Consider yourself on notice

in OCD4 years ago

"Please notify a safe distance"

If any of you know any safes distances, please spread the message.

I don't know what it means either.

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Some days are more inspiring than others or perhaps, I am more open to inspiration on some days than others as I am one of those people who does believe that there is always something interesting happening, no matter how boring the transpiring events might be. Today, I think I am just tired after having some extremely broken sleep due to our daughter being ill with a fever.

One of the things that I have learned over the last however many years of blogging daily is that it doesn't really matter if I feel good or bad, whether happy or sad - there is always value in writing. I think this is because for many of us in this world and whether we "have" the time or not, we don't actually "take" the time to think things over to spend a moment with our own mind and reflect on where it is and what it is up to.

A lot of what we do is consumptive and no matter how interesting or important it may be, the way we consume it doesn't give us the space to mull it over and actually think about what it might mean or the ramifications of it.

For an easy example of this, most people watching a movie aren't going to pause the movie every time something interesting or complex comes along, they just let it roll. However, when reading a book, most people will slow their reading or even reread some parts and pause to reflect - the first is a passive thought position that glosses over details, the second is an active process that looks to understand more deeply.

As I have said before, the Einstein position for helping intelligence in children is, "read them fairy tales" is specifically not, show them fairy tales from a screen. This is because it isn't the holding of the story that is important, it is the creative process the mind goes through to build the story in the mind's eye. Far too much of what we consume is already built and *pre-chewed" so we don't have to think much at all. Like any skill, practice improves process and the less we think, the lower the quality of our thoughts.

Thinking skill impacts a great deal of our life including our attitude toward the events we face. The better we are able to process our thoughts, the better able we are able to come to terms with events, develop a strategy and start moving. Emotional recovery time is a large differentiator between people and while some will stay nervous or panicked or angry for longer, those who can reduce this time and start actively developing well, building a solution.

Most of us don't spend much time developing our strategies for the bad times though, as we spend a lot of time daydreaming about what we would do in the good, without recognizing that these positions are connected through our behavior. For me, writing is part of my recovery process in the "less than ideal" times as well as my development process when things are good. As they say, make hay while the sun shines, meaning that one should take advantage of resources while they are available.

While there can be large discrepancies in the amount of resources available, often those who are good at using their resources will outperform those who are poor handlers, but might have a lot more. The less resources one has available of course, the better one wants to be at managing them, because there is less "disposable" to waste - Time being the easiest thing to dispose of and one resource that can't be bought back once used. Perhaps it is best to use time wisely while it is available, which it always is, until it isn't.

For example, while a lot of people will gloss over this post and not think much of it, some others might spend a little thought power and perhaps find a small way to better utilize their time today, maybe do something that adds some value to their lives that they might not have done otherwise.

For me who was feeling quite uninspired when I started writing this, my attitude has changed markedly and I will go into the rest of my day with a little more energy and a mindset that is far more supportive of getting something done, than sitting on the couch. As I said yesterday, if your time on Hive doesn't make you better, you are doing it wrong.

Many people restrict the value of their time on Hive as what they can earn on a post or in comments, but they are missing the true value of the resources available, the ability to compound value streams to affect a far more valuable resource than HIVE, their own behavior. But, on par with the ways of the world and human nature, more people will waste the resources they have than generate value with them and perhaps this is why those who do generate are able to generate so much - as so many others leave their potential on the table, unattended.

Where we pay attention in our lives affects which direction our lives take and when we spend our attention on passive and mindless consumption of the disposable, we are going to end up where we are told to go.

What do you notice about where you are headed?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


most people watching a movie aren't going to pause the movie every time something interesting or complex comes along, they just let it roll. However, when reading a book, most people will slow their reading or even reread some parts and pause to reflect

I'm literally the opposite 😂 Ofc I don't pause movies if watching with others, but might leave the room to get some water if the scene is stressful xD As for books, the more intense it gets, the more I read.

the ability to compound value streams to affect a far more valuable resource than HIVE, their own behavior.

I started blogging again because my verbal expressions were getting horrible. I'm not very social in general, so I can't start forgetting basic words. The problem with knowing too many languages is I don't know any of them perfectly, my English is the best I've got. Also I like how Hive is helping me with my discipline a bit, I can procrastinate a lot xD

take advantage of resources while they are available.

This is very much me. Always adapting, ready to try something new and always aware that sadly it might not last.

Great post and very reflective :)

Ofc I don't pause movies if watching with others,

I pretty much only watch movies if there is someone to share it with - most of the movies I have seen haven't enough "nutritional value" to watch by myself.

Those looking to improve a language should definitely blog more in that language - I have considered writing in Finnish, but no one would read it at all :D

This is very much me. Always adapting, ready to try something new and always aware that sadly it might not last.

I do think that an artist has to be adaptive and use resources available well. Especially the starving artists :D

Haha I can't imagine writing in my native language, even natives probably would understand only half of it :D
The starving artists is thanfully thing of the past, but unfortunately the stigma stuck around. At least from what I see personally (I'm sure there are still some starving artists unfortunately).

There is no need for an artist to starve perhaps, unless they are trying to live off their art alone ;D

Idk, there is plenty of art work (unfortunately many underpaid), and new sites are coming out all the time supporting artists and creatives. Those who know how to use technology and tools I'm sure are doing ok. (probably not dirt rich, but surviving fine)


This is the meme and I attest to the accuracy.

Look more closely, there are plenty more cameras around than you think! :D

but yeah, I know the type - Finland isn't much different :)

I'm probably taking starving artist too literally :D But then again most people here are just surviving, regardless of profession.

Read this and thought a lot about it.
Some of us grew up in a struggle for survival and it seems to have created a certain chain of thought patterns that stays with one throughout life. Eventually one becomes numbed to setbacks and dire circumstances.

Life is regarded as a continued battle that evokes the habit of grasping at straws.
Thankfully I have surrendered long ago to the thought that no matter what one does, it is best to allow life to flow. What will happen, will happen and one has to accept it.
Not easy I know, but to continue to struggle results in bitterness.

The best that we can do is to grab the opportunities that present themselves to our hard work and to always hope for success!

Eventually one becomes numbed to setbacks and dire circumstances.

I think this can split people again. Numb so one continues on regardless, or numb so one just puts up with the status quo as if nothing can ever change.

The acceptance path that many take is that "there is nothing I can do", which I disagree strongly with, otherwise nothing would ever change and history has shown it does, but maybe not in the ways we might want. Wanting isn't doing though.

The best that we can do is to grab the opportunities that present themselves to our hard work and to always hope for success!


Here are the two rules that I live by my friend.

"Find out how much God has given you, take from it what you need; the remainder is needed by others" Saint Augustine of Hippo.

"For whatever you wish others to do to you, do also to them" Known as The Golden Rule (Biblical)

Now I am no saint, instead one of the worst sinners, but these two rules keep me on track.

Known as The Golden Rule

Did you know that pretty much all major religions have this rule in a very similar form? What is interesting is that it probably has appeared in communities since communities formed, as without it, most would have collapsed.

Yep! It was also a favorite in the Byzantine and Babylon eras and I think that it has saved many lives over the ages.

Oh, I hate the broken sleeps from child illness. I am always a mess the next day but it is true, writing can lend a bit of focus to everything

When she is a bit older, she will keep me wake waiting while she is out drinking in the local park.

Hahaha, yes indeed and you will be like, phew, glad there were no balconies involved!!

I can hands down say that this is the most thoughtful piece I've read so far on this platform. Admittedly I am very new to Hive, and don't fully understand how to tailor it to show me the sort of content I would like to see.

I completely understand how you feel when you speak of starting off your post feeling uninspired and finishing it feeling a renewed feeling of accomplishment and meaning for the day. I get the same vibe from creating videos!

Interesting read, will be sticking around for more!

P x.

I can hands down say that this is the most thoughtful piece I've read so far on this platform.

Thank you :)

Admittedly I am very new to Hive, and don't fully understand how to tailor it to show me the sort of content I would like to see.

There isn't much tailoring available, however, look into communities and find ones you like as well as follow people who create what you enjoy. It takes more time perhaps, but I think it is rewarding.

I get the same vibe from creating videos!

What kinds of videos do you create?

Interesting read, will be sticking around for more!

Cheers :)

Good advice, I just found some video and photography people/communities to get involved with.

I'm not entirely sure what direction my video making will go in, for the moment it is vloggy/travelly but with a cinematic edge. I'm a structural engineer by day and so once I'm more confident with my creations I will probably make some sort of engineering based channel, I feel it is not a very well understood career :)

for the moment it is vloggy/travelly but with a cinematic edge.

You might find some paths at to try

I'm a structural engineer by day and so once I'm more confident with my creations I will probably make some sort of engineering based channel, I feel it is not a very well understood career

There is a pretty big STEM community around the place too, so check out one of the communities (there are several). You might find some interesting follows (perhaps @lemouth for starters)

As @tarazkp is mentioning, feel free to join the STEMsocial community if you want to join a group of STEM enthusiasts on Hive! We are always happy to welcome newcomers!

Espero tu hija mejore pronto, es cierto eso que dices sobre escribir, desde que inicie en HIVE es una costumbre para mí tomarme un tiempo para escribir, habitualmente público una receta diaria de lo que preparo en casa, en ocasiones no tengo que publicar, olvido tomar fotos a mis preparaciones o simplemente me toco salir y no cocine, pero igual me siento frente mi pc, siempre tenemos lago que decir, algo que contar, solo debemos buscar por allí en nuestra mente para ver que encontramos de relevante.
También le he sacado provecho todo esto de HIVE tal vez sin querer, inicie en esta cuarentena, y esto se ha convertido en una ventana para usar mi tiempo de manera más provechosa, pasaba los días mirando noticias que me volvían loca. Ahora dosifico lo que cocino, voy creando mi propio recetario, cuando algún amigo me pregunta cómo preparar cualquier cosa solo vengo a mi blog y le mando en enlace. De verdad todo esto es gratificante.
Es admirable que en momentos malos y con poca inspiración tengas esa capacidad para escribir y enganchar al lector de la manera en que lo haces. Saludos me tu beba se mejore.

I hope your daughter gets better soon, it's true what you say about writing, since I started at HIVE it's a habit for me to take some time to write, usually I publish a daily recipe of what I prepare at home, sometimes I don't have to publish, I forget to take pictures of my preparations or I just go out and don't cook, but I still sit in front of my computer, we always have something to say, something to tell, we just have to look around in our minds to see what we find relevant.
I have also taken advantage of all this HIVE perhaps without wanting to, I started in this quarantine, and this has become a window to use my time more profitably, I spent the days watching news that drove me crazy. Now I dose what I cook, I create my own recipe book, when a friend asks me how to prepare anything I just come to my blog and send him a link. This is really all very rewarding.
It's admirable that in bad times and with little inspiration you have that ability to write and engage the reader the way you do. Greetings to your baby.

but I still sit in front of my computer, we always have something to say, something to tell, we just have to look around in our minds to see what we find relevant.

I think that the process of our lives through words allows us to better evaluate and appreciate what we do.

and this has become a window to use my time more profitably,

Good times or bad, there are windows and doors everywhere :)

Greetings to your baby.

Thanks :)

Even on days when I don't write, I write. Immediately after a couple cups of coffee and some meditation time (generally mingled with dog scratches) I write at least a page in my journal. On it's very best days it is laser focused and bursting with need. On it's less than great days it's a simple recitation.

There are days when I fall into the trap of doing rather than being. Not that I don't need to 'do' but without any time just being those days tend to lump into the survived or forgettable category.

I'm reasonably good at assessing and honoring my 'inner me'. That guy is thoughtful and considered. Daily me tends to make judgments and react right away. The way the two interact is the way my day goes.

And I know that when you have a sick kid all that shit goes out the window and you just do what you can. And in truth, what you can is perfectly good in certain circumstance. Sick child being one.

I hope smallsteps is back to full tilt today.

On it's very best days it is laser focused and bursting with need. On it's less than great days it's a simple recitation.

I see it kind of like innovation, a lot of it is very average but needs to be developed in order to find the exceptional.

I'm reasonably good at assessing and honoring my 'inner me'.

Do you ever get the feeling that at least the baby steps toward developing these skills should be introduced much, much earlier in life. Why should wisdom be for the aged alone? :D

And in truth, what you can is perfectly good in certain circumstance.

Perhaps this is where "good defaults" can come into play - when what you can is good enough. I think a lot of the time there is "What I could - and what I did", where what I did was an underdeveloped default and if I had paid attention, I could have done better :)

I see it kind of like innovation, a lot of it is very average but needs to be developed in order to find the exceptional.

Exactly so. I see development in my journal all the time. Like most readers, sometimes I even go back to see the differences.

Do you ever get the feeling that at least the baby steps toward developing these skills should be introduced much, much earlier in life. Why should wisdom be for the aged alone? :D

There is no doubt that I'd have been better served by learning these skills than much of the work I did in school. I actually use very little of my schooling, except as a basis for learning more.

I'm certainly not going to say that 'what I can' isn't open for examination and improvement. Just that from time to time 'what I can' is better, way better than 'I think I might'.

I actually use very little of my schooling, except as a basis for learning more.

The strangest thing for most is, they don't actually teach how to learn, just what to learn. Imagine a student that spent the formative years learning how to learn and then, how quickly they could complete secondary, tertiary and whatever other studies they do.


Pretty decent and long writeup for someone who is feeling uninspired. Hows is your daughter? Hope the morning brought about some relief to you both.

Personally, i'll take the advice on using time wisely to heart. Even from the most inspiring days, not everyone will relate with what you say and to some it may be just a word that stands out. So keep writing, and doing what you do best.

Pretty decent and long writeup for someone who is feeling uninspired.

Ever found that inspiration comes from action more than consumption?

Hows is your daughter?

She is doing better thanks, even wen to the park for a bit.

Even from the most inspiring days, not everyone will relate with what you say and to some it may be just a word that stands out.

One word is all it might take. What I like about creating is that every reader could find something valuable, but it might all be from different pieces and, maybe not what I meant at all. We add meaning and context to our own lives, which is why I think the passive consumption is so dangerous, as it often means onboarding the directives of others and those others are largely incentivized by profit at any cost.

Very interesting to read your posts. I am very interested in a piece of words from your writing. Make straw while the sun is shining, meaning someone must take advantage of the resources while they are available. Very inspired for me. Part of my time was spent in the garden and part of it was for me to post on HIVE. But I feel very happy. We wish your child a speedy recovery from fever.

Time in the garden is always time well spent, especially if growing something edible :)

Yes I plant something to feel happy when eating it. I really enjoyed it.😀

What are you growing at the moment?

I grow shallots, because the price of shallots is high in the area where I live. In HIVE I only post about plants and photos of small insects from a macro lens.

"What do you notice about where you are headed?"

Hmmm... I believe I am headed to better management of all areas of my life through the development of new organizational structures to increase the productivity achieved in each passing, living moment.

I know that Hive, and all other information that I take in and learn is crucial to that process. Much like building a house, you can't do it without the materials. You need the concrete to lay the foundation, the wood to build the frame, and the tools to put it all together.

Not only that, but the materials that you use to build the house matter, significantly. If you have a house that is built of rotted wood, it will collapse and really doesn't hold much value.

Altering one's behavior (behaviour your way), is very similar, but the resources are different. The materials we use are the things we choose to put in front of us. If we choose to put ourselves in front of good materials, that is what our eyes, ears - our senses - will take in.

We then use our mind to process the materials, drawing up new designs and cutting them to fit into the blueprints of the new structure.

We all have a tool to use - called a brain - and we can build virtually any life with it - but building starts somewhere and it happens in stages, not all at once.

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. :)

I believe I am headed to better management of all areas of my life through the development of new organizational structures to increase the productivity achieved in each passing, living moment.

This is valuable, no? :)

You need the concrete to lay the foundation, the wood to build the frame, and the tools to put it all together. wide resources, broad skills.

We all have a tool to use - called a brain - and we can build virtually any life with it - but building starts somewhere and it happens in stages, not all at once.

I think hat if more people took stock of what they have and then learned how they could use it more effectively, they would be surprised at just how much they can do of value.

Thanks for stopping by :)

It was my pleasure! :)

I laughed after reading your introduction because so much of life is unclear, but the opaque nature of some government rules is especially attention worthy. You sign was a good example. It’s my observation that the less certain government is of the correct response the less clear the communication becomes LOL :0

Additionally, I find myself making hay while the sun still shines so much in life. I am traveling upon my path through life unclear how much is chance and how much is destiny, but seemingly around each corner is a chance to make extra money, followed by an unexpected bill to consume it. LOL

I think my wife considers these occurrences divine intervention and who am I to argue. But I think this blessing has had an unexpectant effect of giving me a mentality that no matter what I will make it through. I will find a way and Providence has smiled on me. A 110% work ethic doesn’t hurt either when people are looking for someone to fill the extra shift or cover a sick call. Those in charge chose the path of least resistance and if you make yourself that path, they call you first. 😉

Lastly, I must admit I think problems are opportunities to shine and make some extra dough. And besides we have a saying here in the US: I owe, I owe, so off to work I go... ha ha ha

Thank you for helping me start my Sunday with some positivity.

Take a Care,


"What do you notice about where you are headed?"

Hmmm... I believe I am headed to better management of all areas of my life through the development of new organizational structures to increase the productivity achieved in each passing, living moment.

I know that Hive, and all other information that I take in and learn is crucial to that process. Much like building a house, you can't do it without the materials. You need the concrete to lay the foundation, the wood to build the frame, and the tools to put it all together.

Not only that, but the materials that you use to build the house matter, significantly. If you have a house that is built of rotted wood, it will collapse and really doesn't hold much value.

Altering one's behavior (behaviour your way), is very similar, but the resources are different. The materials we use are the things we choose to put in front of us. If we choose to put ourselves in front of good materials, that is what our eyes, ears - our senses - will take in.

We then use our mind to process the materials, drawing up new designs and cutting them to fit into the blueprints of the new structure.

We all have a tool to use - called a brain - and we can build virtually any life with it - but building starts somewhere and it happens in stages, not all at once.

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. :)

Could just be the writer/wannabe film maker in me but I analyse whatever I'm watching as much as whatever I'm reading and have transferred that nasty habit to my children much to J's consternation (they at least generally won't do their running commentaries when watching stuff with him, it gets very noisy on the extremely rare occasions where they're watching stuff with me though XD).

If English Lit at high school, the class I can't remember the name of at uni and the internet in general is anything to go by, people read text just as mindlessly as whatever they're watching.

Somewhat vaguely related to analysis, I'm guessing that whoever translated the sign didn't think it was necessary to run it past the English proofreader first? XD I don't know any safe distances but if I meet some or someone that does I will let them know.

Oh I liked this one:if your time on Hive doesn't make you better, you are doing it wrong. So well said!