
You know navigating the world as BROKE is keeping one AWAKE... whereas people with huge BAGS are usually the "slower" animals... I came into crypto almost broke in april 2013, gained a lot a few times over the years.. mostly fiat trouble is the reason that I am still broke... not crypto..

Not SURE why you capitalize random WORDS but you are an ODD one aren't ya

Before he promoted Bitconnect he was promoting the earth being flat so yeah, pretty much

he was promoting the earth being flat so yeah,

Did he rekt your false beliefs?

I consider myself an atheist so I don't really have many beliefs. :P

One of those beliefs is that something came from nothing?

May I ask why you flagged my other comment in this thread?

Do you feel that him buying votes for positive comments to his shitpost to trick readers is justified?

I don't agree with flagging the buyer of bid bot votes. You should be flagging those that run it. Also, if you're going to flag, just flag, no need to leave an insult as well.

That was hardly an insult.

So you're okay with him manipulating the comment section with bid bots and getting on trending by buying most bid bots?

You realize how that makes Steemit look, right?

LOL my man, why these cry babies hating on you so much - i am starting to grow a liking to you