What Is REALLY Wrong With The Scientific Method?

in #science3 years ago (edited)

With mass vaccination approaching and which employers seem to endorse -- yes soon, you may/will need to be vaccinated to keep your job -- it has become increasingly urgent to ask ourselves why such a rush for a so-called virus (its real name is exosome) that is allegedly fatal to 94% of those infected having serious comorbidities and sadly represent 65% of the US population. The comorbidities are all linked to chronic diseases induced by corporate diets. Yes, mass vaccination has a dark agenda.

The disturbing fact is that the death rate remains very low when compared to the number of positive tests as explained by Dr. Berg here below.

But the biggest issue we'd like to talk about is the "masculine and aggressive approach" driving biology and technology especially and which have literally weaponized research. On a grand scale, allopathy is a disaster as it only suppresses symptoms of ailments themselves caused by the toxic environment we live in. While people may seem to feel better our toxic environment has not changed.

As much as the respect for biodiversity is today the core tenet of the Regenerative Movement, most scientists are still far from comprehending nature; hence atoms and particles which they divide, smash and isolate in order to study them under "controlled and pasteurized" conditions.

The masculine expression in science needs to be dealt with and replaced by Wholism which is governed by feminine energy. We use the word "pasteurized" as a reference to Pasteur whose germ theory became the model for the scientific method. A theory that is becoming increasingly shaky and will eventually be engulfed by the Truth.

Wholism is the main characteristic of Nature, which is why everything is interconnected. It is impossible to study Her when attempting to interfere with Her irreducible complexity. No molecule and nor particle will behave organically when cut off from its connection from its surrounding, and which is why allopathy has so many side-effects.

The appalling truth is that the scientific method as practiced and taught today is a total fraud!

As one of our friends Shandal Shrirame contends: you cannot know nature by cutting and dissecting it. Nature is connection, not isolation... It's a shameful and sad picture that even women scientists have lost their natural roots of feminine energy. Otherwise, they'd have realized the ugliness that's being carried out in biological and medical sciences and condemned all the men for their demonic approach...

The Guardian UK link which you can find below reads: The psychological impact of the virus is profound, but there is nothing to suggest its physical effects can’t be overcome. As a matter of fact, we have close to 400 trillion viruses in our bodies, something we have stressed a few times already, and what makes some more dangerous than others when viruses/exosomes do exist, are created by the cells, to fix the damages caused by our toxic lifestyles and other external threats?

Considering that the germ theory approach turns out to be a fallacy, we do have a serious problem on our hands.

The US healthcare is broken and deep into red ink and that's a good thing! Just let it sink and rebuild it from scratch. The coronavirus crisis is a blessing in disguise. Without it we wouldn't be able to change the system completely. Let's look at the "half-empty/full" glass differently.

This is the opportunity of the millennium and we have to embrace it!

Jeff G. — Viral Misconceptions - Presentation on The True Nature of Viruses


NOV 20 2020 | The American Hospital Association forecast that collectively U.S. hospitals will experience total losses of at least $323.1 billion in 2020, not including the impact of currently increasing coronavirus case rates.

NOV 15 2020 | Our immune systems can cope with Covid-19 – it's our politicians who can't

NOV 26 2020 | As COVID-19 Vaccine Nears, Employers Consider Making It Mandatory


Nothing is wrong with the scientific method. It has allowed people to overcome their biases and make astounding discoveries over the last centuries.

The question is: what is wrong with your brain?

either you are from mars or a paid troll

You do not even read anything, and just react to the headline WITHOUT knowing about the subject... I am not the only one who says so...

what discoveries, the planet is polluted to death?!

A 2015 analysis concluded that as much as 89 percent of animal studies could not be reproduced, a fundamental step used to confirm the validity of scientific results. This amounts to a staggering $28 billion wasted every year.


Let's see. Fire, the wheel, the lever, cooked food, houses, clothes, domesticated plants, domesticated animals, boats, the saddle, the windmill, aqueducts, engineering, multistory buildings, running water, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, geology, chemistry, elements, electricity, the telegraph, the telephone, the integrated circuit, the computer, biology, evolution, airplanes, the jet engine, the rocket, space flight, medicine, philosophy, money, economics, the division of labor, and labor saving devices of all kinds