Fasting For Longevity: Thought For The Day #58💭✍

in #steem5 years ago


The voluntary abstinence from eating food, has been used throughout human history for various purposes, including religious, health, and spiritual. Whether you call it a fast, a cleanse, or a detoxification, the idea is that a periodic restriction of all foods is a healthy habit. In fact, all major religions embrace fasting as a cornerstone of healthy living.


Fasting is one of the keys to longevity because it improves dietary factors. It restricts calories and protein. It reduces insulin and activates autophagy. These benefits are delivered at no cost and without taking any time. Fasting is not something that you do; it's something that you do NOT do. It can both simplify and enrich your life.

So why has this ancient tradition been largely abandoned? People practiced fasting for millennia, but it has been only recently that many people have started to believe that fasting is harmful because it may cause malnutrition as the body metabolises its own protein for energy.



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I think that fasting is very useful. A post is not a diet, but a means of self-discipline, a way to organize one’s own personality, directing strength to spiritual cleansing, this is a time of repentance and forgiveness. And maybe, instead of torturing yourself with unreasonable restrictions on food, you need to think about the soul, become more tolerant, more attentive and kinder to your loved ones? And at the same time, taking advantage of the right moment, you can give up alcohol and smoking and become a supporter of a healthy lifestyle.

Its true that fasting is in trend especially for youth which is very good though.
But i must say if we do fasting not only to healthy our body but also to clean or healthy our mind with positive thoughts on that fasting day (internal part that is SOUL) it gonna make us a superhuman.
it sounds confusing but i think u get it what i wanna say.
thank you

Personally, I fast twice a week sometimes because the wisdom of belonging lies in the health of the body and the killing of some diseases and bacteria that are found naturally in the body and the Muslims in the month of fasting in which they fast and called the month of Ramadan is close
Thank you @luppers

Even animals know that it is necessary to detoxify the organism and purify it. Man is incapable of understanding that all organs sometimes need rest and that we are very dependent on food. Seraphim of Sarov said: "The body of one who fasts becomes diaphanous and light, the inner life is perfected and manifested by marvelous visions, the outer sensations are annulled and the intelligence, leaving the earth, rises towards heaven and the whole is submerged in contemplation of the spiritual world..." Thank you for sharing your reflections.

Personally i did not think i love fasting and also even if i do, i can not do it at a long strech or hour before i break. Maybe it is not in my blood though or my body does not like it

I personally tried what it is like to not eat. I have seen a group about the healing hunger theme, where people claimed that they did not eat even for 42 days and healed a lot of different diseases such as cancerous tumors and even psoriasis. There were also those who claimed they were doing 10 days of fasting without water or food. On Youtube, I came across a video

where people who do not eat for several years are shown. One Lord claims that he has not been eating for seven years and another 70 years. It is hard to believe, but I know one thing, there are really things in this world that have not dreamed of a philosopher. On the occasion of spiritual development, I get to know more and more topics that make us aware of how the civilizational matrix puts us to sleep, omamises, weakens, exploits, enslaves us. Personally, without any preparation, I could withstand 80 hours without food, but only ate no sparkling water. After 80 hours I was not hungry, because the hunger lasts for the first two to three days then it goes away. I decided to go back to the food because I missed the sense of taste. Really eating food is a very nice thing :). From the 2nd day, strong weakness accompanied me, I was pale and I did not want to do anything. It's good that I decided to do this experiment during my vacation.

I do fast but not regularly. It's really important that the body takes a break from food...especially processed foods!!!

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I'd been doing intermittent fasting for more than 2 years.
I didn't do it right away actually.
It started when I tried knowing about health in general.
I read a lot and start thinking of applying what I read, no medical consultation or any health coach aids.

Yeah fasting really helps our body in a healthy way.
I guess we don't only stop or rest in eating but also in working and thinking as well.
For me 9-5 job is not ideal. I hope this will change.

Marshall Sahlins, author of Stone Age Economics, discovered that before Western influence changed daily life, Kung men, who live in the Kalahari, hunted from two to two and a half days a week, with an average workweek of fifteen hours. Women gathered for about the same period of time each week. In fact, one day’s work supplied a woman’s family with vegetables for the next three days. Throughout the year both men and women worked for a couple of days, then took a couple off to rest and play games, gossip, plan rituals, and visit. . . . It would appear that the workweek in the old days beats today’s banker’s hours by quite a bit.

This suggests that three hours a day is all that we must spend working for survival. One can imagine that in preindustrial times this pattern would make sense. Life was more whole back then, when “work” blended into family time, religious celebrations, and play. Then came the “labor-saving” Industrial Revolution and the compartmentalization of life into “work” and “nonwork”—with work taking an ever-bigger bite out of the average person’s day.

Hi @luppers, Fasting aside from all the spiritual and health benefits also helps individual develop good personal discipline. Just as some persons believe that small tasks as making one's bed in the morning could pave way to accomplishing bigger tasks during the day, fasting (without a feeding anomaly like anorexia) can give the discipline and focus to stay on goals. Twas a nice read, Thanks.

@luppers, No matter how much Evolution Humanity attained but yet we human beings have to understand so much and in depth about our own Body and have to know what's it's true nature and what is beneficial and harmful with To The Point Understanding. But definitely over the period of time many aspects will change and what we pursue in current times can be left behind in future. Stay blessed.

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Fasting can not be imposed, it is necessary to assimilate it and have the will and capacity to apply it. The benefits of a well-led and controlled fast are not limited exclusively to the field of health. It is a simple and inexpensive procedure, which could save us money on medical treatments and diets.
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In my own part of the planet, fasting is a common thing. I am a christian and we do fast in my church every year within a period of time, i think the least was for 40days. Fasting has lots of advantages as you made mention in your post but it also causes harm to some set of people, i would advice people that are ulcer patients to desist from fasting.
Thank you!