Your Example, No Your Advice.

in #steemit6 years ago

Your Example, No Your Advice?

How many times have you given an advice you don't even follow? I'm sure we all have given advices without following them. This works the same way when your children follow what you do and not what you say.

I think all need to be real with everyone, so everyone can be real with you. I've followed negative and positive things from my father and I keep changing things along the way knowing what's good or bad, correct or incorrect.

"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".

You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday.
Stay blessed.

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Absolutely love your post, @javybar! 💚

Parents have been taught that they need to correct children's behavior.

But they do not need to. As it is THEIR behavior that has the most impact on their children.

When they are clear and congruent, the child will always follow.

Sure, it may take some time because changing their behavior isn't sooooo easy.

Isn't it strange this expectation that a child change their behavior on a dime but the minute they realize it is THEIR behavior that has to change...Then parents unerstand, it isn't nearly as easy as they expected!?

The parents working with focusing on their own behaviour instead of children's behaviour will see great results.

In some cases the behavior of the child changes within hours when the parent shifts their own dynamic.

The child is never the problem and never has a problem, they are simply pointing to the areas where the parents are not congruent or clear.

It really is this simple. Easy...nope.

Because parents are adults with a whole lot of conditioning it is harder work to change their behavior...and it is the most effective way to change the behavior of their children...because when they shift their conditioning and behavior...they do not pass on the dysfunctional patterns and kids shift rapidly because they have less conditioning!! ☺

Amazing analysis! You described this subject deeper than anyone. I agree with you very well. Children come with their own personality as well that may be a little different than their parents, but parents have the most influence in the children's development. Seems like more parents need to see this post :)

I’m surrounded by parents focused on their grades, and not on how they feel.

The degrees/certificates and the fact that humanity still believes they need credentials for evidence of worth is indeed what needs to be changed.

In my opinion, Parents dis-respecting or not honoring the Soul of their offsprings, especially not honoring feelings of their children will do more bad than anything.

So, parents have to bring changes in themselves first and become the living example of what they want to teach their childrens.

Thank you for sharing such a vaulable/inspirational wisdom with us @javybar! ☺ You are bringing change in this community and in people's life.

wow very nice. thank you very much. The change starts inside of us all the time.

You're welcome! @javybar! ☺

Much love, light and blessings to you! 💚🌟💫

Parents are the role models and children imitate them without filtering the good or bad because children are pure and blunt without having any hypocrisy. So their minds are plain slates where whatever we write stays forever. Parents should teach their children less with their lessons and more with the actions because children IMITATE!

Try to be a good role model. Interesting topic @javybar.

Awesome quote!!: Parents should teach their children less with their lessons and more with the actions. I loved it. thank you!

wow amazing really nice I like this. tnx for share.
please visit my page

Thank you!!

Advice and guard are the best way for every children learning way, need to give a better think of their children, this post are really informative for every parents of child @javybar

thank you!

i agree with your post thanks my fried

Good day @javybar!

This is so true:

How many times have you given an advice you don't even follow? I'm sure we all have given advices without following them. This works the same way when your children follow what you do and not what you say.

Good post. Steem On!

excellent post!

Wow....such a wonderful and practicle ideas by @javybar
Wel done and perfect work sir...
Upvoted and Resteemed...
Good luck...

thank you!

I have a lots of memories about giving introductions and not following them! I do follow my father, and I see my son follows me too :D Great article friend! You are giving us something to think everyday!


Glad to see these type of posts are useful my friend :)

Wow amazing creation my friend ..I gain knowledge this post..Carry on your creativity my friend..Best of luck.✌✌✌✌

thanks :)

Most welcome my friend ...

Wow amazing creation my friend ..I gain knowledge this post..upvot resteem..

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thank you!

this is very true parents need be an example for there childrens because advices they take as a granted.. nice one @javybar

very true my friend :)

All of us should take care of the kids.We should all keep the kids in mind.
The children will bring the future ahead of the country.
So take care of the kids however.

You are so correct my friend

nice post. I think this is a better idea how to rise your child! #upvote

thank you!

Thx, I made a post about me daughter did learn what HODL is. So this post is actually maybe the reason why...

that post was really nice ;)

Absoluately right this sentence "Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love". You areca good writter. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! :)

I cannot agree with some peoples, they giving some advice without any following great peoples way. If they followed and gave advice to me I accept their advice. Thanks for the great quote.

very true my friend :)

This is so true. Changing yourself is the best startup step to changing the World. Nice one.

very true, thanks!

friend@javybar....... Good point. I agree with you. Everybody should have careful life... i hope you visit my blog.
upvoted and resteem

Thank you :)

Yes definitely, example is better than advices. Love every one the same way you love yourself, very true. If you want to be very happy, you have to live with the mids of love and blessings from others,so share love as much as you can, you will be blessed by happiness. Thanks for sharing the great truth. Wish you a very beautiful day my dear friend.

thank you my friend :)

We live life once and so we should also live every moment like its the last one too and if we take life in that approach we will achieve every milestone which will an example for kids and for others too :)
Thanks for sharing this amazing post :)

Can't agree better with you. Living everyday as if it were the last one may give you a life by example.

I have seen close people saying something and doing another completely different things. Which always disappoints me.

Since I was like 16-17 years old I started to understand the importance of being coherent with ones believes, because otherwise you just live a life of hypocrisy and lies

So very true my friend. If you're a man/woman of your word, hypocrisy and lies come along with it.

@javybar Beautiful message :) are always watching too. Happy Holidays. - @splendorhub

very right! they are watching every single move. Happy Holidays.

Sumptuously!!! I could not resist - resteem. I very often make another mistake, before I do something right, I get a lot of indignation. Good luck to you and good.

Великолепно!!! Не удержался – resteem. Я очень часто делаю другую ошибку, перед тем как сделать, что-то правильное много возмущаюсь. Удачи Вам и добра.

thank you my friend. It is not easy to be an example, but we can only try our best.

"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".

Million dollar line, "do not do anything wrong with anyone which you can't do with yourself".

powerful line my friend :)

I really love your quote that you post in the end of every post..."You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday" creates positivity....

thank you! Glad you do like it :)

Hlw dear friend @javybar i know you because i see your all post & i like your think sharing. you are Gd man & you always share helpful post.

thank you my friend

A child learns the most from the environment that he/she is brought up in. And tries to emulate everything that the parents do. So it's essential to say the right things and practice what one preaches.

Good post thanks for sharing helpful information @javybar
Have a nice day

sorry for late @javybar . now i watch this post . nice sharing @javybar . resteemed this post

nice writing bro keep it up

i totally agree with your points my friend

Learning post. I agree with you. Follow and upvoted you. Thanks for sharing such a good post

Gd thinkin sharing dear @javybar & thanx you so much for sharing this think with us.

very good idea,great learning post,i also agree with you
thanks for good post sharing

Good information thank you so much bro👍

Awesome astounding creation my companion ..I pick up information this post.Carry on your inventiveness my friend.
This post resteemed and upvoted

That's right.

I fully agree

To make the world more beautiful, we must first make ourselves beautiful

very informative idea and helpful post.i hope you careful safe your of luck.
upvoeted and resteem

Great topic insert @javybar. Definitely agree with your point.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

Thanks for sharing such a good post

I love others more than I love myself. I am pretty messed up.

This post has received a 0.49 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @javybar. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

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this is really nice blog sir

Thanks man I have understand that before giving advice I should make it done first....

Wow..nice post my friend..keep it up

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