Surviving The Polar Blast

in #story3 years ago (edited)

It’s now been over a week since the temperatures have dipped below zero in Minnesota and, if the Dark Sky weather app is to be trusted, we have another week of it ahead of us.

In past years my wife and I have been lucky enough to be able to escape someplace warm for a least a week. This mid-winter trip is like a transfusion of hope that sees us through until spring.

We even got to spend ten days in beautiful Sedona, AZ last year around this time. We were all still blissfully ignorant of the nightmare that would soon unfold with the pandemic. What a difference a year makes.

Things, long term, are looking up but with no escape to warmer climates we’re stuck to deal with this extreme cold. Normally, we would be able to walk indoors at a local mall but with the more contagious variants of the virus running rampant we’re not comfortable doing this until we get vaccinated.

We’ve been creative in the ways that we’re dealing with the isolation. Walks in the parking garage and “rides to nowhere” on our stationary bike have been our savior.

Our twelve year old beagle, on the other hand, is having a rougher time of it. He will wear a jacket but we’ve had no luck getting him to wear dog boots.

We have to strategically plan our routes where there’s no salt on the ground and even then he can only walk about a half a block until his paws freeze. My Apple watch has actually started recording our walks as cardio because I’m carrying him most of the way.

As good as this solitude is for my writing, after twenty-six years of living here I can honestly say this is the last Minnesota winter I want to experience. Lately, I just keep thinking of how many months of the year we’re missing out on and the sheer inconvenience the harsh weather creates.

We will definitely be looking for a warmer place to make our winter homebase next year. I just keep telling myself just a few more weeks. Until then, I’ll be here, working away on this new novel of mine and dreaming of spring.

Enjoy your weekends!

With Gratitude,

Eric Vance Walton

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Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.

These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on

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Oh, my friend, I'm so sorry! The cold can immobilize even the creative urge or drive. So glad you were able to spend even a few days, out of the cold. Undoubtedly, you are in the wrong place. Hopefully you can make the long trip to warmer places you have planned. That will give you more energy. Warm hugs and good energy.

Thanks, Nancy! Relief is in sight. After nearly three weeks of subzero temps we're supposed to warm up towards the end of this week...finally. Spring has to come soon. I hope you're having a wonderful (warm) week!

Those are definitely some cold temps. We have been cold, but not quite that cold I don't think. It sucks because I know the Aurora has been kind of active lately, but it has been just too cold to go out and look at it. We are a bit too far south anyway. My wife has it on her bucket list to see the northern lights, so I am trying to make that happen for her at some point. I think that is part of the reason my in-laws like the Columbus area so much. You are right on the edge so you get a little bit of winter, but not the crazy stuff we get up this way and your way.

That would be amazing to see the aurora. We've been able to see it a few times here in the past decade. We have to drive a little ways North of the city but it's visible. It's totally worth the drive. That's the thing I miss about Columbus, winter is from December through March and then it's pretty much done except for the occasional freak storm. Here, you can usually count on proper winter from late October through May. I don't miss the cloudy days in Central Ohio though. We have much more sun here in Minnesota than they do.

I saw it once when I was at a good and bluegrass festival. It was pretty spiritual. I hope I can share that experience with my wife some day.

hello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
I am very sorry that the cold days last there, although the snow is nice, but when it extends for many days it stops doing it.
That's a good idea, many people here do it, when winter is about to come they travel to warm areas.
It would be great if your pet could use a boots, that would greatly alleviate the cold.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

Thanks my friend, relief is near. It's looking like it'll be slightly above freezing in about a week. 36 degrees (F) will feel like summer compared to the temps we've have had. I hope you're having a great weekend!

Now this is colder then cold, I simply would not survive even though I've been complaining bitterly about the heat and humidity we're experiencing currently!
Keep warm and stay safe my friend;)

Tomorrow and Monday will be the worst. -51 (F) degrees with the windchill is being forecast! The isolation of it is the worst, especially during the pandemic when socializing is at a minimum anyway. Thank you, Lizelle! So good to hear from you!

Salt? What's the effect of Salt on the foot of a beagle? It's difficult to get s dog to wear dog boots, it simply won't work it'll feel rather uncomfortable than being protected from the cold. It's hard to tell that beagle Is twelve years wow.
It's like 39 degrees here and 40 sometimes, the real definition of hotness.
Hope you're doing good and your wife too?

Thanks, Jose. We’re doing well, all things considered. They use salt to melt the snow and ice on the streets and sidewalks and it burns the dogs’ paws. Those temps sound great to me! I would take the heat over the cold any day. I hope you’re well and you have a great weekend.

Oh I understand why the salt can be bad for the beagle's feet. On the contrary, I will take the cold anyday anytime. It burns and we have to sweat and the heat alone is deadly. Im very good by the way. Just a few projects here and there and exams and all.

For some reason I've always handled the heat better than the cold. I live in the wrong part of the world. Glad to hear all is well. Any more thoughts on relocating to another country?