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RE: “This IS Going To Devastate The Industry” Owner Of Gusto Unfairly Targeted By Circuit Breaker Lockdown!!! (Whoever is downvoting...WHY???Please Stop!)

in #whales3 years ago (edited)

All good, your post made it:
Posting about your post that's coming (it was already posted actually) is not exactly going to win you more hearts and minds ;)


Krnel, can't they embed? How does Theycallmedan do it? I'm not griping, I'm just wondering why some can and some can't embed? Nearly every 3speak video I come across on PeakD, I can view in PeakD. Can we figure this out in order to improve the situation and make it the best it can be?

Made it where? I'm not seeing that on my hive profile

You don't see the link I put in my comment?


Yeah man I can see do I find that link on my profile????


or if not there sometimes, click on Posts:


Interesting, I see it now in posts, thanks! So now I just have to upload to 3speak and that's it?
Thanks for the help...this is what I needed, not being downvoted into oblivion :/

It's already on 3speak. Go look at the first link I posted, see it says watch on 3speak? The content posted on 3speak appears on multiple sites that use the same hive "database" (blockchain), like,

When the communities showed up and implemented crossposts and such it changed hive a bit, so i think that you are posting in it doesnt reblog automatically like in or that are tools to interact with hive, it doesnt show in the default blog view, until you reblog or auto-reblog when posting. "Posts" timeline filters only yours, all of them. They have this option to reblog right away when posting at least in peakd is visible when posting, most of the times you will get advantage of using one or both of them ;)
Keep up the good work Dan !

But i have no idea how 3speak does it

Nevermind. I see it embedded in peakD. For some reason there's three posts with the same headline. The first on peakd is the actual post. What a gong show.... but at least it's an improvement.