Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Traditions and Customs)

in #contest5 years ago

Quite a few people who are much much much better equipped to survive a disaster than I am! Although something that kept coming up was the importance of skills and community (does that sound like Steemit?... haha...). Of course, having easy access to equipment and supplies doesn't hurt!

This week, we are coming into the festive season... yes yes, I know it is over a month away till Christmas, but we had Halloween recently, followed by Sinterklaas, and then Christmas and New Year. It's an endless line of traditions and customs... add into that the fact that my older girl is losing her baby teeth, so we've been doing a lot of the Tooth Fairy thing as well!

It makes her start to look like a vampire...

My Question

  1. What is an interesting custom/tradition that you family, your country or your community has that you would like to share?

My sample answer


Well, the tradition that I'd like to share is one that is more from my wife's family. Before Easter, they have pancakes... and it is a tradition that we have also adopted.

However, the real tradition is the competition between all the siblings (7 brothers and sisters, and now up to 5 cousins...) to eat the most pancakes... Usually it ends up being one of the younger boys, but the girls also usually get a decent amount down as well... Partners (like me) tend to stay out of the way! No-one likes a gatecrasher!

Tied in with this is the yearly "discussion" about the order of putting squeezed lemon/orange and sugar on the pancakes. Does the citrus juice go first or the sugar? Now for this, unless you don't eat a pancake, you WILL have to pick a side, no fence-sitting on this question!

It's most definitely sugar first, then squeeze the lemon. MY wife is WRONG! Now I have to indoctrinate my kids before she gets to it first....


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
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  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

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[Okay, now who keeps stealing my time?}


There's only one tradition which I like and this happen's on Halloween (Day of the Dead). For our tradition, much resembling the Mexican tradition but of course starting first in Europe and more popular in Poland, we attend the cemeteries and honour the dead. However, for the Polish, we place down the person's favorite flowers on their graves, pictures of their high-times and candles strewn about. Of course we give the honorary prayers to them and giving honorary speeches to them if needed for a massive crowd gathering on such a family member. Of course, the most immediate family members are supposed to attend and honour the person as yearly as they can, but, if costs are too much, places change or the cemetery is restrictive on access, then honoring them at least once is socially allowed and the frowning is upon those that inhibit the yearly honors.

LOL, seriously! Do you wait for the last possible moment! I'm afraid that I didn't quite get to you in time for the Steem-Bounty, I will have to be a bit better on the ball next time (or you could give me a half day notice!).

The only things that I really know about the Festival of the Day of the Dead, is what I had learnt from playing Grim Fandango! However, I do think it is nice to have a national tradition of honouring the dead. We don't really have that in either country that I have some affiliation to (Australia and Netherlands), but when I am in my home town in Australia, I always visit and pay homage to ancestors in line with my Chinese heritage...

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My community has a tradition of going to the airport when fellow church members from other cities fly in to visit us in Los Angeles. When the person from out of town arrives out of the airport gate in full view of us as greeters, the greeters sing a song called "We Love You With the Love of The Lord." This gets noticed by everyone, because no one else really sings in an airport. Yet no one stops us either. And it is a heartwarming experience for all.

That must be a lovely (and slightly embarrassing..) thing for the person who arrives! I always see groups welcoming community of family members at airports, it is really heart-warming!

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Italy is a place with a lot of traditions about food, lifestyle, and political ideas.
So I would like to write about something that is typical of my city: I live in Siena, a small town is Tuscany near Florence and in the middle of Chianti, a country where a very famous wine is made.
What I want to tell you is an ancient and great tradition that made and makes Siena famous all around the world: PALIO.
It takes place twice a year (2nd July / 16th August) and It is a horses race. What is very typical and unique is that this race takes place in the historic square and the old documents describe this almost 500 years ago.
This festival lasts 4 days and every town neighborhood has its horse and its jockey.
During the final race there are 30 thousands people in the square too see everything.
At the end only a neighborhood win and all the others lose.
Thank you, @bengy and @dustsweeper, to give is the opportunity to tell traditions of our country.

Wow, that is an interesting and really old tradition! What is the prize for the eventual winner? Is there a prize, or is it the bragging rights, to be declared the winner from all the neighbourhoods for the next half year?

There is a painted tapestry for the winner. Every Palio has a different one.
However it is a great bragging rights and the "rival" of the winner goes in the shadow.
For example I am part of the Shell (Nicchio) and my rival is the Mutton (Montone). During the Palio there are also fights between rivals: there are people who are good friends during usual life and they become rivals during the Palio.
We are crazy, I know!😅

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Thank you very much!

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Okay, then let's tell you something about the "Christbaumloben". ;)

The Christbaumloben or Christbaumschau (Christmas tree praise or Christmas tree show) is a German custom practiced in parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. In the post-Christmas time, the houses are visited by friends and colleagues and their Christmas trees are praised beyond all measure. As a thank you, visitors receive a shot of Schnaps or something similar.

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Haha... so lots of praise for a nice shot of something nice! I can do that!

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After Halloween in the UK we have the 5th of November, known as Guy Fawkes Night we remember his gunpowder plot to blow up parliament by lighting bonfires and setting of fireworks.


Hey nice! Oddly enough, from memory, he didn't succeed though?

We leave our explosive holiday to New Years Eve... at which time, The Netherlands becomes a partial war zone....

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I wont take away peoples chance to get some SBI. But this is a great thing youre doing. Making violinists look good. Haha

Oh no, I'm doing this as a viola! When I write nasty posts, that's when I have my violin hat on!

Crap, I gave you a vote out of habit... you aren't a valid entry! (see, violin hat!)

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There is this tradition before the month of August in my city called "Dúdùdú". It means to grab something by force. It's a tradition by the king council, if they found anybody opening his shop on that day , they(king boys) will come in and grab anything they want while no law could hold them on that day.
All shops are closed on that day.

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That's a strange custom! I guess that is one way to make sure that the holiday stays a holiday!

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While I'm not really one for celebrating religion based holidays amd the like, Indo have a couple of "traditions" among our circle of friends which revolve around sporting events.

The main one is AFL Grand Final day where we all go around to @dahmsy79's house for a BBQ and to watch the game. I run a sweep on a couple of different match-based outcomes and we all generally have a great day. The evolution of this day has been interesting over the past decade, from a get together with a heavy focus on drinking and partying, to what is now very much a family day as we have nearly all settled down and have children.

Haha... definitely am Australian (well... in some states...) tradition! For us (well, more my wife's side), it was more the rugby... and more the NSW vs QLD matchup which was the big game day. ... but it is great that you've continued the tradition through having kids, so that all the different generations of family friends get to meet up on a BBQ!

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What is an interesting custom/tradition that you family, your country or your community has that you would like to share?

This is more of a country tradition that any family takes part in but adapting it to their needs and wants. So during Easter we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, as a nation.

The tradition is that all people or at least the majority of them visit a church were we hear more "enthusiastic" psalms and gospels and the whole atmosphere is festive.when the clock hits 12 at night, all the lights turn off and holly flame passes to everyone. bells ringing everyone wishes health and be there next year etc etc

I am not a fan of the church though and i believe the main reason this tradition is still alive is because of what comes after it. Right after we take the holly light even if the church continues till 2 am, 95% of the people in church leave and go to their houses or friends.

What then follows is a festive with lots and lots and lots of meat. that's because it is supposed that we all hold fasting for 40 days but i said nobody cares about that :P

In a few words we go maximum of 1 hour in the church then eat in taverns or at homes with friends and family for 2-3 hours and then we may go out and drink! :P During the afternoon we repeat that process :P

Wow... that's pretty impressive stamina you guys have... Sometimes, I play for the midnight masses (around Christmas time)... and I find that after an hour's worth of church service, I'm ready to fall asleep right away... I guess, if there was the promise of a party afterwards with lots of drink and food, that would make it a moment to wake up at the end!

yea and the younger generation (from 15-35) usually visit church for 10 minutes :P to get the holly light, say that we've been to church ok now bring the food :P

For a tourist though the holly week will be one of the most amazing experiences in his/her life, especially if he/she follow some rules like fasting for a week, going to church at least for an hour each day. Fasting may sound a big deal for someone and usually the local never do it only the older ones but for the tourist the fasting foods will seem amazing (especially if you are a vegan). The church psalms and stuff that going on are different each day and have happy tune so they will like that too. We on the other hand got used to it and sometimes we take our family and friends and spent our Holly Week in another town because they have a bit of different traditions :P

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Great competition, cool topic. Let me think.

We have large hikings through towns. One was just yesterday and 10.000 people joined. It was special as first one who got through this way in 1865 was a famous writer. And then he wrote about it. And the rest is history.

I haven't joined but next year I just might.

That's pretty interesting! So, you just have people gathering to walk through an established route in the city? Does it happen often?

Once a year. Between cities, around 10km. Or even around main city 30km :)

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the tradition I want to share belongs to our Bengali culture. Every time Anyone goes to an important work like going for exams, a job interview, a long journey or going to do any important work in which he/she wants to get succeed, his/her mother or wife/husband put on a bindi of custard on the forehead. it's a good luck wish and it is believed that it will bring luck and him/her! I don't know if there is any scientific value behind it, but on me, it does give self-confidence.

That's a nice tradition! Definitely, a touch of confidence doesn't go astray in any situation!

Absolutely.... And it really works... Ask me! 😊😅

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That is cool that pancakes eating and who can eat the most. This one that is new to me but it is also from my wife's family. They had a get together on Christmas eve where they just eat sandwiches and drink hot cider and a few other simple dishes. Now I grew up in two big families. My dad was one of 9 kids and my mom 1 of 10. So holidays had really big get together but with all kinds of food. But this was good that took a long time to make and eat. There is a big bonus I have now found to just having lunch meat out with some good rolls and the fixing you want around. You spend a lot more time just talking with people. It is not really bad form to sit and munch on a sandwich and still be part of a fun conversation. I will add that there are also many choices of how to spike your cider so that helps. It is fun and something I think I will continue if they stop.

Sounds like a great tradition to keep! The idea of just getting families together to just take a show day is a really good thing, the hot cider makes it even more enticing!

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In Bulgaria we have the tradition people to dress like "Kuker", plural is "Kukeri" in scary masks, huge fur costumes, carrying a belt with several brass bells of different sizes and tonality, dance and jump thus making a lot of noise in order to chase away/banish the evil spirits and summon prosperity and good health. It happens in the winter. Each village, town, city has its specific date and unique elements of the celebration.

Probably the biggest festival is "Surva" that became an International Festival of the Masquerade Games, annually held in Pernik, close to the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia.
The colorful and spectacular folklore Balkan and Bulgarian traditions with performers known as Kukeri and Survakari are represented at this glorious winter event. With thousands of participants, the joy and fun are guaranteed ;)

Here are few of my photos from the last "Surva":



At the end there are fireworks and a huge bonfire where all the participants perform a round dance around the flames ;)


Thank you and have a great day. I suppose after this story I may meet some of you at the next Surva in the end of January? :P


Wow, that is an impressive tradition! It looks scary, but I can imagine that the atmosphere is a bit more festive? I am definitely tempted to come and visit some time, they are really great photos!

Oh, absolutely! I just picked those moments that are the most impressive! It is a 3-days festival, the first parade is by children, colorful, happy and joyful ;) And a lot of traditional food to try :P

I've there several times already, it is getting bigger and better every year. The town can barely welcome all the guests :D

Thank you, @bengy :)

Thanks! I will be suggesting it to my wife!

My pleasure! :)
If you decide to come and participate, drop me a line, I could give you some practical tips how to make your stay better ;)

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I like to scare my daughter's boyfriends by telling them about my family curse. It hasn't worked yet. ;-)

Lol! Still a good tradition!

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