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RE: Time and operational tempo

in #relaxation2 years ago

Glad you got a short break Galen:)
So, you watered your garden for an hour?! That must be quite a large nursery or farm that you have going on there. I miss doing stuff like that, not so much cleaning a bbq grill though.
Chilling in a hammock!😎 Lucky you! The joys of summertime, with the awesome invention, called a hammock.
My mom has a big garden that she tends to daily and I have about three hammocks that I hope to set-up in my backyard next time I go back to Jamaica.
Eight years ago when I visited Jamaica, I was shocked out my wits to discover that a basic hammock was being sold for 100 - 150 USD. A vendor told me she could give me a discount for US$70. I declined that offer and just kept on dreaming!
Enjoy your days off:)


No one likes claning the grill...I like mine spotless though and so I get messy to make it happen. Now...It's spotless. I'm a happy chap.

The garden...Well, watering is fun so I take my time. I also don't like to waste water so I'm careful and that takes a little extra time. It's a nice time to think and contemplate though, and I enjoy it.

That's a lot for a hammock. I think the one Santa brought me was half of that. It'll do the job for a while and if the actually hammock part wears out a new on can be bought - it's one of those ones that goes on a free standing frame. Kind of cool.

I'll be in it later.

Yeah, you strike me as one who likes his grill spotless:)

I think I look like a money tree to Jamaican vendors, so they always try to rip me off, and then get surprised when I walk away. I'm no good at haggling; The price is either good or not.

That free standing hammock is a nice idea.
I could consider making a macrame hammock next time I go home. You've given me a great idea there:)

I'm the spotless grill guy for sure. Sometimes being this way is a curse, other times, well I think I'm ok. Sometimes.

I reckon those Jamaican vendors would run in fear of you unleashed. Might be worth a go.

could consider making a macramé hammock next time I go home

You know I'm going to want one.

Haha! Yes, the Jamaicans know to run because they are the only ones who comprehend my exhaustive vocabulary of curse words, and inventive ones I come up with when mad!😆

I'd be sure to make a hammock, especially for you!

Yay for my hammock!

🤞that's a promise!

Ahhhh. I keep my grill clean but not spotless. I actually like the smoke from the little bits that fall through the grate. I have a wood grill tool that I use every time before and after I use the grill. The cooking surface is perfect. The rest provides flavor.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Haha, I know people that rarely clean their grill swearing that it adds flavour. I get it too. I'm just one I'd those who needs to have a clean grill, despite how bloody messy and annoying it is to clean. 🙄