The creases of my palm speak to me of a shaken fate ~

in #storytime3 years ago

I went to a palm reading at Autumn Fest. Here's is what I thought of it.

Destiny has always bothered me. I believed we weren't bound to any certainty. IF we were, life wouldn't be as meaningful. There'd be nothing to long for. Nor would there be anything to strive for. I could sit all day wrinkling my skin and would still be flung to a magical realm of divine will.

Lightning strikes down the trees that created us. River melts through everything written in stone. The winds blow sand away from which we were moulded. Tell me, does certainty stand a chance?

I am tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. Every time I am told things will fall in place sounds like another scam. It nullifies all the value of hard work and shreds the value of rewarding results. Maybe the fate we humans were sealed to is the one of false comfort.

If I didn't know any better I'd run my palm on a kitchen knife and except a different life. Hey, at least the palm read's a little challenging now. Someday now I am going to enter one of those palm reading booths and ask the teller if they ever saw themselves rotting away in a cheap children's toy-tent.

I was explicitly told in a very improv-styled tone that my fate was sealed in a "pin piercing the heart". What does that even mean? Oh no, you don't get explanations. You only get a wrinkly dry hand caressing your palm, and the most vague phrases out of a Paula Hawkins book. I think I could have brought the reading to life if I had slapped the comically ugly looking reader with the very palm she was reading.

It boggles me how these shams are passed off to publicly and legally read out people's entire fates for a few quids and sum it up within a maximum of 7 words. I might have taken it with a grain of salt. I can only wonder how would a more easily-influenced drama queen would react.


Oh my, I believe she was indeed correct. Her reading did spike up an emotion out of me. I feel angry, betrayed, annoyed, confused. A mix of negative emotions. I feel like I have been hurt. Like someone poked a pin in my heart.
