
Oh YEAH you did it! 😎 Good to read you did like it, so now you're even attending a complete course 🤙

How long was the test run? What did you learn at this test run?
Waters your sailing look great though!

Yay I did it, haha!
We were 2 hours in the water. I can't feel my arms anymore :-)
We learned to lift up the sail, surf left and right and also tried to turn around (which I will need to practice again next time). It was a tough challenge but also lots of fun!!

Hehe I know the feeling in the arms 😉 Best feeling in the world once you start planing whole day long hanging in your harness and in the evening you got the feeling your arms are 10cm longer 😀

So in 2 hours you learned to sail back and forth and even turning? That's really awesome! Turning is always difficult. Now with my back my gybe's won't work anymore as they did. Lost the feeling so even I am still practicing turning again I keep on losing my balance while halfway the turn🤣

When will your next lesson start?

Haha, yeah they're definitely 10cm longer - not even mentioning the muscle soreness I feel today's morning :-D

Oh yeah the balance... I drank a loooot of saltwater yesterday, haha! I guess SUP is a good way of training it?

I purchased a voucher for 7 lessons and I can continue whenever I want. Today my charity event starts, so I guess I'll be in the water again tomorrow or on Wednesday.

Have a good start into the week! :-)

Windsurfing is great fun along with the skill progression (I still have a lot of fun to experience).
Keep it up to get the blasting feeling at planing.

Liebe Marly! Sehr sehr cool! Ich dachte mir, dass wir viel viel öfter mal neue Dinge ausprobieren sollten. Neugierig bleiben wie die Kinder :-) Danke für diese Erinnerung

Genau! Immer neugierig bleiben, Dinge ausprobieren, auch wenn man sich mal ein blutiges Knie holt :-)
Freut mich, dass es Dir gefallen hat! Schönen Sonntag Abend Dir :-)

Good post, this looks very interesting.

"A mind stretched by a new experience can not return to it's original dimension"
Yes! it is . So, experience is a trigger of mind expansion! Thanks @surfermaly for providing such experiences. My sight is well fed; boutifully.

Wow!!! Very impressive. Looks so much fun but I’m sure you need to use a lot of strenght right? So much fun following you. Thank you for sharing your adventures wit us :)


Chic, healthy!

wow great your post keep it up

Nice post.

hahahahahahahahaha.. lol

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It looks like a lot of fun.

@surfermarly too much interesting and funny blog.

En Venezuela tenemos una playa que se llama el Yaque, es brutal para cualquier deporte acuático.