in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit Community, what's up?
My girlfriend and I are on vacation right on the "Heel of the boot of Italy", in Puglia, precisely in a small town called Leuca. (700km away from where we live)
We rented a small house at the last moment, we took the first available because of these times there is a lot of demand especially in the seaside resorts.


The house is divided into 2 apartments, we are located on the ground floor. I have to admit that I was expecting a little bit bigger but it is equally good .. anyway we are just at home for the night.
The apartment is small,yes, but we are overlooking the sea and there is a beautiful view from our house:

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The city of Leuca is really spectacular because being on the tip of Italy you can see both the sunrise in the East and the sunset in the West. Obviously with the sun raises and go down always on the sea.


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Every day we visit a different beach; There are really many and probably will not be able to visit them all.
Just under the house, we immediately find the beach; We visited this place the first day we arrived and would say we were lucky to have such a beautiful beach right outside the house. (Although I prefer sand rather than rocks)

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A few days later we moved to a beach located a little further north, a beach more famous where unfortunately it is always very crowded. Fortunately we found the only beach umbrella free and we settled.


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This is what I call Relax! hehe

Another day, another beach! This time we went west by setting the navigator to another famous beach. As soon as we arrived we immediately thought we were wrong and lost ourselves .. like "we are in the mountain not at the sea..whaaat ??"

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Then we went downhill and finally found the sea; A great view!

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Returning from the sea we decided to go out for dinner as we wanted fish: P

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Finally even if we were tired from the day we did a walk under the moonlight sea. The moon was really breathtaking, very bright!

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Unfortunately, this little holiday is ending and in a few days we will be forced to go home.
We hope you enjoyed our photos, see you next time, a greeting from Marco and Stefaniya!

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Altruism... a rare thing these days. Thanks for thinking about the little guys, @blueorgy.

Agree! thank you very much!

This comment has received a 0.10 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @brumest.

This looks like a seriously great vacation. I was fortunate enough to live in northern Italy for about 2-1/2 years of my life and loved every bit of it. I did not get a chance to visit the south where you were as much as I would have like but I did make a few trips. I love how relaxed everything is there. To me, I received a different feeling than if I was on a sand beach in Mexico or the Bahamas. It felt more traditional and historic to be on these beaches. Thank you for the post, reminded me of so many good memories of my own travels. Looking forward to more vacation posts from you as I'm sure you are as well!

north italy is far like 800-1000km from south, not too near.
Ready to next trip, surely i will share it :)

Looks extremely amazing.. Italy is an amazing place to have a brake on.. Hopefully some day I could go visit too :) when I have enough funds to afford it.
Cheers for the nice article and I would like to wish you all the best in your future adventures :)
Goldie - @vangelov

Thank you man, and i really hope one day you will come to Italy and you will enjoy this fantastic place! See you in italy!

This post received a 4.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thecryptotrader! For more information, click here!

It's my dream to visit Italy sometime, I want to see scilly specifically. I'm a fan of Mario Puzzo.

See you in italy one day, south italy for the sea.

For sure my friend. It's on my list.

Awesome Combination of Travelling with photography and Person with such a nice Sense Of Humor !!

Yeah Italia is very beautiful ! Bella italia mio paese che
ti amo tanto la mia anima respira il tuo spirito di bellezza
mi manca tanto ! But the Leaders f...kt it up i am italian
and see the difference between now and 25 years back :(
wish we could turn back time :)
Thank you 4 this nice post SteemOn

Yep don't talk about politic eheh
But the places are awesome!

Yeah ok ! ich sag nur Carbonara e una Cocacola LOL

rollin up to that calamari like:

Looks like a pretty sweet vacation. I've heard a lot of nice things about Italy. Glad you guys get to enjoy it

Yep it is beautiful, if you visit italy, go to south if you like the sea!

Looks like an amazing vacation! The water/beaches in these shots looks gorgeous as well! Hope you've had a good time and enjoyed your holiday!

In south Italy there is the better sea :)

very nice, happy vacation

I've heard of Puglia and its awesomeness, Leuca would be one of my bucket lists too! Your stomach is unreal!(I mean you have a good body) Anyway, don't be sad of going home, it means the next trip is coming very soon.

go to puglia, if you like the sea, you will thanks me :P

road to next holydays!

Where do you base? Do you have Instagram for me to follow?

nah i don't have it, but i will share all my holydays here when i do :)

great! thank you

Nice location. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the moment. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, i'm glad that you liked!

you had an amazing trip to italy :)

I'm italian, i just moved down to 700km, but yes :)

I know the area well - it's like going back 40 years. The food around there is so good too. Take trip up to Lecce too - very nice.

Yep lecce is near, and i like it too!

Beautiful holidays and pictures, well done! #thumbup

Glad you like!

Hey, Nice post, i'll follow you ;)


Enjoy your trip

Neat trip hope you visit Malaysia

Never seen Malaysia, maybe one day ;)

nice :) enjoy

Italy is an Amazing country, good post!

absolutely gorgeous, I would just sit by the water all day

very nice, blog and very nice pictures.. I guess this was not the last time in Italie

I think not, infact i'm italian and i live in italy ehehe

haha, so I guess you see a lot of Italie ;-)

Nice me 2 love traveling have fun and dont forget to do sex every day :p

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what an holiday

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Excellent shots and tour of Puglia, its such a beautiful place and the coast line is amazing is what I remember from my visits there

Awesome post! :)


this is really mind blowing

Waw that would be amazing!!! Love Italy!

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