Re-enforcing a Weekly Timetable.... and planning to do less!

in #timetable2 years ago

I've somehow got into this sub-optimal habit of trying to do something of everything nearly every day of the week: some marking, some reading, some writing, obviously some Hiving, some language learning, some land chores, and (again maybe obviously) trying to keep on top of all the life-basics like washing up and food shopping.

The problem with this is that while it's worked to keep me on top of things, it's now getting to be a bit of a drag and a bit draining as I frequently find myself playing catch up with my goal list.

So I've made the decision to experiment with sticking to a downsized weekly timetable for a while and do some things less often but in bigger chunks while keeping other things almost daily...

Here's what I've come up with: the simplified version:

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 17.01.35.png

  • Language learning takes priority every early morning or evening, except weekends!
  • I'm going to get back to running at some point, probably a bit much with the land work, but there's a VERY tempting looking hill up the road and a view point that are just begging to be my regular run route - this will bring me up to working out four times a week along with circuits.
  • LAND gets downgraded to three days a week from the five I've been doing - I'm on top of the clearance now, so I can chillax a bit and enjoy it more and...
  • My blog needs more attention, so Tuesdays and Thursdays dedicated to that, should be enough.
  • Evenings I'm handing over to language learning where I don't do this in the morning
  • An unusual addition for me is to give myself the weekends off, almost - besides Saturday which now becomes shop day!

Besides the above I will also have a couple of hours every morning where I need to do odds and sods - marking for example is best done every day - sometimes it's none, sometimes it's an hour, it's just easiest to keep on top of it, and i'll throw in tidying around the house every evening too.

Hive writing I'm going to aim to do on TUE/ THURS, but dicking about on Hive I'll do anywhere it's marked 'off' - treat this like leisure, so that's Splinterlands, Hive-Engine, Discord, commenting.... you know the drill.

I think this new timetable could really work for me going into Spring 2022!


Sometimes less is more.
I've a lot less time for hive at the moment but can still do a daily post, hit my splinterlands quests and drop a few comments with half the time as before.

It's just about cutting out the wasted time and when I'm on going full on.

Hope it works for you as it doesn't have to lead to a drop in productivity but can help you do more by resting more.

Well I guess you've got a pub to restore!

Less, is very much more I think too!

Flat out with the pub at the moment. It's a busy job but great fun and good for the fitness as well.

Oh I can imagine! Don't overdo it, personally I find around 4 hours a day of physical labour enough, probably explains why I progress so slowly with any projects! (Having 6 acres of land to deal with doesn't help either - sometimes by the time I've walked up my hill to start I'm already 'done').

Hey @revisesociology, this is "too" cute😊
Reminds me of my daily agenda for many years. I'd actually stick to my schedules because I was disciplined.
However, recently I spend most days on Hive, apart from traveling and chores. I still keep on top of stuff because procrastination is not my best friend...but I tend to go along with the flow more:)
Kudos to you, and taking it to Spring could actually be beneficial I think.

I find a timetable so useful, just scaling it back a bit now!

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Nice. Which language you are focusing to learn?

Portugues, a little every day but it's tough going!