✴️ Today I "Officially" Became A "DOLPHIN" On Steemit 🐬! Well... More Like A "Mini" Dolphin 🀣

in #charlesfuchs β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at ~ Bruce Lee.

When I first started Steemit about 2 months ago and was learning about this amazing platform, I had no idea what a Minnow, Dolphin, and Whales was. πŸŸπŸ πŸ¬πŸ‹

So by doing some research, one needs about "10 Million+ Vests" which is currently around 5000 - 50,000 Steem Power to become a "Dolphin".

There are roughly less than 1300 Steemians in the whole community with this a Dolphin Status or better, according to Steemwhales.

It seemed like just yesterday when I posted my first blog as a "Minnow" on May 2017 and I made a whopping .93! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£... all I knew that this was just the beginning.

By checking out my current stats on steemitboard, I've been upvoted over 15,000 times+, replied over 3500+, and commented over 6500+ in 2 months which is kinda nuts! lol

However... here is the most important stat I care about... I upvoted over 11,000+ times to all my peeps on Steemit, giving back to the community and to my followers for all the great blogs/comments you have posted. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

So moving forward, my main objective is to become the Best "MINI Dolphin" that I can be and continue to support everyone that brings value to steemit community. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

I just wanted to say that I'm really grateful and thankful to all my 3000+ Followers including all the people on Steemit that supported me on this journey... without you, I wouldn't even be here. πŸ’ž

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Good effort mate! Am climbing the ladder to. Am around 1650 SP then I will become a dolphin lol. Followed, resteemed, voted! ;)

That still good. I can u see being at 5k dolphin in couple of months :)

Yes defffo thats the aim! Thats my next goal!

Staking have u got mulitple accounts? And are we allowed to have more than one do you know?

I only have this account but you can have as many accounts you want :)

What are them minowpond voters on your posts. they lool like they are automated? Are they. People could just make accouts and self vote. Surely this is happering?

I have no idea, I'm getting tons of love tho πŸ€‘πŸ’–

:》 β™‘

Keep Crushin it...... πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹

Dude is chill :)

Woohoo, moving up and giving back! You will be a whale in no time. Let review the steps you have taught us how to reach success.
Step 1: hard work Check!
Step 2: Create a brand Check!
Step 3: Create a army of successful individual with a mutual goal Check-Check

High five!!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

So funny, I didn't even realized I gave out over 11,000+ upvotes, shesh! πŸ˜‚

It is always a blessing to not realize how generous you are being and still out growing the person next to you. I didn't realize that website boardsteemit.com was available. Love it!

I'm very new to steemit. Is it better to upvote? I watched this YouTube video and i think i might have misunderstood. I thought the guy said that when you upvote you lose Steem... So I've been upvoting sparingly. What has been your experience? Congrats on dolphin living! 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈

Your voting power will decrease if you vote a lot, but it will power back up so you don't actually lose steem

@stackin It's all those minnow (now dolphin) kisses. 🐟

Ill take them haha

thats a lot of support ! :D

That's the best thing about upvoting stuff you like. You don't really notice how often you're doing it.

I pressed that button 11k times haha

Good job mate, you worked hard for it!

I'm going to have to read more of your blogs :)

I'm glad you liked them!

Well done man!! That is a good goal to aspire too. I try the same!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thanks @meesterboom, you are a role model for steemit... You were one of the first people I followed, appppresh what you do here :)

Aw cheers dude! Likewise in the appreciation!

Welcome to the club. Guess I didn't know I was a dolphin either... I paid for mine though lol

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

What's up fellow Dolphin @alao πŸ³πŸ˜‚

So now you are supposed to use this power for the good of the platform. This is what I hear, anyway. I have a very long way to go before I need to understand this. If the platform grows - so does your investment.

There are 30K in posts a day and most get seen by no one. This is why many minnows don't make it. The average payout is .04.

Lucky you (both) to be able to get to the top like that. It's very interesting to watch from down here.

That is pretty much what i have been trying to do. Give back even though it may not be much.

Hopefully more will follow your lead. Between the chats and the voting bots, I feel like I might not be in the right place sometimes. Still swimming though :)

Congrats. Well done. Next stop orca ;-)

Let's become orcas or sharks 🦈 by Dec 31st πŸ€‘

ohh shit, pass the pufferfish brooo

Send me some tuna πŸ˜‚

ah-ah-ah-ah-ah eeeeeeeeeee

Dolphin language for "Congratulations dude!"

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Apreesshhhh Bossman! lol


Congrats! Your post are always fun and motivational.

I'm going to make it more fun :)

What would a mini dolphin be?
Maybe your a tuna fish or something haha
Well congratulations on becoming a dolphin and for giving so much to the community
Keep up the great work @stackin and keep grinding bud
I can't wait to see you at your next milestone.
You will probably hit 4K before I hit 1k haha :)

Tuna fish sounds good lol ... You will be a dolphin at the end of the year. I see it :)

I wish they would make levels at 1000, 2000 etc. This is a far climb up the fish ladder for me!

aye congrats stackin!

I remember we started around the same time, so it has been dope watching how you rose through the ranks! I think it was because you were so involved in the community and made sure you commented on everyone's post starting out!

Congrats again on reaching such a dope milestone! Your the man Stackin!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Soooo appreciative, thank you Bossman. Keep on stackin πŸ€‘

Well done!

I became a steemit wizard πŸ˜‚

Nice! congrats stacking! Whale next goal: Steem on!

Those are amazing goals πŸ˜¬πŸ‹

Congratulations, I am so happy and proud of your achievements. You are a wonderful example of how to really knock this platform out of the park..... Home Run @stackin

Thank you @sunscape! You are so kind and I will always support ya :)

OMG a Dolphin!! Yay!! Love how positive you are and how much you give back!!
Thanks for representing consistency, perseverance, and fun!!

Someone mentioned sardines in one of your comments! Love it!

I guess that's what I am!! But, hey, sardines are one of the healthiest things to eat because it has all those great omega-3's!!

Congrats again!!

I'm loving the dolphin pics.... they always make me laugh :)

This is you with a specially fitted scuba system so you can stay under the water longer!

Only you would of found that picture somewhere online πŸ˜‚πŸ³

I was into that show back in the day. Seaquest!

Thats pretty cool! Goes to show that with persistance of effort you can achieve anything.

Over and over again πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’―

This post received a 3.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @stackin! For more information, click here!

I know it!!!! I know that you will be a big success here my buddy @stackin ..next I will feed you a lot of fish so your grow to whale..keep steeming to more success, upped.

I need to be feed on tons of upvotes to grow into a bigger fish lol

Great, I will add you now to my steemvoter.com and thus will be throwing you fresh fish to eat even while am sleeping haha.
Feel free to see my latest post on dowvoting issues / fight on steemit and join the discussion.

Done, you are added on my steem voter ..hope you will not grow too fat due to the fresh fish..lets work towards whale hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Just added you too... will check it out @charles1 :)

Great...thanks for adding me to your steemvotter. Hope to see your opinion on the downvoting issue via my blog post. Together we are sronger!!!

Congrats! 🐬🐬🐬
have fun on your 🐬 days!

Congratulations on becoming a Dolphin. We all have this Minnow to Whale Journey, My first goal for now is to achieve Dolphin Rank. So far going on my second month on steemit will be moving to that goal little by little.

You will get there my mannn! I believe it :)

Thank you, will definitely do :) I believe I can

Great achievement dude

I'm glad you are growing fast and i love your idea of giving back to the society.

Please don't stop the good work

No problem... Won't stop, Cant Stop Attitude :)

Lol great, i need to discuss something with you, could you please check your discord and give me a response?

great job!!!! i joined in may 2017, still a sardine :(

You got this... takes a little time πŸ’―

Fantastic! Congrats! It's nice to see all of someone's hard work pay off on this platform. Thanks also for YOUR support of us noobs!

I'm still a newb... I'll guide the way πŸ˜‚

Thats great man!!!! GRATZZ!!!

Congrats! :)

wow, really great to hear it... great job @stackin

Thanks @hiroyamagishi! Just followed you on fb :)

Fully upvoted buddy! Congrats on reaching the dolphin status! Keep the good work up! I plan to reach it at the end of the year :)

My mannn... I can definitely see you becoming in dolphin this year :)

That is the plan, loaded some SP today, step by step :)

Congratulations you've earned it, I've been on steemit just over a month now and just i'm getting the hang of it now. What an amazing platform this is

So right, I'm still learning new things everyday. Best platform ever πŸ’―

@stackin Thank you for being a support and guide on this journey. Please lead by example and be express loving kindness. I hope to grow alonside you. Namaste

I have a few new things coming up for many people :)

Congrats! Glad to see hard work paying off :) I would love to follow in your footsteps... I started a mere month ago

Post daily and engage 😬

congrats hard work always pay.


It's all paid off right! Congrats and cheers to even more success my future whale friend!

You motivate me @artedellavita πŸ’–

You do the same for us and I appreciate the you kept me going when I almost gave up in the beginning, Thank you for that! :)

Better not give up haha :)

I'm in too deep now lol

wow man, i keep reading your posts, you're like an inspiration to me... have you just kept your head down and on this Steemit grind the whole time???
I know you have stated just how you did it... but man... how did you do it?? lol
very nice my dude! youve got a follower out of me now:)

I see it like this, we all have 24 hours in a day... I just see lots of people messing around on steemit instead of making it better lol ... Apppreash man, followed ya back :)

Well done mate, truly fantastic work. I hope to one day get to the same place as you. Might take me a bit longer. Lol.

One Day, Ill give you a few months... I'm going to push you there :)

Woot Woot I can't wait!

The way your posts have been paying out....... and the fact that your posts almost always make it onto the trending page now means you likely won't be a dolphin for long. For now I will enjoy the fact that we are both 61 rep but I know you will overtake me before long.

Don't worry, you will be there soon enough. I can see it :)

You deserve it! Your personality and drives inspires me. Thanks @stackin.

Thanks Happymoneyman! You have a loyal follower for life lol

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Salute! You've been grindin' a lot for this.

You the man @robert-call! Just putting some extra little work into blogging... give me some time, I need to get to your levels lol

Congratulations on your new Dolphin status and all your hard work. Onward and upward.

Congratulations on a huge milestone! As Dale Carnegie once wrote:

You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing.
Keep doing what makes you really happy :)

You give back to the community sooooo much fam! You are AWEESOMEEEE! :D

I can't catch up with my messages, just seen your FB message haha

Congrats man, I remember how happy I was when I first became a dolphin! was a great day.

I'm going to have to follow you more closely... I need a first dolphin friend haha

Yeah I am following you now :) Dolphin friend, we are indeed ^_^

That is how the community grows stronger and becomes great. People like yourself helping others! Much respect.

Thanks boss, it pretty tuff to keep up but i'm for the challenge :)

Fantastic achievement in such a short time!!
What does it feel like to swim with the big fishies :P
wow, looks like you worked your booty off for it , so well done:) even though I am a tad jealous xD I won't hold it against you :) so congratulations dolphin territory!

The ocean is vast... needs more dolphins, will be waiting for ya lol

Well done my friend!


Congrats, bro!

Hey, my first post made $0.04 so even in minnow mode, you crushed me XD

Dannnnng, I thought .93 was bad for a first post haha

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 


looking forward to your I become a whale post next week :-)

Thanks @flipstar! Seen your blogs about bjj. My twin brother owns a ufc gym here in vegas for 5 years. I plan to blog about it in the future :)

this would be awesome!

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