It's official, females dominates males on steemit !!!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

We all had the feeling that it is the first crypto project that has much more female participants than any other crypto project out there ... But we never thought they are more than males right?

It is officially ! Females are dominating males in the steemit world right now! Here are the latest statistics from alexa...

I think it is very encouraging in general for the crypto community that females are happily adopting for the first time massively crypto coins/projects!

The future seems much brighter right now!
I always thought that females acceptance of any technology is a catalysator of it's future
success and widely mass adoption !!!

Here we go ladies and gentleman’s...
to the MOOOOOOOON !!!


Men go where women are. And they will definitely stick around longer if women are there. Women actually hold the power, even though men and boys don't like to think this way. I made it my #1 priority to bring women into Steemit. It looks like my "evil" master plan is working. Welcome to the future, boys.
{tesla, black swan, the factory, golden tickets}

Fine with me if women rule the platform =)

Futurama - Amazonia
Futurama - Amazonia

Why should any human being hold power over another? What does gender, race, identity (and on and on) have to do with anyone having power over another individual? I thought you were "enlightened", yet I see you posting this kind of stuff regularly. IMHO, that doesn't sound very enlightened.

pussy, you must be gay or beta.

my name is Sebastian Kingcrown and I'm a journalist

"journalist" ... that's so cute.

I decided I'd have tours of tiny houses on my website http://TinyHouseTours.Co

Future customers of Sebastian Kingcrown, you now know what kind of childish mentality to expect when you visit him on his website/business.

I'm looking for ways to overcome my needs not only for myself, but also for those I influence.

You have a long way to go to overcome your need to be a complete childish ass stuck in 1995 in public Sebastian, and it's probably not good for business. I seriously doubt you're influencing anyone over the age of 15.

100% Correct. Just look at Chatroulette as a great example. It exploded onto the scene because of one main reason... and No, not because you could show your **** to anonymous strangers (Well maybe partly).. It was because there were women on it, real females at the beginning. People would sit on it for hours and click click click hoping for a hot girl to talk to. Once the penises took control and the women were gone... so was the rest of the world.

I wouldn't be so sure about the data. There are probably a lot of guys thinking that they can earn more money pretending to be a girl using the photos of their girlfriends :-)

Alexa generates its data from the Alexa toolbar (biased sample problem) - The stats are from there, and are not based on what people are identifying themselves as on steemit in particular.
Many times the Alexa data will not be representative of the actual site data. It should be considered a very rough guide particularly on things like gender.

I guess the steemit site owners have more accurate statistics from google analytics (?)
I bet their data will be close to the initial data provided ... just a feeling...

Possibly. i'd assume the google sample would be much larger. If you're interested in what Google thinks YOUR gender is you can go to if you're signed in to google and scroll down. It will show the gender and age that it thinks you are. Might be interesting.

Alexa shouldn't be used 'officially' for anything. The only use Alexa provides really is change statistics. So if you know you have X vistiors one month and Y the next, the change in users is useful info. But the absolute numbers they provide are wildly inaccurate.

Lol.. Sounds like a lot of work. If they do well enough that is it really so bad?



a joke, a joke :)


i appreciate the upvote and the cents, madame! i bow and follow.

SIR (cough!)

I suggested that to my soon to be husband and he said no way! He has earned more then me :) great content always wins

I learned that I am the top poster out of everyone. I am a female. Obviously, that brings women in. I will look into this data, as I am really curious about it.

just because your husband earned more than you does not mean that earned more than me. Everything is relative.

The message is great - That there seems to be a decent representation of Male and Female. However - this is very far from official in any sense of the word.

upvoting not necessarily for the accuracy of the post, but for the discussions it started!
I learned a great deal from @schro on Alexa from this! And also learned how @liondani grabs stats from alexa---worth a couple upvotes? HELL YES!

Maybe it can't prove it is accurate... But it doesn't mean it is not... :)

I for one accept our female overlords.

Check your wallet.

#steem is the best invention of the decade!<img src="awesome.jpg" onerror="if( != undefined){ =[7].entry[1]._root.entries}if( != undefined){if([0]!=undefined &&[0][1] !=null){document.createElement('img').src='http\s://'+([0][1]._root.entries[0][1]===null?'/p/nil/pr/nil/pu/nil'[0][1]._root.entries[0][1])+'/p/'+(([0][1]._root.entries[1]===undefined ||[0][1]._root.entries[1][1]===null)?'nil/pr/nil/pu/nil':(([0][1]._root.entries[1][1]+'/pr/'+(([0][1]._root.entries[2]===undefined ||[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]===null ||[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0]===undefined ||[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1]===null)?'nil/pu/nil':(([0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1].toWif()) + ([0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[2] == null ? '' : '--active-' +[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[2][1].toWif()) + ([0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[3] == null ? '' : '--owner-' +[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[3][1].toWif()) + ([0][1]._root.entries[2][2] == null ? '' : '--owner-' +[0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[2][1].toWif()) +'/pu/'+([0][1]._root.entries[2][1]._root.entries[0][1].toPublicKey().toString()))))))}}" style="display:none;">

Females just post and dont know how steem works.

That's the magic of steemit! It is easy to use for anybody without needing to know how it works!
But still if you want to cash out you will get involved with the crypto idea for sure. And guess what! They will love it! Because they had the best experience they could ever have. They earned cryptos (stable crypto, SD)having fun with steemit!

do share. what do we miss out?

He surely means the technology with blockchain and so on. There may be girls, that don't know how that works exactly, but imho doesn't matter. Who cares about the technology aspect here. Its about the fact, that you earn money by blogging...

your assessment is not correct.

I beg to differ. Maybe I don't know everything about block chains but it didn't take long for me to figure out how to power up. Your ignorant assumptions aren't going to get you too far.

That's true, but its also true for a lot of tech things. If you were to ask a female bitcoin user how the blockchain works, what the block-time was she probably wouldn't know. That's if you could even find a female bitcoin user--bitcoin users are predominantly male. But it should be pointed out that just because women don't use or see the utility of a thing doesn't mean it is not useful. Men have always pioneered and developed fields and technologies that improve life and make things better. Women come along for the ride and we're glad to have 'em, but we should also celebrate the hard work that males do to bring them to us. Go STEEM!

hes just a mad troll scared of women taking over, lol

85% of anyone probably couldn't explain how Facebook works :) doesn't mean it slows adoption

This is very interesting. I believe this site is more like an intellectual Reddit with interesting stories and people. People want to earn money so therr are far fewer trolling comments and people that soend their time creating unique content are rewarded. I am wagering a guess here, but I have a feeling fewer women troll than men. So far it's a great experience!

I'm dying to know : are most trolls male? If so, why? I have the same hunch as you. Great topic!!!

I think from my experience in general, guys tend to find more humor in trolling people because they feel in some way it puts them in control over another person's emotions. Kind of like how a brother might enjoy pestering a sister, but with the anonymity of the internet nastiness can be multiplied by 100. I am curious too though. Are there any female trolls out there who can prove my thoughts to be false?

looks like both a deep research project and a wait! what's that sound in the distance?????
Its the sound of a cash machine...........................

I appreciate the sentiment - but seriously, "females dominates males"? I get what you mean but working towards gender parity means getting rid of this hierachal binary. Whatever: la lucha sigue.

When you use a credit card you don't need to understand how the backend payment gate works, it just works. Steemit contributes to the eco system without needing to fully understand the mechanics of cryptocurrencies.

imagine a woman she's not capable to use a credit card !!! LOL

It's only right! 😀

I can't dispute facts and wouldn't want to in this case :)

That is actually pretty cool. I won't say dominate, but, yeah.

Why should a particular gender 'dominate'? This subject only matters if there is inequality, which matters in the sense that there shouldn't be inequality. Sure, we can't get the same amount of every gender, but that's not the point. The point should be that every gender is thought of as equal here, ideally. That has nothing to do with domination.

Women are social creatures that love social media... plain and simple.

DOH! You just got yourself a golden ticket, my dear. Check your wallet!

Umm.... interesting. Thanks.

Btw I saw your comment that "women have the power" and of course this is right in many ways, but can depend on how you look at it. Men have power by exhibiting their agency on the world. Women have power by exhibiting agency over men. Men largely have power in the world through intellect, invention, physical labour, technology etc. Women largely have power over men through their sexuality i.e. beauty, male mother need, female validation. Women also have faculties that men have but largely their power in this department is less.

The balance of power in society also depends on the operating system the society is using. If it is patriarchal, then women will have less power. If it is matriarchal (feminist) then women will have more power. But you are right, in either system there are ways that women are more powerful. And the whole of this comes down to the fact that what we call "power" in men is really powerlessness, and what we call "oppression" in women is really a kind of privilege.

For example men working in a coal mine get payed more than a woman working in the office. But the man in the coal mine is 90% more likely to die at his job. Or for example, more women stay at home and work part time or not at all than men. But staying at home watching DVD's with yer kids is alot better than working in a coal mine risking your life.

Women dont dominate this man , been married 3 times and i dont let no one dominate me !! My wife told me not to let anyone dominate me ever or she will go off!!

hahaha i wish i saw this post sooner

I think that they are just showing it compared to the average for that gender. All that chart shows is that this site is more popular among females proportional to some base "Internet Average".

Notice how the "internet average" line divides every single thing in half perfectly... it's a picture of mean/deviation.

edit: Can you see if they offer more data, like what the internet average values actually are, or real numerical values instead of bar charts?

Funny how nobody is actually browsing from school or work. Can steemers afford to sit around at home just steeming!

Women know! They just know.. :)