getting quietly drunk with a bunch of people and chatting, it's also a popular music venue, right at the end of Rochester High Street. Nice!

The Coopers Arms

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This is more of a standard, some might say 'posh' pub (over 21s and shirts must be worn at the bar), a feeling also boosted by its proximity to the private King's School area - but we won't hold that against it as it has a very decent selection of ales and (as with all the others, spot the theme-trend) a very nice Garden.


You really had a nice sunday friend. keep up the good life.

I decided earlier this week to put my temporary return back to Portugal back by one week to give myself an extra week here in late summer to just chill and drink beer.

Beer is a great excuse for just about anything but since Portugal is having yet another brutal heat wave, might as well sit and have another pint.


Yeah the summer in England has been perfect weather, just really really pleasant - possible to sit around in a T shirt but not too hot.


Hey @revisesociology, here is a little bit of BEER from @preparedwombat for you. Enjoy it!

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Reading this I'm realizing that I haven't been out to a pub/bar since early 2020. It might be time to change that


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A nice pub is a great place to be, especially on a pleasant summer's day in the UK in the garden!


p.s the new command for 'beer' is without the !

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