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RE: I've started to have "The Talk" with my wife

in #thetalk7 years ago

Man, thats was great, honestly. I am happy for you that you were able get back on that corp ladder/slave trade deal, at least you have an income ... I can tell you first hand when you make the decision to leave that life to start your own biz, life becomes so much better. But when that crashes it is hard as hell to get back on that corp ladder or any ladder anymore ... At 56, I can tell you, anyone can fall through the cracks.
Good luck and best wishes on your dream, I have faith in you, you ARE living the dream. Right here on steemit ! Spread the Love !

Read More, Reason More ... JTS


Thanks boss. I don't think I'll miss it. We'll see. My kids are little. It would be nice to be able to spend more time at home.

Oh, I understand, I meant that you were lucky to be ABLE to go back .. as in, at least you have an income .. But, yes, get home asap, you CAN DO IT ! ... good luck ! I wish i could write as well as you !

You should look at my early posts. They weren't that great. I actually got 10x better just studying @kaylinart. Girl knows how to post.

This post changed everything for me.

Agree with everything you have said, lol, and ty .. was just recently able to get back on steemit, so we will see ... I came here to learn about blockchain awhile back, started learning a lot, stayed for the IQ food, lol I pretty much just curate, but that might change soon, so many wonderful people here.
Thanks again ! and btw, deff following you now !

Thanks! Glad to have you here!