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RE: MUSING ABOUT THIS BLOGOSPHERE - Freedom from having to express an opinion

in #vyb2 years ago

Hey, that leaves me with question marks.

When I wrote that I wasn't referring to you, I've been absent from hive/not very active for a long time and I felt reminded by you that there are some interesting people to be found here and I'd somehow neglected that in the whole debacle about the conflicts here and elsewhere. So I had a little look around and read and commented on some interesting posts.

I think I've told you before that I don't have very much to contribute to your very specific content, which doesn't change how we've met so far. I am therefore irritated by the way you have taken my answer. I thought you were busy and we hadn't talked on Discord for a long time. Which was fine with me, as I let you know.

So no hard feelings.

Wish you the best, my friend.


Hey @erh.germany,

Thank you for the response.

I can see now it was a generalized statement to describe collectively the negative connotation of how you feel regarding acquaintances in the online environment, if it is to be perceived as a negative connotation.

The lack of inflection in text based conversation makes it difficult to perceive meaning sometimes and the more vague the comment, the more easily misperceived it is, at least for me.

In a voice based conversation I probably wouldn't have confused your meaning, not to dismiss my hasty assumption based thinking here; I could have done a better job with my message delivery with less emotion based thinking.

No hard feelings from me either, thank you for addressing me maturely after that immature display from me, apologies my friend.

I'll send you a dm shortly.

Thanx for your reply, I appreciate it :)
Receiving answers in written language can be quite misleading, yes, it happened to me too.
I am happy that we are alright now and wish you well.