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$140 upvotes @craig-grant...damn homey bless me with a 50% upvote...shhhiiiitiiittt

Craig, you are just killing it man. I appreciate that you share these with us.

This post received a 1.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @codebreaker! For more information, click here!

even you have good steem

i got the feelin ima be tasting a whole lot of paper this summer...lucy and fiat!

so by having upvotes we can get more steem power! that's cool amazing stuff and you are doing great work out there thanks once again for sucha nice post

OMG!!! Then It'll kill Me :D

That crickets and beach level. Goals.

My 10 cent to 3.50+$ Dollars. I only have 3.1k+ Steem which I find reasonable amount for someone like me. That same investment now cost 7100+USD, I can say it really pays out to accumulate a lot of Steem Power right now. I can give myself Minimum Wage, here in Malaysia 1Usd = 1 hour of Hard Labour. I think Steem will help me in life! Thanks Craig for keeping me motivated, as aswell big fan of your Videos. I bought into Burst and Steem because of you, both are paying for my Education right now! Good man @craig-grant

Im laying in bed trying to fall asleep, and all i can think about is all the new ways this blockchain excites me :)
man this makes me haooy seeing the possibilities :D
thanks for the inspirations bud!!!!

Yup same here. Exciting times!! :D

That Laugh! Such a legend, you can tell how happy he is 😂

He was thingking too much then the that laugh make me laugh as well, lol

Followed! Love your posts. Will you ever do a video on how you got so damn much steem power? That's nuts!!

Your upvote rate is great $1.40 for comment this is truly amazing especialy for new members God Bless !!!

That is one powerful upvote.
Thanks for giving back to the community! :)

I thought about this, everyone using there power just for themselves, so I think it is the right thing you are doing, I think it's ok to upvote yourself but you've got to think about the community, because even if you upvote someone with just a fraction of your vote, it will make that person's article more visible and the money spreads itself, which I think is good for Steemit.

I like your style man. Been living on a beach myself for some time now - the beach and steemit it's a jetson's world ;) Check out my page if you feel like support the cause.

cheers, @alexanarcho

wow its a lot 140 $ with only upvote that nice.

Damn man you got Karma on your side! Must be the universe telling you something. Keep the flow, flowin'.

That's not karma, it's hard work ;)

You are the personification of God's blessings!!! Keep up the great work (If we can call it that?)


What you can turn your post fro $142 to $262. That freaking mind blowing.

If this is legit this is amazing. Upvote me anytime even 1% haha

Nice Kicking butt brother! @craig-grant

Nice strategy man. Good job.

You are a good person my friend

He deserve more followers, Worth to follow.

Do you use steemvoter? If not how come? Thank for the information.

Upvote power is intoxicating!

Wow, that's amazing! How did you get so big? I'm just starting out and I'm struggling getting my post viewed.

I am struggling too! Not sure how to get more views!

I've been doing some research and asking bigger Steemians. It comes down to honest hard work and dedication. Find what you want to share with the world en engage in the comments without wanting something back. Give value and people will follow you :)

Oh and also, invest your rewards in Steempower. It makes you more influential and gives you the possibility to upvote your own posts.

Just keep going and have fun!

Craig!!! What's better? Jamaica or Steemit???

Wow, who knew how much you can give someone. Steem Power is very crucial.

Grace me with your god touch pls.

Great post..I like the video..really needed information..Upvoted..

You deserve it @craig-grant hope you and the family are enjoying. :))

Hey craig, please touch me with your golden heavenly upvote :) nice news to get while on vaction ah?! Why polo blocked steem and sbd deposit?

i got a deposit to polo for like 250 steem that been stuck since yesterday, and we all know there support sucks donkey dick, probably going to be labor day before i see those coins

Damn, if I had that much voting power I would need a constant cold shower haha

$140 per 100% upvote!! Goodness you are a monster! Hard work pays off! I think the new HF was a good idea! Your strategy is a good one!

I think a fraction of 1% slider will be implemented before too long!

Enjoy your trip man!

Wow, it must feel empowering to be able to click and gift that to people.

Hi Craig, thank you for sharing your experiences and your strategy on Steemit ! 🌟🌟🌟

Wow that's some crazy upvote power! Hope I can get that one day!

Thanks for giving back grant. You know with great power comes great responsibility. Please make sure to upvote everyday because you can do so much good with your power. You are a whale now

Great post~ Nice strategy

Old guy new technology hope...
Only been here a few weeks ..
Quite the impresive bunch of folk.
And have not had this much fun in a while.

So the more steem power we have the more our up votes are worth?

crickets and the beach will work better than music for falling into sleep. and also your earnings will make you happy and fall into sleep. also it been proven that giving makes people happier.

$140 :O I would love one of those :))

i have no idea how ima pay taxes this year. its gonna be a mess! el oh el

Nice brather very good😉

Good strategy Craig, you as always have something to learn :)

Have an $18 up vote from me. This is looking like it's going to be a good summer!

Summer of Steem 🤑 It's going to be a great Summer!

It is like some unreal video game, difference is that this is real :)


Can I get your 100% upvote ? I want to see now how much earn a post for your 100% upovote. :)

isnt it 5 times day? to a full recharge withing 24 hours?

before 20 x 100% votes to a full recharge with a vote is costing now 4x times the steempower should be 5 or am I stupid again?

Man your voting power is crazy crazy crazy, you need to check out my post and share some of that voting power on my posts it would be greatly appreciate.... keep the great videos coming....i soon be able to add a 5 dollar effect on your post when I upvote you

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