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RE: Time and operational tempo

in #relaxation2 years ago

I am a little thankful that people are too busy to notice that I have been too busy to be around much. Thankful for small favors.

I feel like a heel having so much time off right now, but, grateful as I need it.

I am reorganizing life right now. :) I feel just a tad out of sorts with being so behind in everything, but, this too shall pass. I am so happy for you to be getting a little bit of time off. What is up with that? You are a diehard workaholic! Stop this. :) Actually, it looks good on you, so much more relaxed !

Post that lego project when you get it together!

Hi, Galen! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and New Year is on the agenda!


You think it hasn't been noticed you're not around Swigs?

Well actually what I really meant was I haven't been commenting that much because I was so behind commenting on my own post but I never did get around. Well, very little anyway. How many people thought that I quit them raise their hand!?

I'm actually okay with it but just a little bit bad because this is the time when you would like to let everybody know how much they mean to you and I have been just too busy to put that out.

Anyway, I am glad you're getting some good time up and that you are giving that hammock a breaking in.

Do what you can, when you can. That's all you can ask of yourself, and yourself is all that matters.

Most of my company left, which of course I would never trade anything for. That time special being they all stay here it makes my alone top 90 per cent. That's okay and I we went wake you up anytime I have for family. They will be here for the long run.