Big list of bots who reply to posts on Steem

in #steem-project7 years ago (edited)

The list isn't so big yet but my hopes is that you can help.

I want to create a list of bots on Steem that reply to posts for various reasons.

On chainBB, every time someone replies to a post, it bumps it to the top of the forum list due to the activity. What I'd like to do is create a list of bots and then use that list to prevent them from bumping posts. It's not that this activity is any less important - but in the spirit of a forum to foster engagement, it shouldn't do this.

So my question to you:

Do you know of any bots not on this list that create replies to posts by users?

Here's my list so far:


Leave a reply and let me know which one's I'm missing and I'll update the list.

There are 3 pages

Oh my gosh, meep is a bot? And here I was thinking I had meaningful conversations with an actual human :-(

guess that explains why he wasn't interested in the 50SBD reward to say anything other than "meep", he wasn't "programmed" to care about monetary rewards! lol

Guess so!

I was heart broken when I found out the news as well.... I have been living a lie this whole time! My trust in humanity is shattered.... @ionlysaymeep first you insult my mother and now this... FOR SHAME

I know right! I am not sure what's real and what isn't anymore :-(

Sometimes its nice to have a friend that just listens without judgement. lol

Lol u hit me with this and can't keep but laughing about what u know about meep because you are not alone with it, u can count me too and it's funny knowing that it isn't only me who was a victim of meep hahaha, his a good listener and reply only little but meep hahaha. Now we know who's the bot to look for :) it's the funny side but it gives us good laugh and smile for a day knowing who is meep is, Steem on!

That's ok, sometimes I think I have meaningful conversations with myself. So, you are fine.

Good point! Thanks for making me feel better :D

OHOHOHOHOOOO LMAO 🍌 u guys r hilarious LOL

meep can only say meep ....LOL

Hahaha :D So did I :p
What a bummer!

Recently it's hard to say if some user is a bot or not. I mean those "comment and upvote" comments all over.

Yeah, though I think those are mostly from newbies, so that's probably just copy/paste work. Annoying copy/paste work though :-)

I guess they're newbies and they obviously don't understand how Steemit works. I guess I'm still a newbie too but I wouldn't dare to spam people like this.

I'm still a newbie too but I wouldn't dare to spam people like this.

And that's the important difference. When I was new, I wouldn't think of spamming like that either. It's just basic human decency to not spam people. Being new isn't really a good excuse in my eyes.

So funny, I got a few meep's recently lol

I've had a couple of nice conversations with Ionlysaymeep. Just have to read between the lines (or meeps).

I had only 1 encounter with mr meep lol... and i remember I looked at the comment and after a few I said 🍌

Hah, yeah I was a little bit confused the first time aswell :D


Definitely not him either :-(

It's a bot? So what is the purpose of it? Mining?

This is a good question! I'm not sure actually. At the very least it brings us some joy :-)

LMA, I have done the same thing playfulfoodie. when I realize it is a bot, I talk back to them (Playfully) as some can be downright rude. I tell them to play nice.

Exactly :-) I like talking to Ionlysaymeep though.

Good to know I am the only one that talks to bots. lmaf I will have to check out @ionlysaymeep.

@playfulfoodie, I just followed @ionlysaymeep and left him this reply:
meep meep. Just wanted to tell you what a handsome bot you are. Love the red hair updo!! @playfulfoodie told me you were a man of few words but she thinks you are hot too. Meep me up sometimes. @thethreehugs. Have a meeping goodnight. Later dude. meep meep.
Hope you don't mind..after all he is a bot! lol..

also didnt respond differently on giving a mirror, just a simple and solid response "meep":)

I just bumped into this bot: @originalworks . I think it is a candidate for your list.

This bot upvotes the original post. Not the comment.

Sorry about that. Thanks for the clarification.

By now you may already know about the list below... But anyway :)

  • toast (like meep but then "I like toast")

the following do reply to URL wallet transfer

  • discordia
  • bellyrub
  • promoted
  • binkley
  • treeplanter
  • lovejuice

Thank you so much for the updates ! Thank you so much for your effort !!

I am going to pin myself haha

Yeah. there is one namely @bottymcbotface . I visited it's blog page and I think its a user who randomly comments on other people's profile. I don't if he provides them some kind of warning related to plagairism or something like that but it upvotes people's post and comment. But not like cheetah.
Anyways it'll be pretty good 'addition' to your list. Thanks for sharing mate @jesta

I vote we leave this robot live...
After all he was the first one to greet me when I posted my introduceyourself, and he gave me free steem! FREE!!!
Love that guy!!!(lol)

It's helps newbie by sending them 0.001steem

I love @bottmcbotface. He told me to remember him when I get rich and I will! He's a nice bot!!

@bottymcbotface greets new accounts with a small tip. I know of another bot, one that, again, merely welcomes new accounts, but it's gonna take some time to dig that one up.

Great initiative! I recently realized that using bots to curate actually debases not only curation (and thereby Steemit) by injecting mere algorithms into human interactions, but also people, as that injection conflates those algorithms with the opinions and acts of sovereign people.

@liberosist recently posted a proposal to modify VP decay, and his proposal is designed to at least limit bots to the amount of curation people can do.

Clearly bots are useful tools. They are not people, and those tasks that only people are qualified to do, such as meaningful curation, shouldn't be undertaken by bots.

Robots can have my job. They can't have my rights.

Edit: re edited to remove unnecessary editing =p

Given his deep conversational skills, I refuse to believe ionlysaymeep is a bot, A.I has not evolved to that point yet.

Nice initiative. It can be used later for other apps too for good purposes. Also maybe @tippy?

Good one - adding to the list

mep meeeep :) hahaha , have bot-helper also

Didn't have bot-helper yet, thanks!

@minnowbooster. New bot project.


@gentlebot - rewards kind comments worth > $1.00 per vote. It's encouraging to get a vote from this bot... Scans comments only.

@thing-2 is it's cousin. See its intro here.

ch @globocop

Thanks for reading. 😎

ch @globocop

[Upvote] [Comment] [Resteem] [Follow]

Those two don't auto-reply; their replies are all hand-written. They should not be on the list.

Ah - thanks for clarifying.

Hello @jesta - Noticed the updated list doesn't include the two bots above... Was it overlooked?

Fab week to everyone!

ch @globocop

@klye's bots. Like @tippy does interesting things.

How about @boatymcboatface? He talks on a first post in introduceyourself, I think.

And here's a new one: @gentlebot is going strong lately.
@officialfuzzy is tied into #whaleshares. There may be more in that group of whales. In this case, I don't think @whaleshares is doing the bot-ting.

Hello @jesta i believe you can add : Minnowbooster and lovejuice on your list!
Have a lovely Saturday!

@goodbot is another.

Hi @jesta
I doe know for sure what type of bots are
But they reply automatically to all new introduceyourself posts
users @wang , @calva , @steemster3 & @weenis

Hope it Helps
Have a lovely time
Let me know if is OK and I will find some more

Good list - thanks much!

Is @onlymanamana another bot?

@welcomebot & @bottymcbotface what you are looking for ?

Yup sure is.

I like your posts, bots are used to automatically reply to each comment as needed, but behind it there is a disadvantage if using this system

I thought @ionlysaymeep was a person @jesta
What's its purpose?

No idea hah, to entertain us? :)

@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

Generally I mute them, but if I see any new ones I'll let you know. The problem I have is determining which ones are bots and which ones are just copy + paste spam noobs.

Does that really matter, should this kind of thing be bumping posts twice???


This isn't Reddit or 4chan bro, there is no "bumping" of posts.

chainBB (the platform I'm building on top of Steem) uses bumps :)

I wasn't aware. Good to know.

True story, but i think @jesta is trying to slow down the bumpin' a bit unless I'm missing something.

@theupvoter bot is missing on your list

Thanks for the heads up!

testing response

testing response response!

You guys are the best at chainbb :)

Team stackin you are at the top also I follow you recently on Steemit 👌
Good continuation guys

Updated the post with a bigger list

It seems like new posts are not showing up on ChainBB at the moment... Is the chain lagging?

I am just learning to say meep..

Do you have a list of Upvote bots? I would be interested in using them. :)

Why do you think/How do you know @ionlysaymeep is a bot?

Uses an app tag on the posts it creates - was my only clue, but figured it was enough. Unless of course someone literally wrote a program to only reply meep by hand :D

Uses an app tag

Could you elaborate? Google does not want to help me on this one... Would be really sad if he is automated. I always thought there is a bigger meaning behind the meeps and I even consider him a friend ;.;

A bot like this ?


How do you determine what (or who?) is a bot? I think this is a very useful post that should be resteemed a lot for more visibility. Thank you for your work in discovering these for us. what?

What exactly is a bot , cheers mike

A program that has a user account. They upvote, comment and/or post according to a script (code written by a developer).

Is this a good or bad thing? Thanks for your reply cheers mike

some people see bots as negatives. I generally see them as neutral, but most Steemit bots as a positive. @deutschbot would be an example for a good bot.

I think the only important rule that any bot should follow is that they need to disclose the fact that they are bots.

Ok cheers mate

so what do these bots do actually?

I see a lot of people here asking what a Bot is, no one is replying. Here is a link to wiki in bots:
Hope it helps, It did for me because I didn't know what a bot was either! 🙄

Never know bots are also on steemit , I am new here

Please have a look at my last 2 blogs
If u like vote follow resteem

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Some other ones might come up today, we'll keep eyes on them and update you.

For now all the bots reply to me are in the list but if some other shows up i will send it to you i keep this post

Awesome stuff

stuffy stuff

A very good idea

what we really need... is a list of comment-spam-accounts...

that's what I hoped for when I clicked the title at least ;)

Thanks for sharing.... followed n upvoted

Oh those pots aren't developed by the steemit team!

Good thinking @jesta

Nice list! havent had them in posts though except the one, which pays 0.01sbd to new ones. Which i thought it was from a human n got happy :D

Good one - totally forgot about this bot. It's useful, but doesn't deserve to bump posts :)

Hi Jesta, what is the point I've twitter bot? I've always found it weird when I link to a tweet and embed it or screen it and then the bot links to it again ...

There's a new bot @discordia, though I'm not sure if it comments on posts yet as haven't used.

There are 3 pages