40 years old today!

in #writing10 months ago (edited)

Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone. :)
I am grateful for your presence in my life. <3

Nature has had this weird habit over the years of giving me really beautiful gifts on my birthday or within a couple of days of my birthday in terms of something special for photography and yesterday nature gifted me this beautiful view, so I wanted to share it with you!

I don't think it's quite what I would call a "seller" or one that I would try to sell, but... It's really close and it sure is beautiful! I feel so lucky and thankful I got to see this and get a few clips for my Sedona Drone Reel I'm working on.

Things sure are colorful sometimes, glad I got a chance to be here. :)
Love you all. <3

PS... Oh... I guess I should mention something about turning 40 years old...
I feel kinda old, lol... But, I try to replace the fear of getting older with being grateful that I still have time to be here.

And... These last couple years have been some of my best years!
So... I kind of have a feeling that trend is going to continue and that in the future I'm going to have even more amazing and special experiences and memories.

I've made so much progress in the last year and there's some really exciting stuff in the works to the point that I more than ever strongly believe that I'm "late blooming" and you may see me finally find a stable romantic relationship in the next few years and if I'm really lucky and work really hard maybe I'll even have a child or children and start a family someday.

There were times I never thought I'd be here, and I'm going to do my best to surprise myself even more. :)
K, I'ma shush now. Peace. <3



Happy Birthday dude!
Rock those 40s!!

Thanks man! Will do my best. :) <3

Happy Birthday 🎉 @apolymask! :-)

Thank you very much! Hope you and bashadow are doing good. :)

I am so sorry that I missed wishing you the best birthday in a more timely way. It really seems like you have had a pretty great year...and it always makes me so happy to see you doing well! I am sure the next year will bring quite a few surprises and I look forward to hearing about them :)

No worries friend! I don't expect anyone to know or remember my birthday cept maybe my family.
Thank you for the birthday wish! Yeah, except for my dad getting sick this year was really amazing, I'm hopeful for more good stuff and less bad stuff! <3 Also, cool! I look forward to sharing as well. :)

Happy birthday!! I hope you get what you're wishing for. You'll find someone if you try.

Thanks buddy. :) I hope so too! But if it doesn't work out I'll be okay. I love myself enough now.
Also, I agree! I think if I try it'll probably work out. <3 Hope all is well with you!

Happy Birthday.
The 40's are great, enjoy xxxx

Thanks! And, oh? Cool. :) I look forward to it! <3