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RE: Zombie Adventure (Déjà vu) - Game 57 - Day 10 (May 6, 2021)

in #steemace3 years ago

Hi @happyme, I think there might have been an error. I think I was on 3 health. I had 2 health yesterday and killed the sergeant so that would be my third health point... but the trainee killed me with one shot with the baton... which I think is incorrect unless I'm missing something...


You had 2 wounds yesterday and then the baton finished off the 3rd and last wound.


Whoops, I saw that but I thought it meant I had 2 wounds left... how long have I been playing this game... duh!

Thank-you for the chuckle.
They say a good laugh is the best medicine, so I just got my dose of tonic for the day.
Don't get me wrong... I'm not laughing AT you but WITH you when you asked, "how long have I been playing this game". I believe you are one of the originals, along with @pandorasbox and a few others. Pandorasbox left an impression on me because she was much like you... just charge ahead and get the job done.

You know... I can't think of a better way to spend some time: Enjoy good company and get rewarded for it too! Thanks to @thedollarvigillante for introducing me to Steemit.

Hahahha, no thank you for all the good times. I'm very sure I wouldn't be checking this blockchain every day if it wasn't for the funness that you provide. Awwwwww I remember @pandorasbox - she was so great and so smart. I hope she's well.

You need 1 more kill to reach 4 life energy, then you can regain 1 life point. The life energy stays even when you die, so with 1 more kill you can later erase one damage.

Ahhhhhh, that's the bit I didn't understand. Thank you for explaining it HappyMe!

You are most welcome!
At first I wasn't sure what you meant. Later, my slow zombie brain began processing all the information together and I began to suspect that the life energy might be the problem, so I added that as an after-thought. I've never been fast at anything but as I get older, even the cognitive faculties are slowing down. I see the trouble others have had or are currently suffering through when their loved-ones lose their minds but their body is still in pretty good shape. I sincerely hope I don't become a burden like that. When my mind gets to the point where I'm unable to care for myself, I hope I simply don't wake up one day. The other option would be to stick me into a home and let me live the rest of my days in ignorant bliss. BUT... I feel I still have many more good years ahead of me, so that day is still not on my radar. Let the games continue for at least a few more years!