UCLA Mindful - Practice Mindfulness, Meditation Anywhere & Anytime

in #steemhunt4 years ago

UCLA Mindful

Practice Mindfulness, Meditation Anywhere & Anytime


Screenshot 2020-01-29 at 8.11.26 PM.png

Hunter's comment

A healthy mind along with healthy body is essential in life and this is what that makes our strong from inner side. This app is helpful to follow the meditation as per the guidance of Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC),

With this easy-to-use app, you can practice mindfulness meditation anywhere, anytime with the guidance of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center. Scientific research shows mindfulness can help manage stress-related physical conditions, reduce anxiety and depression, cultivate positive emotions, and help improve overall physical health and well-being.





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Meditation is a way to relax your mind and body and it should be done in a quiet and peaceful manner. This is the perfect app foe you to do meditation anywhere at your own convenience.

mindfulness is so important these days and practicing it is necessary to improve focus and destress leading to a healthy mind and body. This comes from a prestigious university so will be well researched and thoroughly effective.

As you said healthy mind is important for healthy body. I checked Ucla Mindful's reviews and its rating is good. It worths to give a try.

Given the stress of modern life, and especially the stress caused by overcrowding and gig work, these mindfullness apps can really help in teaching you how to destress and calm down.

Nice program !! Thank u !!

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