Will there be a SteemWorld on Hive?
I'm on your beloved witnesses blacklist, guys.
Do I need to say more?
Why are you blacklisted?
Maybe because I took part in de-escalating the situation and therefore voted for both sides (4 of Justin's witnesses). Freezing accounts in a "decentralized" blockchain is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. They are responsible for what is happening now and they obviously cannot handle the truth.
There is a reason why Steem, despite the clearly superior technology, was not in the top lists by market cap. It's not just a random occurrence. It looks like they don't want to lose control and by keeping the community small it is much easier to accomplish that.
"Divide and conquer the world" is their mission. Many who are taking part are not even aware of this fact. I have seen enough.
I love Steem and will continue to work on SteemWorld. Putting a developer like me on a blacklist shows that they won't give people a chance who share different opinions. The existing dictatorship in the core has now become clearly visible to the world.
As they lost control over Steem, they needed to start an own blockchain. Many worker bees blindly followed and continued to work for the same old self-chosen kings as before. Bring us only the honey we love or die.
I stay true to myself and will do my best to bring Steem to where it belongs. It's time.
Much love,
The Rules of the blacklist is too harsh, it's ridiculous. 1000SP before the announcement is $130. That's nothing. @blocktrades and whoever is behind the hardfork need to revise this ASAP
I think removing the ninja minded stake, is only the first step
Moving to the new Blockchain, we expect a safe place for free speech and free opinion. We can take sides, we can vote for whoever we want even for Justin Sun if he decides to onboard hive.
I expect Hive will be a completely better version of Steem not just a hardfork. We don't want Steem Blockchain code, we had millions of problems with it. We want the community, its values and its experiences; @steemchiller is part of that.
If Hive will be another centralised Blockchain under different names, I will be leaving it
I think it's too late for them to fix that matter... They should've seen the problems right away and fixed them before putting that list into the code.
It isn't too late. By design it can be corrected in a later HF or even directly via an SPS proposal. Make your case and if Hive stakeholders agree then it will be done.
But that is not really a smart way of approaching such matters. In dubio pro reo. You should take the list to a usable content before applying it. What you are doing is equivalent to putting innocent people into jail because you slightly suspect they might maybe be criminal.
You're approaching that matter in a shoot first talk later fashion which I don't like.
I don't think there is anything wrong with the list, except for one technical error I'm aware of.
People should take responsibility for their actions. If you support centralizing a chain in any way then don't expect a new chain built for the entire purpose of decentralization to give you free coins.
Everyone on that list or not still has their Steem. Nothing has been taken away.
There is at least two I know of on the list that voted the top 20 not realizing that some of them were sockpuppets. First time witness voters trying to do the right thing - there might be more.
It will have to be sorted out via the SPS, but when the two seem a little older and less technical than the average age group, I am not sure how that is going to work.
@lichtblick is on this list as well! Can't be right!!!
Are you going to fix that prior to taking that list live? Because that's a thing fixed in 3 Minutes if you know what you are doing.
Otherwise I think we can peacefully disagree on that. I don't have the stake to change such things, so I'll have to live with what you are doing...
No, it isn't feasible to change the code so soon before a hardfork. There are already exchanges running the release, and they already complained that getting it only a day or two before was way too late. (Ideally hard fork code is frozen and release a month before, but this was considered an emergency situation.)
This will need to be addressed on the Hive side.
It's absolutely not too late. They can do copies later on, with consensus to do so.
Of course they can. What they are too late to do is to gain my trust. Knowingly implementing faulty code which unfairly distributes funds is very trust-breaking in my opinion.
Read the latest post on @hiveio
This can be corrected and was necessary to avoid further being broken down. It was basically now or never. I have seen projects that took longer to prepare/do it perfect. They mess up at least as much, and they don't have any justification for mistakes any more. Things are being fixed quickly now, including this. Also, remember that feedback of the people involved is very much necessary. Now we have the feedback.
Does this mean that accounts less than 1000 will not receive Airdrop?
It means if someone proxied with more than 1000sp and did not unvote the puppets they don't get the airdrop. anyone with less than 1000sp does not get counted as a traitor.
Ok thanks
I'm pretty sure no person put you on a blacklist... the IF THEN mechanism of the decision simply had you on that side of the code and they couldn't pick favorites so save or otherwise. Sounds like they wanted to make sure there was no picking and choosing.
I really want to see you and your project on Hive... I know there are a lot of people who'd love to support you and what you do. Your site is wonderful.
I've seen people talk about how they'd be more than willing to support the recourse for you to get hive tokens equal to what they could have been.
However it does sound like you're not interested and that makes me sad... but I suppose that's your decision.
Edit: I don't want to write redundant comments so I'll do that in an edit. I believe that the rules are not adequately set. If you don't believe that, that's fine. But I also believe that in general you are no better that justin sun if you choose to exclude certain accounts because of their opinion.
Another thing about that list that bugs me is that this only applies to accounts bigger than 1k SP. For one because that is a completely random number. And because this is completely unfair. Should I split up my stake to a few accounts in preparation for the next blacklisting of accounts because then they won't be blacklisted?But there was someone who wrote that IF THEN mechanism who is responsible for that. Seeing that @steemchiller and others are one the list proves that this IF THEN mechanism is not good. I deem it obvious that a @steemchiller doesn't have his place in that list. The author of the mechanism should've seen that and fixed that mechanism.
The criteria were widely supported by those creating the Hive blockchain. THE ENTIRE PURPOSE of the effort was to escape the centralization that destroyed Steem. Including people who actively supported that centralization does not make sense.
That being said, there is an appeal mechanism and if anyone believes that they were unfairly excluded they are free to appeal to the Hive stakeholders to reverse the decision. This could even be done to reverse the entire list for that matter.
I don't think it is obvious at all. He voted for the sock puppets and never removed that vote until after the Hive announcement. You may not have strong views on centralization vs. decentralization but the people who volunteered their effort (an enormous effort at that) to make Hive happen most certainly do have strong views on that. If they didn't Hive would not exist.
What people fail to realize is that anyone can fork a chain and create a new one. An airdrop is a gift, not an entitlement.
A gift? Really?!!!!
It was not a marketing strategy to get us all here so that they can keep us under their thumb?
How stupid of me to think otherwise!
Keep us under their thumb? You're free to leave any time you want.
I should imagine you are bright enough to have understood I was saying that if this had not been offered, if everyone had to start from zero again, not many would have come. So, yes, it was a marketing exercise, so as to ensure the success of this platform.
As for keeping us under 'their thumb', I obviously was not alluding to you, since I have never even seen your name (nik) before. I was speaking of certain of the strong posters who flagged because they did not agree with my political views - and I am sorry, but I am too cynical to believe they will suddenly become 'nice' people.
As for me being free to leave any time I want - isn't it also the same for you and everyone else? But then...the same is true for everyone at Steemit - so does that prove those in control there are nice people and so we should have stayed?
I was being sarcastic but it is obvious any kind of criticism upsets you and so you react...as you did, telling me I am free to leave. Why, thank you kind sir, so generous of you. If and when I feel like it, I will, with or without your permission.
He has as much of a place as any on the list.
Same rhetoric. Same voting.
The fact that he provides valuable service doesn't give him a pass.
Does anyone here know what the word oxymoron means?
I would say #smooth does not - for he is behaving and expressing the same beliefs he had on Steemit, which was, if you express a belief he does not like, you are toast.
PS: Despite the word having 'moron' in it, it actually means: Conjoining contradictory terms (as in 'deafening silence')
I was in favour of moving to hive and did all I could in my small way to help, exactly because I do not believe in ANY kind of censorship. For instance, censorship can be achieved through greying out a post, since most people will think it means the poster committed a criminal act, as with plagiarism, and not read it.
I had hoped we would be avoiding the worst of it, but it seems not.
It is not just a matter of censoring Steemchiller. ANYBODY being blocked for his beliefs, WHATEVER they are, turns the entire argument of decentralisation being of benefit to freedom of speech into an oxymoron - and exposes those who do it as being hypocrites.
I think I prefer the thief of my rights who is open about it to those who pretend to support my rights, but insidiously find excuses and 'reasons' to deprive me or others of them.
What a pity! I was so gld to see #steemchiller here and in the list of witnesses and actually came looking for him to ask if he is creating a hiveworld copy of his steemworld app. I no longer need to ask, do I?
At least they showed their true intentions so I need not ever feel disillusioned by anything they do in the future. I'll keep my eye on Justin, just to see whether he actually finds a way to plesantly surprise me, but otherwise, I will be better off just trundling along in my own way and ignore everyone as I look to achieve my own ambitions, if I hope to find pride in where I am and what I do.
So, in conclusion, it seems the healthiest way to treat the matter is to decide that neither steemit nor hive are a community for anyone to take pride in, they are just tools and we are only fantasising when we apportion good or bad social points to either of them.
Does it mean that nobody had the time to review the list? Lame excuse. Blame it on the IF THEN mechanism and the world keeps spinning. How about to make contact with the accounts on the list and ask what where going on? No?
Don't you think that's how it should be with no favorites being played? If he had been tipped off prior to infraction instead of someone else it would have been way more problematic don't you think?
I'm included to the list, I didn't receive any notice or warning about it. Nobody reach out.
And I didn't expect to be included since I condemn "centralization", I happened to follow a proxy.
It seems that they don't bother to review what the code decides for this "Hive blacklist", the Hive team are group of devs and it's their job to put up the codes for Hive, but it looks like they didn't appoint anyone to review the blacklist.
I feel bad for myself but I feel worse for @steemchiller considering his effort for the community.
I'm sorry this impacted you negatively. Did you understand how your proxy was being used to support centralization? I read the original announcement post and thought it was clear that only obvious supporters of centralization would be included. I was surprised and very frustrated by the criteria and the number of accounts excluded. I argued against it, but did not gain enough support in time to do change opinions.
I hope the proposal system can be used effectively to help you and others who want to participate in the Hive airdrop get those tokens.
@truce ended up on blacklist to and that dude is legit.... man i really hope there can be a close review of some of these seeming mistakes
The list was not made by a person. It was made by deciding on criteria (supporting centralizing the chain) and then running a script. No one went through the resulting list and decided to add or remove subjectively.
There will be an opportunity for appeal on the Hive blockchain using its equivalent of SPS. Corresponding tokens have been reserved in the DAO account for this.
The opportunity for appeal is a good thing!
How, when and by whom will it be managed, @smooth?
Obviously it is early so this is still getting sorted out but one way or another there either be one big proposal to make additional airdrops or a bunch of smaller ones. Whatever is approved by the stakeholders will be implemented in the next hard fork (there are some code changes that are needed and couldn't be done in time for the original fork as well, so this shouldn't take too long).
I would imagine it will be a topic of discussion both on chain or off chain where many will express their views on it.
There was very little time to review it. I saw the list yesterday afternoon and explained why I think it was the wrong approach. Unfortunately there was not enough time for larger discussion as the code had to be finalized, tested, and distributed to exchanges so they can support the airdrop.
It's an unfortunate situation we have to work through as best we can. I'm hopeful the proposal system will work to include members of the community in the Hive airdrop who token holders agree should be included and do not have an intent to centralize the chain.
yeah somebody set the rules for the if then mechanism...
and this dude put him on the blacklist...
The if then mechanism is about picking lel. Same as select from where and every other mechanism where you set parameters which filters data.
This was dumb decision.
He is totally right with every word he is saying.
This is how a "real witness" should have handled.
I respectfully disagree in that voting for accounts actively sybil attacking the chain dramatically decreases the security of the chain as far as DPoS is designed. Witnesses who understand this should not support sock puppets.
That said, I don't agree with how this was decided. I tried to change minds and said it would be a black spot on the beginning of this chain. Unfortunately I was unable to convince those involved to take a different approach and just focus on the Steemit ninja-mined stake.
Is he come on hive now?
If so - why did he not present (announce) it in his blog?
Das kann doch nicht wahr sein! Ich will es nicht glauben!!
Ich hoffe sehr, dass es sich um einen Irrtum handelt.
Einem der treuesten und besten Entwickler den Stuhl vor die Tür zu stellen, ist nicht nur dumm, sondern kriminell.
Ich protestiere!
Auf jeden Fall werde ich dich mit meinen Assets auf steem weiter unterstützen und hoffe, dass dieser Fehler korrigiert wird.
P.S. @seo-boss steht auch in der Blacklist! Das muss auch korrigiert werden.
Ich bin auch auf der Blacklist. Keine Ahnung warum.
(wo sieht man denn die Blacklist?)
Hab's gefunden :)
Link oben klicken
Double-u ist mir neben deinem Namen auch noch ins Auge gefallen. Müsst ja zwei ganz böse Schlingel sein.
Hahaha. Ne bei mir war es ein Script Fehler. Mein Proxy Witness @pharesim wird mir HP delegieren bis ich meinen Airdrop bekomme. Ja hab ich auch gesehen bei @double-u, hoffentlich war es bei ihm auch ein Versehen was geklärt werden kann.
Das hat passiert weil du genug Steempower hat, um wichtig zu sein und du hast ein Proxy wer am Wenigsten 2 Justin-Witness gevotet hat.
Das Problem ist bereits geklärt. Mein Proxy Witness ist zum Glück fit.
Danke an @pharesim.
Schöne neue Hive-Welt, mit einigen Imkern die schon Chiller's Propostal ein DVote verpasst haben.
Ich protestiere mit Dir! ;-)
Ich habe gerade die Liste durchgesehen. Da stehen mehrere von unserer deutschen Gemeinschaft drauf.
Ja, ich habe es auch gesehen. Was machen die da nur.... , ich verstehe es nicht. Am freien Markt setzt sich das bessere Produkt durch. Mit Zwang und Blacklist zu agieren ist echt nicht gut.
I agree. He is needed here! adjustments will be made!
Bist Du nicht für mich, so bin ich gegen Dich. Krank ist das.
Mir fehlt etwas der Durchblick bei diesem Thema.
Aber generell finde ich es schade, wenn sich die Fronten so verhärten und alle unversöhnlich miteinander umgehen.
Ich kann beim besten Willen nicht beurteilen, wer da nun Recht oder Unrecht hat. Womöglich geht es anderen auch so.
Allerdings tendiere ich ganz klar zu dezentralisierten Strukturen. Ich fühle mich dort am besten aufgehoben, wo das am besten gesichert ist. Aber wo wird das sein?
Bei einer "freien Blockchain" gleich mal zu demonstrieren, wer das Sagen hat - damit ist doch alles gesagt!
Guck dir die Liste mal ganz genau an - du wirst viele Bekannte wieder finden!!!
Mir wäre es auch lieber, man würde mit dem besseren Produkt überzeugen. Machtspielchen, Unterdrückung und Herrschaftsavancen wirken auf mich gelinde gesagt nicht gerade vertrauenserweckend.
Allerdings bin ich auf dem Gebiet echt ein Noob. Ich habe echt keine Ahnung davon und kann hier nur meine ersten "Emotionen" wiedergeben. Mal gucken, wie sich das ganze entwickeln wird. Ich kann da echt momentan nur abwarten.
Wie in Russland: Putin gegen die Oligarchen und umgekehrt. Saublöd.
Das Leben lehrt: Freiheit ist eine Illusion, wenn man in einer Gesellschaft lebt. Etwas freier ist man nur, wenn man Macht/Geld hat. Oder man zieht sich komplett aus der Gesellschaft zurück, wenn sie es denn überhaupt zulässt. Dann kriegt man Zahnweh und es ist vorbei mit der schönen Freiheit... Echte Freiheit gibt es nur im Kopf, und selbst die hat noch ihren Preis.
Genug Küchenphilosophie. Hier geht es nur um binäres Geld und was das "draußen" noch wert ist, wird man vielleicht schon in den nächsten 6-8 Wochen zu spüren bekommen.
This time I was very sad, the community was busy fighting and seizing power, and ignored SMT is the future of Steem.
You're right for the SMT, @wherein: now that the fight is over, you will see that the focus will return to its development! 🤝
If you drew your line in the sand by supporting witnesses that were trying to undermine our community it makes sense why you wouldn't be 100% welcomed with open arms into the new community after showing your colours.
You can't be rooting for Sun and simultaneously expecting a hand out from the people whose community Sun tried to destroy.. It doesn't work like that and it's absolutely fucking asinine to expect to be treated well and given a token handout when you don't deserve it.
Tampoco te mereces nada, blessings :)
La verdad es que es completamente lógico no airdroppear Hive en aquellos que han votado por Justin & co, no te parece?
It wasn't a "difference" of opinions,
It was supporting the centralization of Steemit under a man with a demonstrated history of blockchain dishonesty, possible ties to the CCP, and an attack on the Steemit witnesses.
I have used and supported your brilliant work with Steemworld, but if you can't see justin for the threat to the Old Steem That Was, then...[shrugs]
I hope the proposal system on Hive will work for those who still want to be included in the airdrop and who have token-holder support to do so.
You helped centralize the chain. That's a big nono.
Ah, so easy. Only black and white is existing in your world.
There are many points of view. Mine is that who helped to create a stalemate, he pushed to adopt the fork to create HIVE, and I'm very happy with that! 😍
As @irgendwo rightly points out, the world is full of colors and shades, not binary! 🙏
When I first saw the criteria for the list and the number of people on it, I tried to convince those involved to just stick with the Steemit ninja-mined stake only. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful at convincing those doing the coding to change their minds.
I think Steemworld is a valuable tool for the community and it's unfortunate your account was included, but I at least appreciate the criteria was set and followed without any special favorites or exceptions. The funds are air dropped to the HIVE DAO as part of the code and my hope is the community of token holders who disagree with what was done will create proposals to airdrop back on to the accounts that deserve it.
I respect your opinion on this, though I disagree with it. For v0.22.2, I supported temporarily disabling voting and disabling power down until we could come to a resolution. Disabling liquid transfers was added later and Tim and I both disagreed. He disagreed strongly enough to run v0.22.3 which didn't freeze the liquid tokens (but did prevent voting, power down, I believe). He was voted out of consensus which does seem to indicate the token holders supported v0.22.2.
To me, what's dumber than a temporary freeze to avoid a stated threat is sybil attacking the chain so it's controlled by one person. That's not even a blockchain any more. I don't know why anyone who cares about blockchain technology would ever support that.
I really hope he will make use of the possibility of the "airdrop back"...I wish my English was better but what you wrote, especially in the last paragraph, is exactly what I wanted to add in my comment to @steemchiller
I always enjoy your approach in using an understanding kind and reasonable tone. Glad to be in the same places as you!
good to know
I love Steemworld but I don't see how you can look at the results and not understand why it happened. It is written out and plain to see that by voting for the sock puppets it put you at odds with the vast majority of the users on Steem. It will be sad to see you go and for Steemworld to lose most of its traffic. I hope you can come to terms with your decisions and find a way to move forward.
Ich hoffe das lässt sich noch schnell ändern 🤬
Vermutlich nicht, einige Witnesses laufen schon mit 0.23.
This blacklist literally killed all my excitement and hopes for Hive honestly.
How can you make a new chain claiming you finally want to be more decentralized while blacklisting individual accounts based on criteria that make no sense and include everyone that actively took a neutral stand. This will kill so much moral or social support the project had going for it right now and hold back future serious investors as it just makes hive look very shady.
Dear @logiczombie, What penalties will you face if your account is blacklisted? Did Justin Sun blacklist your account?
PS: Why did you change your emblem to Johnny Bravo? Johnny Bravo is cooler than your zombie picture.😉
Happy new year! @logiczombie !
hey, @theouterlight, i've been watching your youtube and i'm very impressed
are you familiar with blurt ?
blurt is a fork of steem, just like hive, but with more decentralization and no downvoting
it looks like you already have an account, https://blurtlatam.intinte.org/@theouterlight (from the original steem fork)
you can logon with your steem or hive keys
i'd love to see your stuff cross-posted to blurt
No, you used your stake to prolong an attack on Steem which necessitated the creation of a fork that excluded the balances of the accounts that voted in support of the attack.
Your account is still there and usable. The balance that you irresponsibly used on Steem has been excluded from the fork's airdrop. Don't blame anyone but yourself.
question answered
It is refreshing that we can see some posts showing the other side of the coin in the feed. Until yesterday only posts bashing Justin and Hyping Hyves were visible. I don't condone the censorship Justin is doing now in the main feed as I think it is contrary to the set up of an open content sharing Platform like Steemit should be.
But I am happy with the side effect of this censorship, meaning that finally some other voices are shown.
Let's hope the censorship is just a temporary thing and will see some improved Steemit, with good content in the feed and maybe a continuous improvement in user interface. Onboarding Steemit should be made much more easy for new users.
It would constantly be nice to see new people in the trends section.
It's boring and absurd to always see the same people on trend, and they already had a lot of publicity. But I think they don't get tired and they always want more, of course, they are one of those wasps that sting you and you die.
There is no onboarding on steemit. Last I saw, they shut down the faucet (the system which allocates stake to new users so they can post). Most of the Steemit, inc quit after Justin took over the chain.
That said, I do agree with you it's nice to see other perspectives and to have an open discussion about what is going on.
I'm pretty sure the decision to put you on the blacklist is discussible and thousands of users will support you.Hi @steemchiller,
If anybody deserves to be on #hive including the airdrop it is you.
Calm down, come over and let's discuss the situation. Nothing is written in stone. Corrections can be done.
Of course, I'm not the person who makes decisions but you have my 100% support to convince the decisionmakers.
He is free to come to Hive. He is not entitled to the airdrop.
He helped centralize the chain and destroy steem.
He needs to live with the consequences now.
I'm 100% sure he had the opposite intention.
The road to getting no airdrop is paved with good intentions.
Some questions:
With steem I have seen it is possible to freeze accounts (could be basically the account of anyone) and with hive I do see a blacklist. So, there are witnesses which can decide who is good and evil, without any further discussion.
That Justin Sun gets forked out with all his accounts, ok, I do understand that.
And it does look like there are accounts on the list that should not be there.
There is no blacklist on Hive. There is a list of accounts that are not being airdropped with free coins on the new chain.
Inherent time pressure. It was literally just finished hours ago. Some people (not me and I won't take credit where it is not deserved) have been working >16 hours a day to pull this off.
There is a mechanism to adjust the list or correct errors (apparently there is one) after the fact, with the consent of Hive stakeholders.
@tipu curate
... und viele, viele Kopfschüttler!
Das ist nicht zu glauben und zeigt exakt, worum es geht! Und immer gegangen ist... 😔
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/3 - need recharge?)
As a wise man once said:
"play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
... Or in this game win no prizes at all.
It's very unfortunate that you will be left out but you made your bed and now you have to lay in it.
I loved your service and would love for you to join us. There will be a dev fund and I'm sure you will be able to take advantage of it.
I'm sure you will have community support like you had here.
People sometimes make stupid mistakes and have to deal with consequences unfortunately.
The thing I can't understand is why @binance-hot is not in the blacklist while they supported Justin even more than everyone else. I don't see the other exchange huobi there as well.
because both exchanges were both non-supporting sockpuppet witnesses at the moment of the first hive announcement.
do you trust them to not do the same in hive again ?
The only change that has been introduced with HIVE atm related with governance is that after powering up you need to wait for 30 full days before voting.
That alone gives plenty of time to take care of the CEX trying to take over the chain. In addition and as we seen the last days, it's a pain in the ass for exchanges staking up. It would be very risky for them to try to affect governance in Hive.
That said, the system is far from perfect, and I expect a lot of imporvements coming in the folowing weeks/months.
Regards ;)
I think @Binance-hot has done far worse than @steemchiller. For example, they opened the withdrawal to allow JS to transfer a mountain of STEEM and then closed immediately after the withdrawal. Personally, I had to sell my STEEM on Binance, withdraw BTC and buy STEEM on another exchange.
TL;TR There is no comparison between Binace's wrongdoings and Steemchiller's balanced witnesses votes!
You're perfectly welcome to join us on Hive, the "no free airdrop" list was using consistent rules for everyone. Directly supporting the bad actors performing a hostile takeover is not de-escalation. Despite that, you're perfectly welcome to join everyone on Hive, and we have an appeals process for those unfairly affected by the air-drop.
I would like to appeal. I will only be getting 1:1 tokens, this is obviously an oversight and should be 1:10...
call your manager.
Lulzzzzzzzzz, idiot!!!
I am on the blacklist too. Here you can see my proxy which has been set after I voted the old witnesses by hand. Please help.

If you set the proxy before the Hive announcement then you have been affected by an error in the script. Please make your case on the Hive blockchain and I'm reasonably confident it will be corrected (but I can't speak for all Hive stakeholders).
I have tried to write a post on hive but it does not show up.
Seems that I am not able to post anything there.
Hive does not exist yet. The new chain launches in about 3 hours. There is a countdown timer on the hive.io web site, but I would wait for a while even after that in case there are some early glitches. With a brand new chain there is always that risk.
Thank you again. I am a little in panic mode :-)
So I will try my post later.
I gave you a little delegation to make sure you can still post on Hive (once it becomes active)
I guess that happened exactly to me. I will write an post on hive.
Thank you ver much @smooth.
I really hope this was just a mistake and it gets sorted out. You are a huge contribution to the blockchain and your work is highly appreciated, stay well.
Ups , hi .
#Me still thinks #It schould go on posting on all three #CHAINZ interakting on all three. And I think #STEEMEANS mising theese things develloping connecting #HIVE outward into the Krypto is not right. And could be solved by certain "links" of which the #ENGINES @steem-engine @hive-engine can play a mayor role .
Oh ja, hihi , die @steemworld , hihi , die fehlt einfach hier , auch auf dem #BLURT , #ISSO .
I support the sock witnesses and some steem witnesses for the sake of the Steem community and I'm not on the list, I really want to be there.
Everything will be fine friend, do not fight for something that is not worth it.
In the hive they will be pure wasps that sting and do not produce honey.Why wasn't I blacklisted @team-mexico? I guess I'm not important or they are naive hahaha.
I love Steem and as a community I will work hard to bear the fruit it deserves. I am committed to @team-mexico.
This has been answered many times elsewhere in the thread. The same answers apply to you.
Tienes menos de 1000 STEEM, por eso no has sido incluido en la lista.
Keep on doing what you are good at and stay strong💜
Exactly... Stay on steem... You did the right thing.
This escalated quickly, I was chilling with my steem account, one week later I hear some rumors for a partnership with Tron and 2 weeks later we have a Fork. Is there any stat what percentage of the community already switched to Hive?
I think it’s up to you bud. If you want to develop steemworld even further on the HIVE side then I am sure you’ll be removed from the blacklist. Keep throwing accusations one to another makes no sense atm.
What’s done is done. Personally I’d love to use your tool on...the other side. And I know many feel the same. Through discussion we can sort things out. If however you choose to stay one Steem, I totally respect that.
There is no blacklist... it's a list IF THEN generated list of those not getting an airdrop for a new chain.
However you are correct in the feeling that many people would support him in getting hive equal to what he could have gotten in an airdrop
nun, das dient ja doch als entscheidungshilfe WO man weitermacht (wenn denn überhaupt)
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Very sad to know that you are blacklisted in hive, but true love & respect for you from whole steemians.
Posted using Partiko Android
I was not aware that there had been a blacklist created when forking the chain. So anyone who didn't fully support the new chain isn't allowed to join? I don't like the way that sounds at all...
true democracy
Enjoy the real Communism
Not communism, socialism.
Communism is voluntary, socialism uses govt force.
Check the historical record that your mind controllers have changed in the minds of the masses.
Would be a shame not to have you and Steemworld in Hive.
You created the best and most user friendly explorer.
AFAIK the blacklist was strictly who voted in favor of the sockpuppets (i.e. pushed us into a corner to force the HF). I understand the problems around it and I hope it can be resolved later on. We just had to move fast for now.
Moving fast seems to be the new normal. First shoot them, later let's see, if they were enemies or friends. There are accounts on that list who invested much time and money into Steem. It cannot get more sad than that.
Your sensationalism is causing my left eyelid to twitch and I'm trying really hard to stay calm.
Let me ask you something and I need you think about this.
When I voted for what I believed in, did I know I would — at some point in the future — know, that I would be receiving an airdrop?
No. I didn't know that. I had no way of predicting an outcome like that. I did not vote for an airdrop, because it didn't exist.
You, and many others, made your choice, just like everyone else. Deal with it.
P.S. I really like SteemWorld. Thanks for all your hard work.
They still have their Steem. Why would they want Hive? That's not what they wanted. Money comes into the picture and all of a sudden everyone wants to pout about their own personal decisions that they were fine with 10 minutes before that list was published? What's sadder? Tell me. They wanted something else, not Hive. So why should they suddenly care? Money? Greed? Selfishness? No integrity? Which one is it? Tell me.
1 type wont get, those who dont care
I have heard 2 types who may get:
Philosophical dispute
Can be each divided into
genuinely interested in hive
I think steemchiller had philosophical dispute and is genuinely interested in hive.
Id vote yes give airdrop.
Is that a fact or is that sensationalism?
Who would be creating a division with a statement like that?
As for the airdrop problems. I think he can settle it like a gentleman.
Is that an accurate description of me?
I don't fucking think so.
Can we just end this? Please? Can everyone just move on? That's all I ask. I'm upset. I'm sick of this shit.
Yeah, this post was definitely written to be sensational. However, I was just trying to look into why he supported some sock puppets. He is no enemy of decentralization and doesn't seem driven by greed which my two important qualifiers. Some actions do seem to me to have been made in poor judgement.
I do think the 'worker bees' reference is demeaning (better than a drone I guess) and there have definitely been a lot of nasty words thrown around. Poop slinging is, unfortunately, a common debate strategy.
It was a spicy way to write his last post on our combined chain, but I don't think it was over the top. However, Hive will be a fresh start for all. I'm leaving some of my baggage behind. I will absolve my sins and become born again as a member of the hive. I hope the people who want to jump aboard the train also consider this.
By accepting the airdrop, it means we are interested in the future of Hive and support decentralization and the removal of the Steemit Stake from centralized control (okay most people just want more money). The past is in the past, I hope.
There will be proposals written by people who didn't receive an airdrop. I can't imagine this post making a good proposal. However, I do hope he makes a sincere effort at a Hive proposal when he is ready. Steemworld offered us non-tech people a deep look into the inner workings of the blockchain. It's a unique dapp created by a unique dapp person. I think he could fit in better on Hive than Steem if given a second chance.
I'm seeing folks who actively participated in a Sybil attack on a blockchain now wanting to get paid for it. This is ridiculous.
He writes this post, in this manner, to cause an uproar, and blames everyone else for the problems.
I'm done with this garbage. I spent weeks watching this nonsense and barely said anything. This place is lucky I didn't explode weeks ago.
What's done is done. Everyone get over yourselves. Carry on with life now. I'd like to think we're better than this.
I'm done talking here.
Don't let them fool you!!!
Yup, my hardwork for 2+ years will be locked/nullified on the launch of Hive.
I'm also in the list for following a proxy witness.
I guess the devs will not look back on the code (about the list) as they have a lot things to prep for the launch...
So stay on Steem. Why not?
metcalfe law
Steem and Hive have the same size user base. If anything Steem has the advantage of a working on-boarding system (I don't think Hive has one yet), is better known, has more existing apps, and has far better SEO. If anything Steem should be better off in terms of network size, unless there is something about Hive that makes it superior, and if there is, that certainly wasn't something contributed (in fact the opposite) by the people who didn't get an airdrop.
I am asking you @therealwolf , what kind oft advantage do you have, to take normal user out, who once voted for Tron Witness? Are you afraid that we small users will take over the new Hive Blockchain????? I voted the Tron witness first, because in my eyes it was not right that you freeze his ballance. But as well i didnt agree with the latest censorship moves from Tron. Both side have dirty on the leg, you always must be remember that in your mind.....!!!!!!!!
So i am asking you again @therealwolf, are you Witness afraid that we small users who are long time before Tron here on Steemit, that we take over the new Chain???? Only because we voted once for Tron?!
If this is not raccismuss , than what it is?
This is a new chain. No one has been "taken out".
Everyone still has their Steem. People who didn't contribute to destroying Steem and causing a group of volunteers to do a hell of a lot of work just to recover something of value for this community (decentralization) are also getting free Hive. Those who helped destroy Steem (even if they may have, also, supported it, as we all did) are not getting free Hive.
I do not get it why I am on the blacklist too. Never supported the sockpuppets.

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Hey @steemchiller, here is a little bit of from @meins0815 for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@freiheit50 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @freiheit50 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Für mich der Beweis das "HIVE" nur von eigenen Interessensgruppen erschaffen wird und nicht ehrlich ist.
Hier wird Geld aus dem nichts erschaffen!
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I really liked steemworld and still appreciate your efforts. I'm really sorry you were unable to get along with the witnesses and large stake holders. You even mentioned you were willing to opensource your code after some point.
I think if later on, if or when you want, you submit a proposal on Hive to get your airdrop and some extra hive to make a hiveworld, it will happen.
I'm probably not the only one who thinks like this.
It's a shame, Steemworld has been one of the best services on Steem. Even if we see differently regarding Justin Sun's attempt to centralize Steem blockchain and actions taken by witnesses in attempt to prevent it, I think it would be great to see you on Hive.
Komm auf den Discord, oder dann auf Hive, sprich die Sache an und du bekommst sehr wahrscheinlich von der Community nen nachträglichen Airdrop! :)
Ich setze mich für dich ein :)
I resteemed your post so others can see it.
The whole thing with the blacklist is a bit sketchy IMHO. We could protect the chain by simply allowing only one 100% wittness vote per Steemian and if you vote multiple times the percentage gets divided between your votes.
This should be enough to prevent a large stakeholder to overtake the chain...
I think, there is a process in which, you can raise concerns, and it should be sorted out. You must come to HIVE. And if you want to continue on steem, I think, its ok to be on both sides.
As already seen in SoftFork 22.2, the forkchain called HIVE is a very centralized chain with no respect for token holders.
Bullshit. You can create your own fork or stay on Steem if you're not happy.
While the Hive completely failed due to that list, I would argue that the Steem isn't any better seeing that company developing the blockchain is censoring certain posts because they don't agree with their opinions. To be honest they both degraded to bullshit in the last days.
This will probably cause me to sell all my hive tokens. I don't need to be a part of Steem1.1. Seems like this new place will be the same as the old....
Follow the leader....or off with your head.
I guess it makes a lot of sense why they pickked the name hive....
This is unfairly and stupid.
The pot calling the kettle black springs to mind.
I totally agree that is HIVE's only mission and motivation. Nothing to do with the protection of the Blockchain.