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RE: I Am the Word: A Study in Manifesting the Divine - Part 3

in #spirituality6 years ago

There is only the Word, but the Word can't be defined! It's no wonder words are so clumsy!

The problem I have with the direct path is it doesn't appeal to most people in the world, I think spirituality is the most important thing we can focus on or bring back into our culture, so I was really glad manifesting was included as part of this teaching. All there is is the Word, but the Word in action still has a function. Even if the function is just a dance/song. The guides do mention that at a certain octave we see everything as illusion, so the teaching will get there I'm pretty sure


Good point, I have struggled with the interplay between manifesting and being even though there is no real contradiction as such. So I will be dropping in to see how this unfolds. Great sharings!