It’s Melting!

in #travellast year (edited)

It seems like we blinked our eyes and the first week here in Sedona is already in the books. The five inches of snow we got during the last storm is mostly gone, just in time for the next storm tomorrow. Thankfully, this looks like it might be the last of it.

The sun is so intense that the streets are clear in just a matter of hours. As much as I despise snow it does add an entire new dimension to the desert landscape.

Another Unfounded Fear

This was my first lengthy trip away since I’ve gotten my Tesla Model 3. I’ve heard horror stories from other Tesla owners of massive charge loss while the car is parked for long periods of time. There were numerous people in the Tesla group who claimed to have left their car unplugged for just a few weeks and came home to an empty battery. These people must’ve done everything wrong.

Considering I have no way to plug the car in at home and we’re going to be gone for almost six weeks I was really stressing about it.

As it turns out, like most fears, this one was unfounded. I charged the car to 80% the day we left, February 20th, and it’s only lost 1% of charge in the past eight days. If this rate of charge loss continues, I should go home in five weeks to a car that’s still charged somewhere in the 70% range. Not bad.

So far, the research I’ve done on how to make the car conserve energy while parked for long periods of time seems to be paying off. The two main secrets to preventing battery drain while the car is parked is turning off Sentry Mode and cabin overheat protection.

It’s also important to refrain from frequently opening the Tesla App on your phone. Whenever you do it wakes the car’s computer and uses energy. It’s also helping that the car is parked in a garage that’s heated to 55 degrees (F). If it was parked outside in the cold it would have lost much more charge than this. Our rental car is very nice but I'm honestly missing my Tesla.


I’ve been taking walks through the community our Airbnb is located in every day. The neighborhood is very serene and well taken care of. It’s easy to imagine living here full-time. That is until I checked the price of a few of the houses that are currently on the market in the area. This one pictured below is the CHEAPEST I’ve seen. Who wouldn't want to live on a road called Kashmir?

The house is gorgeous, it's newly renovated, and also the views can’t be beat but $899K for a two bedroom/two bath home?. As I said, this is the least expensive I’ve seen. Most houses are selling for well over a million dollars in this immediate vicinity.

The sad reality is Airbnb has driven the price of real estate so high in the city that most people can’t even afford to buy property. This is a common problem in many touristy areas of the world. I hope the local government here finds a way to solve this problem as many of the people who work in Sedona are commuting for hours because this is how far they must drive to find affordable housing. These leaves me very conflicted to be staying in an Airbnb while we're here.

All for now. Trust your instincts, invest in you, live boldly, and take chances.

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.

Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

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Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.

These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on

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So basically, if the car is idle, let's say charged up to 80% it might lose like 10% charge in the space of one week? Is the due to the battery diminishing due to usage overtime?

As for the 899k house, I think that's just too expensive, although I don't doubt that the views are stunning, but that's just unbelievable expensive

New comment, edit

No, the car has lost around 1% of charge in a week. Even if parked EVs use some of the batteries power to perform certain system functions.

I agree. $899k for that house is unrealistic and unsustainable. It's a sure sign that we're in a huge real estate bubble. If the local government bans or severely limits Airbnbs the prices should come down to a more realistic level.

I think it is a common problem not only in touristy areas, but everywhere. Buying a house used to cost at least 10-15 years in debt, now it is almost impossible for an ordinary person.

At these prices the buyers great-great grandchildren would still be paying a mortgage on the house! It's crazy.

Wow, the landscape is beautiful! I can just imagine what inspiration could be drawn from the views, the colors and the expansive nature of the surroundings. I wish you all the best with your time remaining in that gorgeous place!

My creativity is usually off the charts while I'm here. I think about all the writing I'd be getting done if we lived here full time. Thank you Tamara!

Bloody hell!!! 899K for a two bed!?!

I think I may have to lie down :0D

😂 I almost had to have a lay down right there in the street!

Hehe, no wonder!!

This one was a "deal" in comparison to the others around it. The one across the street is selling for $1.2 million.

Glad to know the rumors about the car charging is wrong and now you can leave your home with out worrying about your car ;) as you are a traveling lover, you may spend most of your time traveling.

Do you really have a place called Kashmir in Europe @ericvancewalton ? or is it the real Kashmir where the house is on sale ? It's very much expensive.

Thank you! My mind is much more at ease now. I was considering selling the Tesla once we made all of these travel plans for the year. I'm glad I didn't.

This is just a street named Kasmir in the neighborhood.

Great to see Tesla stand by its name and having just 1% consumed in 10 days is quite amazing.

Besides this, real estate is simply crazy and the numbers thrown on the market don't make sense to logical people.

It is crazy. Many of these homes were built in the 1980's and 1990's so if you bought back then and still own it you are sitting on a small fortune. These homes probably originally sold in the low $100k range back then.

It's kinda hard to be mad at the snow when you still have views as beautiful as that. Plus knowing it won't stick around long is probably a lot better than up at home were once it falls it is there until March or April! We are getting a nice sunny day here right now after that big dump yesterday. That is crazy that prices have went so high. You are right though, the views almost make it worth it.

It's not been bad at all. Not nearly as bad as back home. If Sedona allowed tiny homes within city limits I'd be buying land here and going that route but I believe the footprint of the main dwelling must be at least 1200 sq ft and container homes aren't allowed. It's a shame, I would never get tired of the views.

I think a lot of places have restrictions like that. I'm not really sure the reasoning. Many of those tiny and container homes look a lot nicer than some of the crap holes out there.

I agree. I think some of it is class discrimination and also they fear population density in certain areas. It seems to me like a smaller home would be much easier for the homeowner to maintain, making for nicer neighborhoods. There are some trailer parks in Sedona but these have been grandfathered in because they were built in the 1960's-1970's. Buying one of those would be the last affordable housing available. Who knows though, even those might be inflated in price if people are willing to spend $200 per night on them if owners turn them into Airbnbs. We got an amazing deal on the place we're staying since we're the very first guests but the minute we leave a good review of this house on Airbnb I'm sure the host will increase the prices to $20k per month.

Ah, that is interesting. I showed my wife the picture and she said "ask for the info". That much would be out of my price range though.

These pictures are great to look at but those who live here know the hardships they have to face. I have never been to such places but would like to stay in such places for a day or two maybe not more than that. Our country also has snow regions where we go and enjoy the snow in winter but at most we are left there for three or four days, after which our heart longs to come home and get busy with our routine. And as far as real estate is concerned, I don't know what the rates are for houses there. And like you said about your car I heard the same thing that is the Tesla battery problem, But now I know for sure that it is just a rumour.

Thankfully the weather looks like it'll warm up in a few days. Tomorrow will be the last bit of snow. I think most of the battery issues being reported for Teslas are due to user error. So far I'm very impressed.

I always appreciate the photos taken it looks so nice and beautiful to appreciate the beauty part of nature.

Glad you enjoyed them!

No wonder they ask so much money for a house! Here in Venezuela, when the crisis started and many Venezuelans had to leave the country, they sold their houses at "skinny chicken" prices. Luxurious houses, in front of the sea and with swimming pool, with 6 bedrooms and several bathrooms, were sold for less than 50 thousand dollars. Now I have seen apartments selling for almost half a million dollars. Crazy!!! As a Venezuelan poet used to say, "May the sky tuck me in, it is the only roof we have." May you continue having great vacations and may that battery last and last like the Energizer and Duracell bunny batteries. A hug, Eric

Wow, $50k for a large beachfront house? That's incredible. I just don't see how this bubble we're in can last. I think that Venezuelan poet is a wise one. If we keep control over our "wants" our lives only improve. Thank you Nancy! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Pictures of streets full of snow melting in the sun are simply amazing. I really like the photo. Thanks Eric for your beautiful pictures. Anyone would feel anxious if they left the things they loved the most for long periods of time. Everything will be fine, Eric. God bless u.

I'm glad you enjoyed them Eliana! Take care of yourself and enjoy the week!

Cool to follow the car from a distance. And what happens if it is completely discharged?

It wouldn't be the end of the world if the battery went to zero but they say it's just not ideal for the long term health of the battery.

I am trying to convert the price of the house to my country currency and common, thats too expensive

You're right, it's crazy expensive. Well out of reach for 98% of people.

Wow!!! That's pretty expensive
On the contrary here, the value of Real Estate has depreciated a lot, including tourist sites. But this is part of the crisis that the country has been going through in the last few years.
I hope you write a lot and enjoy your stay. Cheers!

We're due for a crash like that here in the US. One bedroom apartments in the city where we live back in Minnesota are renting for $2,000 per month. Something will have to change. Thank you! Cheers!

How many books did you write so far?

I've written eight in the past few years. Only five are still in print. One of those aren't available on Amazon.

That's great... I have always admired writers. When I was a kid I dreamed of writing a book, but so far I could not manage to even decide on the topic. At some point, I was thinking to write something spiritual, but that didn't materialize either...