Working decisions and running on

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)


For coming up to two years, I have been pushing myself pretty hard on Steem. Well, pretty hard on many ways. There is the saying about burning the candle at both ends, but what happens if it is not a candle at all and instead a stick of dynamite?

For what will soon be 40 years, I have lived a life of economic hardship, much of it self-inflicted through not taking opportunities that arose. Most of my missed opportunities were due to fear, fear of failure, fear of success. Fear to fail publicly.

I decided to put an end to my fears and instead shoot high because regardless off how much work it takes, a life running from fear and debt is a harder life to live. If I am going to fail, it will now be from action, not crushing death from inactivity.

To be active though takes energy, takes resources. No matter how one looks at life and possibility, the current environment needs value to have influence. The last two years has helped me create a little pool of resources that give me some options to move. To collect this pool has taken work, it has been a risk.

Last December, I could have paid my apartment off and been debt free, now I can't even come close to that and am further in debt, although I have another year of work on top, another year of powering up. I am not the only one who had done this, but there really aren't many as everyone needs to live. There is a risk in both paths.

I am taking the risk that the Steem will work, cryptocurrency will mainstream and my little pool of value will be worth a great deal more, potentially much more than the two years of work coukd earn me elsewhere. If it fails of course, it will be devastating but, I would have lost two years of work and be in the same position as if I hadn't worked at all. Still running.

Someone asked me, what is the point to life, why not just suicide? and I believe life is largely pointless other than the purpose we give it. If someone is willing to accept death and take their own life, where is the harm in trying to succeed and failing? Death is still there as an option.

Sounds morbid but it isn't. If we pre-accept and come to absolute terms with the failure, we are free to really act. This is the empowering factor of simulation theory also as if this life is all a simulation, what risk is there, what does failure mean? What does the enforced debt cycle become when we decide to no longer recognise it as valid? What are we fearful of, what are we running from?

It is interesting to note that so much of our suffering and fear is in theory only, held concepts that we have decided as individuals and groups to validate and inforce. It really is a strange world we have created to inhabit. A world of conflict and contradiction, internally as one and externally as groups. Self-inflicted existence.

A lot of people have had and I believe many more will have opportunity on Steem to take some control of their life experience and improve themselves and their world. But it is a risk and a great deal of difficulty involved. One thing that will always remain true though and that is that very rarely will help come to those unwilling to truly help themselves. Help received is an act of grace, not an entitlement and it may never come, much like luck.

We spend a lot of time worrying about value but not too much thinking of values. We want freedom but not the responsibility. Reward but no risk. We want to have access to resources but are found lacking when asked to put into the pool for others. To have abundance in life for all takes the work of all, not the expectation it is always available.

At least for now while we are decision-makers, we need to make decisions for our path forward and they aren't often easy. Are they worth it? Time will tell but every step taken comes with the potential of risk and reward. Every step not taken limits reward, but not necessarily risk.

Some thoughts before work and a little more running. Running toward something or away is the question.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


The prices last December were bubble-tastic. I know one person who managed to cash out some bitcoin at $16,000, but most just held thinking it would go higher.

My feeling is that the whole crypto market is going to go sideways for a bit, and then when the halvening approaches, bitcoin will lift and will raise the whole market including steem. It's a question of patience and accumulating as much as you can in the meanwhile.

It's a question of patience and accumulating as much as you can in the meanwhile.

But I want the bubble now!!

Yeah, it will take some time as they set up the infra for institutional money to really enter in.

Brilliant as always!

Thank you very much Doc.

If I am going to fail, it will now be from action, not crushing death from inactivity.

Nailed it. We almost need two words for it. ''Failure" from trying and "Failure" from not trying.

It would be an interesting exercise to coin that term.

Very well said.

In Christian theology there is the mystery of free will, the burden of choosing the morally correct path, as demanded, but not forced, by God. It seems plausible that this is a distortion of a simple fact we can see in the world around us: animals are driven to survive without a having a reason, but we humans must find that. There is no essential meaning to life (one can well argue) but as sentient beings we are cursed and simultaneously blessed with the ability to make our own. This can fail and result in suicide, something very rare for animals but much more common for humans. Mostly it does not, though it often results in some very fantastical thinking. Nevertheless, most of us go on.

Most of us go on yet fail to satisfy purpose while choosing to chase desires and run from debt, more fantastical thinking we believe is necessary and the way it had to be. We can do better and we are slowly moving toward having the tools to do so at a mass level. It still takes individual responsibility to take part which won't happen if we can't break the fear cycles we hold that keep us in repetition.

I also see it as a positive and a risk reward I am prepared to take. Few people understand as they would have cashed out already and paid off the apartment. The difference is by building and holding you could possibly buy the whole block.

In my current neighbourhood, a block and a half. I don't need much but I want to do a lot. One day I dream of being able to fund something that makes the world better without having to rely on any centralized authority, bank, government. With enough value in the blockchains and enough people willing to trade through them, it is possible one day.

Investing two years of work and the worst thing that happens is you’re in the same position is a great point!

I used the same reasoning when I committed to close to 3-400k in student loans to get through dental school.

Is steem going to work out in the end? I honestly don’t know! Am I going to make it as a dentist? Couldn’t tell ya, but hard work and perseverance has never failed me so I have faith that I will find some type of salvation!

Posted using Partiko iOS

People seem happy to go through 12 years of school and then further education without having a usable skill but, can't spend a half hour a day being a part of the community here. Facebook though...

Haha big Facts!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Inspiring thoughts my friend! I also agree that you cannot succeed without risk so it is a matter how to balance the risk/reward as well. I know I can put much more into this but prefer to balance the risk in case I fail. Instead, I put more intangibles towards it like time and thought to manage the risk of falling back to other ventures. However, I enjoy this journey so my passion here is fully invested and hopes are high to us all succeeding.

Yep. I don't suggest anyone go all in on anything unless they are open to complete failure. What I like here is there are many options available and more opening up each day. If people spent some time learning how it all could work, they would likely change their behaviors a little.

No regrets, that's the way to live. Everyones gonna die one day. But when you are there, close to your death, you don't want to end up a man full of regrets, man full of if and buts.

By taking risks we might fail, but we'll have answers at the end, we'll know how it went and how things actually turned out rather than just speculating and being full of remorse.

No, we don't know what future holds for us, but we won't kneel in front of our fears, work hard and would rise up for sure.

May the Steem be with you!

I don't worry about regrets too much of the past but I don't like to continually live under pressure for the actions of the past. ave to change at some point.

I didn't know that things can be so hard in America. I am from Nigeria and everyone here thinks life in America is all rosy and there foods and jobs everywhere. Thats what we see in American movies.

I would suggest not relying on information from movies. I have never been to America though so maybe Baywatch is representative.

amazing post @ tarazkp

I totally get where you are coming from here. Go Big or go home is my attitude and you need to be commited. Take a look at your bacon and eggs for your breakfast the next time. The egg is involved but the pig was commited!

Oh sorry i don t know what happened , but now you are my proxy .
keep it up!Screenshot (17).png

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