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RE: Thoughts on the @ssg-community proposal

Yes, the standards will be pretty loose but there would be a line drawn somewhere and I'm not sure where that might be. I already know there will be some who will push the boundaries and if (for example) someone thinks they can make 7 actifit posts a week and throw in a picture of a silver piece at the bottom and say "this was in my pocket" so that they can use the tag to "qualify" for a vote I don't think that's going to pass the sniff vibe test.

I think it will be pretty obvious if people are just trying to shoehorn non-related content onto the tag simply to get a vote from ssg-community.

This proposal (and vote) is really about members deciding whether they want the community account to be promoting content that is relevant and adds value to the broader SilverGoldStackers community or whether they don't care about content and it's just about being a member and the content doesn't matter.