
Another... sounds like you have a fine evening going on yourself!!

I am on the second and have a fair few tucked behind that to come. Sitting in the garden, I do like a bit of garden beering! Cheers matey! :OD

I've had a few on the balcony this afternoon. Beer tastes good outside! And inside as well of course, cheers!

It totally does. I had some wine earlier. Felt a bit pushed from the get go! Hurrah!

Beer after wine and you shall be fine. Cracking weather the past few days, some booze rather essential!

You can't have one without the other! At least that's what I tell the good lady all the time, lol.

Apparently tomorrow up here it's a pure arctic shitshow before being sunny again next week. Boo hiss!

Eggplant and a couple of nuts? Indeed.

Yep, blowing a gale and 10+ degrees cooler tomorrow apparently, but should be set for another decent weekend. Although, it's always the weekend at present!

Even though I am working form home it is all blending into one giant seeming weekend. There is a small part of me that wants it never to end!