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RE: December 1st : 121

in #steemit7 years ago

Faceback or Facebook? In any case, yes, the fake news and groupthink tribes pose a real danger to our society. I have tried to avoid all of the hate politicking that's been going on as I think it actually distracts us from the truth of what's happening. The Dakota issue was swept under the rug for the first few weeks and only lately has the media showed up to cover the story--I read more about the Dakota protest from the Canadian and UK media than I did from reading the US papers.


Faceback or Facebook?

It's an intentional turn of phrase. Facebook Feedback = Faceback :) We're all caught in a feeback loop with it's roots in social media and AI autocuration of our media streams and our search results. Hence it's a "faceback loop". Maybe I'm trying to be too cute, but if the latest couple on twitter to ship can become a new word, then I can invent new words too! ;)

Agreed bout the media though. The lack of media coverage for North Dakota is unsettling.