
GL, you have a huge obsticale ahead, I wish you the best. I hope you get a good start, so that you don't quit because the it feels unrewarding. Was a lot easier for me since my main account is already invested in the game.

Have some !PIZZA and !hivebits

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Woah! Thanks you also for the free Pizza, tho I'm not sure what its for XD Ill have a bite. And I am not gonna give up that easily, of course it will be hard to earn DEC (currently at 48.7 DEC in total) from the free methods you've shown in the start, but its worth it if I keep a steady pace grinding for it! I do have some alternative ideas of making more money outside the platform with the crypto earned here, so when I get my initial investment back and some extra profits I would maybe buy a few water splinter deck cards just to get my base Card Power up for bronze 2 to earn daily DEC while playing and from there its a home run :)