[Update] Pulling a Series Switcheroo!

in #blog4 years ago

EAT. MEOW. GAME. twitch.png

Hey Hive!

It's been a while since I've done one of these. But I've been thinking about the different series I have going right now, and I thought of doing some changes so this is just a quick update post to keep everyone (including my future self) apprised of what's going on.

So currently, I have 4 ongoing series on my blog:

  1. TacoCat’s Travels (currently at #62) that runs on Mondays. This is where I take you on photo journeys of my trips to various countries! I just started writing about our trip to Tokyo that we went on in 2016!

  2. Game Reviews Done Quick, aka GRDQ (currently at #6) that runs on Wednesdays, where I review games that I've played and share my experience playing them.

  3. OST of the Day (currently at #63) which runs on Fridays, where I share a song from a video game/TV show/movie (most commonly video games) and my thoughts about it. I write about the game the song is from, I try my best to dissect the song musically and interpret it based on the characters/map in which it appears.

  4. Art Attack! (currently at #17) which runs on Saturdays/Sundays, where share a behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, and write about the creative process behind them.

I don't think I made an update post for why GRDQ started, but it was because Tasteem stopped organising contests and was on an indefinite hiatus. Which is also why my foodie series got put on hold.

But now that it's been a month I don't think they'll be coming back anytime soon. So I've decided to just revive my foodie series and post it normally, since I have quite a few restaurants I have that I want to share on backlog.

And since we have 2 gaming-related series ongoing atm, I thought it'd be fitting to retire the OST of the Day for now. Or at least, until I run out of games to review for GRDQ.

So to sum up, I'll be putting the OST of the Day series on hiatus starting next month, and replacing the Friday spot with a TacoCat's TrEats post. That's pretty much it.

So look forward to more TrEats in July!

Thanks for reading! And see you in the next post!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!