SECRET CRIMES: Episode 4 “DON'T SHOOT. I AM INNOCENT!” (Original Story)

in #writing8 years ago


What happened previously?

A woman named Anne Smith mysteriously got shot by a Policeman - the Sheriff's son. She is now in the hospital, in a coma.
Susan, the secretery at the Sheriff's office then overheard a conversation: the Sheriff was planning to arrest / kill Anne to cover up for his son.
Now Susan has made it her mission to save Anne Smith...

Susan Fly looked down at her watch nervously. How many minutes do I have left? Maybe 3 min… before they come and hunt me down.

Then she looked up to the sky, the pretty rainbow still above her. She sighed, thinking. Then she looked towards Kellyton Hospital. It was not such a big hospital as it was only four stories high. It looked quite new, because it was only 2 years old. It was a brown and cream building and had many glass windows. It looked very friendly and nice, nothing like the old, grey building, which used to stand a few meters back from the new hospital. She knew the old building well. This was the first time she was entering the new hospital, and she really hoped it was the last time too.

She walked briskly into the building as the doors opened. Just before her, was the reception desk. An elderly lady sat behind the long, round counter, bored. Susan wanted to go up to her and ask, “Where is Room 333?” but she thought again. No, don’t ask her, if the Sheriff comes with his men, the first thing he will do is question her and ask, ‘Did anybody today ask for Room 333, or mention the name Anne Smith?’ She couldn’t risk the old woman remembering her asking about it! Susan looked down again at her watch. It was 4 P.M. No, I must be clever and ask a nurse. Or better yet…I must find it myself.

She quickly walked past the receptionist unnoticed, while holding her head down. She began her search, her eyes checking everything around her. Room No. 114, Room 333 must be on the third floor. She headed toward the stairs. Taking a deep breath, she ran quickly up the stairs to the 3rd floor. She only paused when she reached the top.

Walking down the long corridor, she looked again around her, watching the doctors and nurses as they passed her by.

There it was…Room 333. She smiled a little, feeling relieved. Plan plus one: was working!

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Deputy Jim left the office. He was now heading to the hospital. He jumped into his car, and drove off quickly. His face was mean as ever. He looked behind and 3 more police cars were following him with their blue and red lights flashing. Their loud siren noises broke the quiet, country air around them.
They were finally on their way!

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Susan Fly stood outside Room 333, thinking. Should I go in now or wait? She watched the nurses go in and out of two rooms down the hallway. They went in dressed as nurses and came out in their street clothes. Ahhh…the changing-room. What a great idea! Yes…I must change there, before I go inside!

She went to the ladies changing-room. The first door on the right side was closed. Oh No… She thought, turning to the next door on her left. Please be open… She wished. Putting her hand on the silver door handle, she pushed it down and forward and the door opened. She was so happy, she almost shouted with joy. Calming herself down, she went in!

The second room was quite small. Lying against the wall were many grey-painted lockers with printed name tags and locked with padlocks. Against the other wall on the opposite side were a few empty lockers.
As soon as she entered the room, it brought back memories of when she was a teenager, back then in the old, grey hospital. She had worked for 2 weeks there as an apprentice.
After the 2 weeks, she knew for sure this was not the right profession for her. It was too much stress and so hectic trying to nurse the sick. Therefore, she deeply admired the hospital staff for helping the sick and needy people.

At the side of the room, there was a big, open cupboard filled to the top with hospital uniforms packed neatly away in many sizes, and colours. She took a pair out, a top and trousers, in the colour white, size M, and tried it on. It was a little bit too big, but it was ok. Just the way she liked it. Big and baggy.
She stuffed her bag and clothes into one of the empty lockers, taking out first her valuable things, like her purse, smartphone and her keys. Then she left the locker room.

She was now inside Room 333, dressed as a nurse.

Susan Fly stood at the side of Anne Smith’s bed, looking down upon her. “You poor girl,” she thought, as she watched the pale girl sleep deeply in her coma.

“So you’re 22, just like me. We are in the prime of our lives…What did you do to deserve this, Anne? I am here to save you, it’s going to be really scary to get you out of here, but let’s do it!” She said bravely, releasing the four brakes on the wheeled-feet of the hospital bed. The bed moved smoothly and quietly as she pushed it out of the room and into the corridor.

As she pushed the bed down the long corridor, she looked nervously around her. All was safe, or so she thought, as she walked onward.
She stopped suddenly, when someone from behind her called out to her. 

“Nurse, nurse. Where are you going with that patient?”

She quickly walked faster, even running as she pushed the bed swiftly towards the waiting elevator she saw just opening at the end of the hallway. I must make it to the elevator! She thought desperately. Quick…quick!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Deputy Jim was almost at the hospital. 2 more minutes and he would be there. He drove with speed and skill like he did this kind of thing every day. He probably did. He was calm and sure of himself. He looked again in the rear-view mirror. Following him with full speed, were the 3 other police cars close behind. Not long now. He thought.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

“Stop!” Shouted a man running fast towards her, overtaking her and the bed. 

He blocked her way to the elevator and stood before her.
 Susan stood face to face with an angry doctor looking down on her. She stood back shaking.

“What’s wrong with you…are you deaf? We have orders not to move her anywhere!”

“Orders?” Susan asked, her heart dropping down.

“Yes! Orders from the Sheriff. He called not long ago. She’s under arrest…so please take her back to her room,” the doctor said eyeing her up and down.

“I am Dr. Jacobs, her doctor… Are you new here? ‘Cause I don’t know you… What is your name please?” He asked a little bit more gently.

She was prepared for that question and answered back quickly, “Mary Brown.”

“Ok, Mary…for the second time, where are you going with the patient?” He asked, feeling angry again.
 She felt faint and dizzy. She stumbled back against Anne’s bed.

Dr. Jacobs moved close to her, steadying her up again. “Are you okay lady? He asked worried.

Susan sighed quickly, then she replied slowly. “Yes, I guess so. I just felt so dizzy, I did not drink much today. I was so busy…” She tried to smile, but failed badly.

“Yeah, do be careful. You need to drink 2-3 litres a day, let’s bring the patient back, then you can take a break and drink something…ok?” He said, warmly smiling at her.

She only just met the Doctor, but she felt she could trust him. Something in his kind eyes told her so.
 “Dr. Jacobs… I cannot bring her back to her room. It’s a matter of life or death. Her life is in danger.
Today is the worst day of my life. My name is really Susan Fly and I work at the Sheriff’s office. I overheard them talking, planning to commit more crimes.
I know no one will believe me, so I took the risk and taped the whole conversation on my phone. I need your help… Doctor. I will show and tell you why the Sheriff wants her under arrest.”

Susan turned on her smartphone and played the recording. Dr. Jacobs came closer and listened.
She looked around her again, but nobody was taking any notice of them; they were too busy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

The Deputy reached the hospital, calling out to his 4 men as they walked in behind him. He spotted first the reception lady and headed straight towards her. Just as Susan predicted, she was the first person they would question.  

After talking to her for a moment, they all headed upstairs to Room 333. Deputy Jim smiled to himself, thinking about how amusing it would be if Anne Smith was not in a coma when they came to arrest her. He loved it when they resisted arrest, because his favourite weapon was the taser gun. 

- To be continued - 

Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 1
Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 2
Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 3

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© Sirwinchester


Gripping stuff, expertly crafted and conveyed by your writing skills. Just loving it, great job!

thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it and glad to hear that you enjoyed the story!

First article I read on this site.. I was hooked like a crackhead, well done.

that's awesome, glad you enjoyed it!

I've been waiting for this part, awesome story and so tense as always!

glad you enjoyed it and are following along with the story!

Very Suspenseful

wow now I definitely need to go back and check out the other parts!

yes, probably better in order to understand every detail. glad you liked it!

great storyline, now I'm excited to know if dr. jacobs will be willing to help her!

who knows ;) stay tuned!

now the next episode is gonna be HOT! waiting for it!!

you're right, stay tuned!

Favorite weapon... Cops shouldn't have favorite weapons. They should be trained to barely need ANY weapon of defense besides maybe a nightstick and air gun! FTS

yes, definitely agree with you! This already shows that the sheriff in the story has evil thoughts..

you're a great storyteller, now I really want to know how the story continues!!

thank you, part 5 coming soon!

this story is evolving so much, very interesting to read! looking forward to episode 5

happy to hear that you are following along, episode 5 coming soon!

that was really smart that she dressed as a nurse, but where was she going to bring anne in that bed anyway? now I'm interested to know how they'll be able to save her!!

well who knows ;) stay tuned for the next episode!

So interesting! i need to go back and read more.

glad you liked it, thanks for the feedback :)

are you going to join all these together and make one ebook?

maybe one day!

👍👍🔊 @sirwinchester , keep up ur great writing

thank you! :)

Truly an amazing piece of writing. You continue to inspire all of us writers who can appreciate such detail and suspense