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RE: Fyrstikken and @booster bot just declared war on #newsteem

in #bots5 years ago

If I see the stench of that bot on any post, delegation, etc., expect no engagement, votes, or following from me. I will continue downvoting over-rewarded shit promoted to trending. If he decides to start wiping out my posts, I'm not going to change my behavior one bit.


Then let's start right from the get go and stop the new trend of abuse on trending and that's people using their multiple accounts to upvote on auto vote crap post. It should be one person, one vote.

Self votes from alt accounts? Do you have an example of what you are talking about that's on trending?

There were some on this post but they are now long buried down the list somewhere.

It doesn't take a genius though to look at this post comments and see three very distinct avatars of similarity, if you go look at each one's blog site you can figure further how they are the one and same individual, they interact with each other to give that individual more votes, all three of those on this post upvoted this post. He's not going to down vote this post as he got rewarded (for what could be considered handsomely as far as this site goes) well for his comments. He made more here (in comment rewards) on this post then probably ninety percent of new comers make in weeks doing several post. That's how it works. You start an account then start alt accounts that follow your account for engagement....because everyone knows no body pays attention to anybody whose a nobody on here. The fact that he's so blatantly obvious, more so than anyone I've seen so far, speaks of the hypocrisy, narcissistic attitude spread through out this site. Though personally myself I find this rather intriguing, laughable even at times, incredibly deceptive...if people knew who half of other people's sybils were they'd be like WTF, yeah, it's rather entertaining but that still doesn't make it right or I don't have to agree it right.

I am not going to but just to say, if I told people who some of Bernies alts were that people don't or aren't hate filled towards they'd be like absolutely amazed at his intelligence...they probably wouldn't even believe it. How do I know this? Because I ACTUALLY READ people's post, I spend time researching post, I look at the links....what a concept huh?

It doesn't take a genius though to look at this post comments...
Because I ACTUALLY READ people's post, I spend time researching post, I look at the links....what a concept huh?

This is a bit patronizing. I have better shit to do than examine people's posts in minute detail. If you have evidence and are taking the time to research posts, catalog it and share the evidence. Failing that, I'm not interested in being insulted and reading hearsay.

Wow, you know how many post I've debunk or found dead end links attached to them? You people would believe everything out there and then run around misinformed telling people you read it somewhere so it must be true. It's not patronizing, it's the truth, Whatsup even admits she does it. The problem is people just want the easy money. If that wasn't true all the way down from corporate they'd never made an auto's a I don't have the time but I don't want to miss the gravy train concept. It deserves every bit of patronizing it can get for it's the very reason this site is failing, people don't actually engage they grab and go.

Well then, I guess you'd better find someone else willing to be patronized.

Um...I am not following you therefore if this isn't your site then I will do all the patronizing I want in response to any comments you make out in the general vicinity of other's post. I don't intend on following have no fear of me outing you.

If you get flagged you dont really lose much.
But if his customers get flagged all the investors start to leave because no one is buying votes.
So really... Bots cant win as long as the community doesnt chicken out.

@lordbutterfly - my investors are not going anywhere.

Yes, they are. If you continue to extract the value of content via stake weighting you will continue to concentrate Steem and thereby reduce the market for it, continuing to reduce the price, market cap, and user base. Eventually, your services will utterly destroy Steem and eliminate the business opportunity that enables the profiteers you call investors to profit from the destruction you wreak.

You are cancer, and will go into remission, either when the host expires, or otherwise.

This comment was flagged for self voting. That is abusive and deprives content creators of rewards due them for their contribution to society.

Let's not stop there then...lets get to the new deprivation going on, that's people using their multiple accounts to autovote people onto the trending page. It should be one person, one vote, not one person and their six sybil high stake accounts.

1person1v is good. I'm in.

I hear you, the way to making things right is to make it all right not start or enforce a different aspect of corruption/cheating or whatever you want to call it.

What about other types of I seen you yesterday sympathizing with some women making seven, eight bucks a post by walking around making a four minute video of a stray cat (as an example) and repeating herself over and over again...that's definitely not worth eight bucks....then turn around and write two, three more short post making a similar amount, add it up. She was all shocked she didn't make her usual over a hundred bucks for the week.

Which woman?

Posted using Partiko Android

I keep telling you to stay away from those crazy cat ladies!

Crazy cat ladies are the best.. Most of them are single. lol :D

yup, lol

I think he means Elsie 😂

Yeah, probably.
I like Elsie. Shes nice, sweet, never uses bots, never has taken a trending spot from anyone, works hard and i find her content chill and relaxing.
Not worth 8$? I think its worth 8$. I wouldnt claim its worth a 100$ but 8$... id say 8$ is pretty fair.
She averages around 5$ which gets her 2$ a post as the author.

How you thought that someone getting a few dollars per post was a good example or equivalent to someone voting themselves up to top of the trending page, or buying up a bunch of votes... is beyond me.

You are missing the point that she does this for the most part three times a day....another post she goes on a boat ride and flips out a few pictures. You are wrong she gets two bucks a post...maybe now but if it was before she'd been getting 42 dollars a week instead of close to 150 for basically four, five minutes of work plus posting time. It's not about how nice someone is, I am sure chbartist is just as nice in real life but when it comes to money people normally will grab it anyway they can clutch it, it doesn't matter if it's an unwarranted low quality eight dollar post or four, five paragraphs post valued at hundreds like bartist, use good judgement when seeking rewards.

Chbartist botted for 99% of his payout. Elsie got voted by other people for 100% of her payout.
So your problem is her making posts 3 times a day?
You are saying that 1 post per day is ok but 3 posts is abusive and comparative to people circle jerking to top of the trending page as well as buying votes to top the trending?
Shes a vlogger and your evaluation of the work of a vlogger is always subjective. Whats her personality like etc.
And shes a full time steemian so if she wants to make a few $$$ on steem she has to post in high quantity. Thats how steem works.
Youll never find high effort high quality content created specifically for steem because that would be a waste of time. Especially with hf21.

Right now the most votes anyone can get organically is around 120$ which amounts to less then 50$ then split 50/50 into liquid steem and SP.
You can basically earn 25$ if you get votes by dan, gtg, smooth, acid, ocd, blocktrades. Etc
Its a fucking waste of time creating anything of effort and seeing it missed because its not steem related.

Content just needs to be good enough and elsies is.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's she, just to let you know.