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RE: I need to lose some weight

in #weight2 years ago

Slipping back into unhealthy habits is annoying. Know that from experience.

Dieting is kind of a word I don't like, because diet is temporary. The best long term results come with permanent change in eating habits. Dieting is also unnecessary hard especially if you limit your calories, because it easily sets you up for relapsing.

Anyhow, you didn't ask any advice, but one trick I recommend experimenting (that I've done recently): eat less carbs and lots of protein in the morning. Vice versa, in the evening more carbs, less protein.

This way the body utilizes it more during the day. It also keeps your hunger away longer which makes it easier to resist unhealthy foods. The most important reason for me though, is that it increases alertness. I have a tendency to have low energy and initial, so food is one way I try to optimize that. Seems to work ok for me.

I did like you writing with a personal touch. Good luck on improving your health. Keep the updates coming!


I also believe in adopting a lifestyle. A good morning meal can definetely help a lot

Thanks for the advice, appreciated nonetheless! Will have to see what I do about the food intake, right now it's easy to cut down a little on it as lately I've just been eating until I hate myself (a little exaggerated but yeah) :P

I think I'll already see great results by walking longer and more often during the day and eating a bit less, then once I notice the weight isn't wanting to budge any lower I'll look more into how I can improve on proteins and carbs. Right now it feels like that's the next step once I'm able to actually jog again rather than just walk.

Sounds like a plan 👍