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Following trails is like following orders - don't pretend you are not responsible for your actions!

Every person being downvoted is another person moving to platforms like Bastyon or Blurt.

As I said in my latest post, there are other platforms out there now, and we are not going to put up with this shit on Hive.

Yes, non-original memes need the rewards set to burn or declined.
I don't much like it either, I think bringing them to the hive is curating the web for the benefit of everybody here.
I think that has value.
But, that is not the standard set for getting rewards from the community.
It has nothing to do with personalities, it is a blanket rule applied to discourage spammers from draining the pool by creating bots to grab content and post it here.
If you look, I created a community for non-original memes, and post in it from time to time.
Rewards are set to burn, because I don't want to get flagged, either.

Your rewards on this post are $5.45 - so they are not "set to burn"


The Hive platform is set to burn though - it is going down in flames because of downvoting.

The dickheads draining the pool are the insiders who are not just draining it $5 at a time, they are draining it thousands of $ per shitpost

The upvotes on your post here were vastly (10x) more than the post being attacked - why are you not being downvoted?


But ultimately, this is all academic - the people who have left Hive will not be coming back - I'm only here for the Verbrainium experiment, I will never hold any significant investment in HP or post on the Hive platform again - it's screwed.

Well, the meme is original.

I know this policy has chapped more than a few hides, but it is what is.
Until we have enough stake to force changes to the policy, this is what we get.

If you aren't gonna hang out and help us do that, well, good luck to you with your other endeavors.

That meme background has been flogged to death - is sticking new text on an old image really original? - it is for you because you are "approved" but I have been downvoted hard for doing the same thing...

Why do you always turn this around to this "If you aren't gonna hang out and help us" crap when you know full well I have been attacked relentlessly by insiders on Hive who are running me off the platform, and that is why I pulled my support.

Yes, it is true you have suffered at the hands of the big accounts.
I haven't paid that much attention to your case specifically, but once you say you are done, then what do you expect them to do?
Let you keep bad mouthing the platform and still expect to get paid for it?

I know you are in a tough place, but dumping the coin, and then proclaiming it publicly is not how I would have handled it.
I certainly wouldn't make threats about harming the hive.
IF I wanted to continue.
I've been flagged for things I thought inappropriate, and until I have enough stake to change things I just have to conform to the dictates.

If you were getting flagged on original content that is an issue.
Gathering more support is what I'd recommend.
Most people here are fair minded.

I have been fllagged for nothing but original content by total dickheads...

Fairminded my arse!

I didn't just make threats, i pulled out a quarter mill and told them where to go, and my supporters have all moved on long ago.

Hive is going to be the next Steemit, wake up!

Hello antisocialist, I am just a simply old guy trying to express myself here in hive. Instead of me being down voted & threaten of blacklisting, wouldn't it have been nicer for someone to explain what I was doing wrong. I am willing to abide by the rules. I don't like being stepped on, no one should. If you respect me, I will you. This is no way to treat a fellow traveler on hive. Live is short, eternity is forever. May you see the light.

Yes, I agree, somebody should have spoken with you before throwing the flags.
Generally, that often falls to me as some others don't like to bother with it.
They are busy seeking out abuse and have their hands full with doing so.

The standard is original content every time.
If you are going to post non-original content the rewards should be set to burn or decline.
Setting rewards to burn will not affect curator rewards, they will still payout.
Declining rewards declines the curator's share, too.

I apologize for any discomfort this may have caused you.

Thanks 4 explaining that. So Original only. No exception. But you can still source things and post other's u-tubes? This makes it confusing. Anyway when I do post an original post in the future and get downvoted by @spaminator with no explanation then what. I don't use discord. It's ok I had fun here in hive and before that steemit. I need to express myself without a bunch of rules to worry about. Life is short, I don't want confrontations and am not looking to aggravate people. I take this @spaminator is on automatic downvoting on me because he/it downvotes me on comments unrelated to my spam/crap posts. If we are lucky we my meet in Heaven and have a laugh over this.

Spaminator is often used to mark accounts for further review.
As long as your rewards are not going to zero you can ignore it.
It is a dust vote.

I know this may come as a surprise to some folks, but the 'anti-abuse' community is finally reaching the point that it can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
This means that some accounts that have not been scrutinized in the past are getting looked at now.

If you are gonna post the utubs of others, best practice is to add much commentary that is original.
Posting content of others is questionable, so you have to make substantial effort of your own to justify rewards.
Often your curators don't take the time to check up on you, then they feel bad when they find out that you have not been creating the content yourself.

I was a victim of this about a year ago, I clearly marked the content as not mine, but still I had someone say that they thought it was original to me.
I got flagged over it.
Now I burn rewards on that type of content.

I think reviewing and reformatting this type of content has value for the community, but other don't.
Just as your memes bring value, for me.

It is a community decision that hivewatchers enforces.
Until we have enough stake to make our own rules this is what we have to do.

I understand. I am not that tech savvy so will make errors. Thanks for your curtesy. Don't mind frot he lets it all hang out. We need to get him into Heaven to.

All paths lead to the final moments of life in which we get total enlightenment, some of us just get most of the way there without having to wait for that final moment.

You mean a short cut.

Just one thing @antisocialist ))) Is this spaminator creature going to downvote me from here to the great reset? I got the message tell the committee to use their down vote intimidation when I deserve it. This is no way to run a railroad.

Spaminator is used to harrass accounts that are being hounded off the platform for posting non approved content, such as anti vax, anti plandemic, and anything else the (CIA?) insiders don't like.

It is not just a "dust vote" - it is FUCKING ANNOYING and it is driving people off the platform in droves.

And as for "original only" - yeah right...That all depends who is doing the posting.

In this case, the post downvoting is not because the content is not original - it's because it's exposing the coronahoax. The usual story...


Hey sorry to hear you're getting targeted. This all can be very confusing and sometimes it seems like the whole process is made unwieldy on purpose to control the reward pool. I think "orginal" is a misleading term as there is an adage "If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe". I think this makes the standard for transforming and repurposing work nebulous and very inconsistent but I would advise you look into the framework of the idea "Fair use". Even if you get flagged, you can always appeal and I've seen many good cases for fair use overrule and revert flags. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Thanks.

I'm just an unintelligent slob trying to have some fun in here as well as informing about the state of the world we find ourselves in. I have nothing to appeal. I broke the rules. From now on I Follow the rules the best I can. It would be nice to get a warning when I do something wrong before I am considered fish bait. Thanks for your concern..