Down on crypto? Don't be, you have Steemit family.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I've been addicted to the internet since 1996. The moment I found out about chat rooms that was it for me. And since 1996 I've met a lot of people from the internet in real life.

I remember back then how a lot of people were aghast at the thought of meeting up with a complete stranger ~ fast forward 20 years and it's all perfectly acceptable, even normal for some.

I've been really lucky, and for the most part I have met the nicest people. Some I consider family and have even listed them as my siblings on Facey.

I spent my 30th birthday with my Mafia Wars buddies from Facebook in Indiana, USA in 2010. MW closed down a few years ago, but we are all still friends and still support each other.

There's talk about a Vegas Reunion/40th Birthday meet up for next year. MW has been dead about least 3 years now lol.


When I think about my Mafia Wars family I think about the fun, trials, tribulations, ice fest we all went through in the year/two years we played together. They were great times despite all the clan wars, dramas and politics (there is always politics). Perhaps it was because of all that, that years on later our friendships endured.

That shared memory, emotion, experience, history ~ that's what's kept us close.

Why am I talking about this?


Well I met the lovely @r00sj3 yesterday. She said something (that I cant quote word for word so "something" will have to do for the sake of accuracy) and I replied "You're Steemit family."

And she totally is.

Just like Mafia Wars, we here on Steemit go through our own challenges, trials, tribulations and dramas unique to the platform. As much as I want to talk shop and discuss the state of affairs of crypto and Steemit in general to Hubby, I know despite his nodding and somewhat curious look, he doesn't fully get it because he's not on the platform.

My Steemit Family

With the sad state of crypto this year I've seen activity fall and masses of users leaving the platform. But in amongst the carnage I also see the stalwart Steemit evangelists shining bright, charging on despite it all.

I look around me and I see people like me who share my unshakeable passion and enthusiasm about the platform, and in them I see my Steemit family.

The only people on this planet I can rattle names and numbers and websites and dapps to and know wtf I'm talking about.

My crypto advice?

Don't look at the crypto price.
Look at the people around you instead.

The value of the platform isn't in the platform. It's in the people who make up and build the community.

Without people in the community, collaborating, participating, contributing ~ this is all just code.

Atleast if, God forbid, Steemit tanks (doubt it, but still, long shot scenario) and closes down like Mafia Wars, you'll still have the friends/family you made on your journey.

And if you get lucky like me, you end up meeting your heart's tribe. People who love and accept you for you.

Those people are always, ALWAYS worth hunting down.

Happy Sunday Steemit



I've made friends on steemit that i never would have otherwise and we are a tighter knit group than one would think.
I found this post in the new feed. Liked this post and the fact that you also have a bear name like myself. Checked out your blog and noticed you just resteemed my partners content @holoz0r. The interconnectivity between like minds on steemit is what helps make the community into a steemit family.

@bearone has been looking after @rustle over Winter.
Did you meet him, Ursa?

He was more looking after me @mattclarke. He's a good cocktatoo that one. @ursa, if you haven't met him he will be back in Adelaide!

Sharn!!! Dat you girl?!!

I didnt know you were on here! I would have followed yonks ago!!

@holoz0r is like a brother to me and has spoken about you in glowing terms. I feel like I knew you already and was still holding out hope to see you both in Sydney for Christmas this year.

And here you are.

Wether it's interconnectivity, a small world, or your vibe attracts your tribe ~ I just love how often magic happens on Steemit.

I'm really happy to know you're here.

Please, do you have any slow cooker bone marrow recipes?

I wish i knew some bonemarrow recipes. Need to research and try some.

I might join you on the research!

She's everywhere!

Isn't it invigorating to meet in person?
Getting keen for December now.

It is and we cursed and thanked you while we were saying our sad good byes today.

We loved @r00sj3 and we're hoping she comes back again before she leaves Oz so we can fire up the BBQ.

Thanks for everything Matt 🎂

It is people like you that make this place a long-term platform, If we all just hang on the worst we can do is make good friends. I think the price will turn around sooner than later and then we have a win-win!👏

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