Shifting between colours and plants

in Succulent growers7 months ago (edited)


Flying bird

What I have learned during my years of study is not only music. I also learned to adapt my activities to the circumstances. I'm sure it happens in every profession and every learning process. You get stuck on something and a stupid feeling overwhelms you. Then you make an effort to focus more but the things you are trying to hold in your hands just slip out of them. There you can stay for an indefinite time and no good results would come to conform you...

In those moments, I shift.

It is not giving up on something. It is just shifting our focus and energy to a different spot. Then maybe we can achieve some results and feel more fulfilled. If needed, we can pull the brake and get back to the matter later.

That is more or less a process I have been experiencing these last three days with one of my plants, Schlumbergera. Last year, exactly around these dates it bloomed - Miss Schlumbergera showed her beauty.

This year I was excited again to see the small flower buds on the stem endings.
Many, many stems, and almost the same number of buds.


A jungle of stems

So, where is the problem here?

The plant will take her time and bring the flowers when it is ready for them, but it's that I already wanted to see them.

Also, a few weeks ago I wanted to take her inside, to give those stems a shower as you see they are dusty. However, according to what I was told (and not sure if this is indeed true) when it starts to bloom, we should not move it a lot around and water it in excess. Because of that, I think it would not be a good idea right now to give this plant a shower. She will have to survive this blooming in this dusty condition.


So dusty

Another issue was the idea to try to get a few photos of it. It has been a funny experiment with myself where I had to use the technique of "just pull the brake" and shift my activity to something more productive 😂

Day one - just one half-open flower.

Let's leave it for another occasion...


Getting ready

Day two - some of the flowers opened a bit more.

Too much sun on the balcony in those moments...



Too sunny

I felt it was indeed not my cup of tea so I let it go and turned to my left. There was another plant that called for attention.

A jungle of stems and roots, so where to focus?


Pretty without flowers

Day three - the flowers are starting to look like those red, flying birds (as I liked to call them last year).

Still too much light but here I leave it indeed. No more attempts tomorrow!


Fully open flower

Still, I did a bit of shift there... That's why more of those calming, green leaves are coming here, to bring back the balance.


Tranquillity for the eyes


Lucky Bells

Oh, and another one with buds. The Kalanchoe Lucky Bells grew very tall stems, they are funny with that appearance, but the first buds are here. Soon, little red bells will hang from these tall plant towers.



Beautiful flowers and you did a great job taking these pictures of them. That shade of the red is something my old phone camera usually struggles really bad with (don´t know why) so my shots definitely wouldn´t turn out this nice :)

@tipu curate 3

Thank you @phortun :))

There are some colours we can't get well, I don't know why either. But speaking about flowers, I saw the other day a nice one that I took a photo of, so it will come to your post :p

Greetings to family 🌺

Yeah, it´s weird! My phone struggles with certain shades of red, pink and purple :)

Awesome! Looking forward to that flower (or should I say Floral? hehe) entry :) Cheers!

La naturaleza tiene más paciencia que nosotros jajaja....cada cosa tiene su ritmo y es bueno a veces enfocarnos en otras cosas mientras. Bellas las flores!!

Sí, cada cosa su ritmo y cada planta florece cuando le toca 😃

Gracias, pinero! 🌼

Succulents are so beautiful and their flowers are so showy with such funny and strange shapes sometimes. I love them, and I know they adapt well to dry climates.

The ones you have in your house are beautiful, you can see they are getting better and better and the colour of the flowers is gorgeous!

Hugs @mipiano!❤️

They do adapt to dry climates and my balcony, because of that hahaha.
I have more of those that don't have interesting flowers, but this Christmas Cactus is different. Its beauty is in the flowers! :)

Hope you have a good weekend, @avdesing 😇

Well, I don't have a big balcony but I do have some pots... and I do have a succulent very similar to one of yours and it is beautiful, although I don't have any flowers... they will come.

Have a nice weekend @mipiano !😀

Hello, you have some beautiful succulents. The one with red flowers is really striking, but whether with or without flowers they are beautiful.
Good analogy with life, greetings!

Yes, with or without flowers, they are pretty. There are those that are actually more interesting because of the shape of the leaves and not because of the flowers.

Don't despair, they bloom at Christmas, so you will soon see them blooming.
Place them in a place where the sun does not shine on them.
I have a Euphorbia pulcherrima called poinsettia and to my joy its leaves have already started to redden to make way for the flower.
Your posts are always very interesting. Thanks for being able to see your little garden.

Yes, she just started to bloom. In a few weeks, it will be full of flowers. Last year it bloomed even in two rounds, it was amazing.

Oh, Euphorbia pulcherrima, it is also a plant that blooms for Christmas. I also see them here, growing already like tall trees (if planted in gardens) with those red flowers. They are nice!

Thank you, I am glad you find some interesting things in my posts, @mamani 🤓

My poinsettia has long stems I take care of it from year to year I have it in a pot. Greetings and a nice weekend.

Nice weekend to you too ☀️

I was in an exhibition of these plants last weekend. Great stuff to see. And there's lots of weird plants with even weirder names.

You have some great ones on these photos.

An exhibition of plants for sure can offer many exotic and weird plants... that is cool to visit sometimes. Mine are just let's say ordinary succulents, trying to survive by my side 😁

I should vocalize more often to them 😉

Ha, ha, ha, ha. Your plants would love that.

Mine are just let's say ordinary succulents, trying to survive by my side 😁

Well, succulents are that, plants that survive by the side.

One of the things that always help a flower to grow and even show it's plant also is what I called the favourite condition required

oh your got beautiful flowers there , even if got problems with the other plant you have a great hands for gardening , I think I don't have the patience for it , my father use to have it 🙂🌵🌱🪴

I am also neglecting sometimes my plants, when I don't have time to even check on them 😬, just to water them once a week (succulents should not be watered more than once or twice per week, that is why they are perfect for me 😁)

Now this red blooming plant made me go out to the balcony every day hahaha :))

Jajajaja tienes que alimentar las planticas Señorita Mipiano 🤣🤣🤣

Les he traido dulces, pero prefieren agua 😆


Uh I love the first photo. I can actually see a bird flying when I look at the photo. Are these flowers blooming in the fall?

An exotic flying bird, right? :))

Yes, they start to bloom at the end of November, or the beginning of December. It is also called as Thanksgiving cactus (as you see, it starts to bloom actually in these dates) and in my country, it receives the name Christmas Cactus.

Yeah an exotic one. I've never heard that name but we have similar flowers to that :)

When one goes to such a beautiful place and sees such beautiful and natural looking things and flowers, one is very happy and they smell very good too.

Your Schlumbergera has really juicy colour. So nice!
My one was fully pink.

Thanks 😇

Oh, pink? I saw just in the photos the pink version. As you saw "was" I guess you don't have it anymore. 🤐

No... it got so big it couldn't fit on the windowsill anymore. Was just getting squashed. I have it away... but later that person killed it :(
It was pretty.

but later that person killed it :(

Another #plantkiller?

Beautiful plants... ¡¡¡¡ And what flowers !!!! WOW!

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She is indeed a nice one. She will be full of these flowers in a week or two 🤓

Thank you 🤗

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 7 months ago  

Well, she won't flower for long and then you can go ahead and clean that dust

Yep, for a few weeks, and then shower in January 😁

Oh sister, I needed tu pass by since it felt so long since last interaction.
I love the determination and detail you put to that ‘side thing to do’ when you’ve been too long working on your main craft.
I feel you and it’s so important to give a break to a skill such as music/painting etc, this gives time to the neurones to integrate and keep the connections.
Beautiful pictures and lovely flowers. I love this plant. Greetings 🙏🏽😚


Yeah, it's been a while, glad to see you stopping by 😍

I hope you are doing well, and that the therapies and courses went well! ☀️

You are back in Germany, I guess? My offspring will fly over there, in February, to Berlin, but they will then go and stay in another village (don't ask which one hahaha, I don't know the exact name of it) 😅

Of course :)

Yes I’m in the cold beautiful wintery Berlin :P
Oh February it’s a nice and cold time to come :) I wish they enjoy it then 🤭
If all go as planned (that I wish) I’ll be on my way to Barcelona mid February

Soon whenever we find the energy we will be updating about our adventures 🫣🤭
Greetings ;)

Well, there is no choice hahah, it will be February. And mucho frío 😂

When you are in Spain, let us know 😉

Bellas fotos de las flores de las suculentas. Realmente hay arte en todo. Gracias por compartir.

El arte lo ven los artistas y poetas 😉

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Our greatest strength is our capacity for change :)

"Flow like water" - Bruce Lee. Or summink like that. And we do <3

Be like water - I found the Bruce Lee quote :p

and agree completely with it ;)