A Dash of Sult N Papper 08/15/20> Hive Saturday Giveaway plus a couple of questions I’d like answered…

in #dailydose4 years ago (edited)


Hey, hey, hey...

“Hey, hey, hey it’s Hive Saturday Giveaway. The online block chain game show where you can win HIVE for just being alive here on HIVE.”, says the announcer in his best announcer voice.

Maybe someday this circus I’m running here will turn into a game show but for now it is what it is. So there is no audio or video to see or listen too. Participation is limited to reading, voting (up or down) and commenting. Of course there is one other option; skipping right by it altogether like 99.999% of HIVE users do.

I don’t look at that last option as a being my problem or loss however, the truth that is published in these Dashes pretty regularly can be a really bitter pill to swallow sometimes for some people.

Good medicine often has a bad taste when you first get a taste of it, but after it has time to work it can make a big difference in your quality of life. I’d like to think that my Dashes are some of that good medicine with the bad taste.

So I've missed...

So I’ve missed some days this week but not out of laziness or nothing to say worth saying. Pure exhaustion was the reason. My work has been doing very well because of COVID these last three months.

Thanks to all the fear being hyped up on the news and government tyrants in just about every location around the country shutting things down this created a unique situation.

Folks that had planned and saved for vacations away from home have decided to spend that money at home and renovating their backyards for a “staycation” place.

That has made landscaping, irrigation, pools and hardscape contractors who do design-build projects busy as a one armed man in an ass whipping contest. Those contractors make up a very significant portion of my sales of products.

Ten hour days this week on three of those days at the beginning of the week made for a very long week and the last thing I wanted to do was type anything. I’ve never been big on texting and emailing but those have become a significant portion of my days now. My eyes just need a break at the end of the day.

Today is the...

Today is the Saturday HIVE giveaway here at the Dash but its also housekeeping day were I just clean up some stuff that has been lacking some attention.

I haven’t mentioned the ducks (dups) lately and there has been a couple developments with them.

A couple of weeks ago we had to bury one of them. Mr. Waddlesworth, who had a genetic defect, starting having serious seizures and so he is part of history now and has his resting place out near the gully with the rest of the family pets that went before him.

Needless to say the girls were quite upset, if there was a favorite among the four it was Mr. Waddlesworth.

Just within the..

Just within the last week or so there has been another development.

We have a couple of females for sure and the duck eggs to prove it. Ducks that I had back when I was growing up laid eggs that had a tan or light brown tint to the shells but not these.

I never knew where Dr. Suess came up with the title to one of his bestselling children’s books titled “Green Eggs and Ham” but I’m guessing he might have had ducks that were of the same variety as ours.

So far we haven’t let the ducks set on the eggs and we haven’t cooked any of them yet either. One of those two things is about to change though. Soon as Daisy gets some ham from the grocery store I’ll be able to say that I have eaten green eggs and ham for breakfast.

I know there...

I know there are some really sharp people who read my Dashes on a fairly regular basis and I hope one of you can answer a question I have concerning the HIVE block chain. Specifically about the “notices” tab that lets you know pertinent stuff like up votes, comments, and when someone re-blogs your posts (even though it still says “resteems” which totally disgusts me).

I noticed this week that not all of comments people made this week show up in my “notifications” section. The comments showed up in the “Replies” section but not a trace could be found of that comment in the “Notifications” and I find that to be kind of strange. Any ideas on why that might be?

My thinking is...

My thinking is that if registered as a reply it would surely generate a notification but it didn’t.

Is there discrimination going on to new or newer users on Hive that they aren’t recognized as worthy of creating a notification?

Does an account have to reach a certain REP level or certain amount of Hive power before they are deemed worthy of notifying the recipient of the comment? Inquiring minds like mine would like to know.

Just to be...

Just to be clear, it wasn’t a spam comment from some low life either. I know that back on FIRED those sort of “disappeared” because the account had been deemed as “low quality” or something like that.

That brings up a second question too. Is that “low quality” and hiding spam comments taking place here on Hive like it did over on FIRED? I’m curious on that as well.

I know one...

I know one of ya’ll will know the answers on that but if I don’t get an answer I know just who to go call on to find out.

There is two HIVE that is a bounty on the first correct guess of who I am thinking that person is so fire away with your guess. Yes, one guess per person so make it a good one.

Right now I...

Right now I need to get the Saturday HIVE Giveaway out of the way.

Being that I didn’t do much this week on here I have to come up with some folks. I’m going to start with @eve66 , she was kind enough to drop a link in comment about how Hallacas are made and those were quite interesting.

I would have never guessed that those were cooked by boiling water but now I know. I also learned that if I ever end up in Venezuela at Christmas time and get invited to eat Hallacas I better eat every bite of them; it is considered an insult if you don’t.

Another person I...

Another person I haven’t mentioned in a long time is @abbak7 . He and I go way back to my very first post over on FIRED back in September of 2017.

He was living in the USA at the time and moved back to his native country of Romania sometime in 2019 when I was missing from blogging for a while. He posted a really neat video of a little trip he took thru an area called Bicaz Gorges. I was so impressed by the scenery in that video that I re-blogged it so others might see it.

In case you missed that here is the link to that post.. I am a nature lover and mountains and gorges are really some of the best nature in my opinion.

Since I'm digging...

Since I’m digging back in my history on blogging I am going to complete this week’s Hive giveaway with another person that I ran into on discord that I haven’t seen or visited with in quite awhile; @awakentolife .

We know each other from our days back at the Steem Engine writing group back on FIRED. He was the “Rail Road Cop” who kept everyone in line on our discord channel.

Man how I miss those days of the Steem Engine (yes I am actually typing Steem out of respect for those people and not the FIRE guzbucking joint).

That was one fine group of talented folks and pretty exclusive as for getting in there. It still amazes me that I ever got invited to join those folks, I was outclassed every step of the way when it came to writing to be honest.

One thing that I did have going for me was that I engaged people with good comments and asked good questions in my comments. There is a lot to be said for that and I really think that is why they let be a part of that group, so much for memory lane.

@awakentolife is from Croatia and he is a professional basketball player in Italy but is home in Croatia right now.

His hometown and his childhood was the battlefield when he was growing up. The house he lived in was hit by air missiles on least one occasion because I remember his post about having to remodel a bedroom and bathroom that had damage from the bombs that were dropped in that war.

He has been MIA around here but told me he is getting back into blogging and I am glad to hear that. He is a positive type person and always encourages people to be their best.

He made a post with a beautiful sunrise photo taken from where he lives so I think he is on the rebound and we’ll see a lot more of him again. Here is the link to the sunrise post.

That is going to do it for today’s HIVE Saturday Giveaway, thanks for dropping in. Ya’ll have a great day and a better weekend.
Until next time,

Photo credits: @sultnpapper


First off..I'm sorry that Mr Waddlesworth passed away! I love that you added a few photos on the ducks and, yes, I know that is not the norm for you..lol. I never knew duck eggs could be green but I do know of chickens that lay blue or pink eggs and of course the brown eggs.
I'm not sure about the notifications issue but have noticed some of what you have. In addition to what you mentioned, it could also have to do with the voting slider as in if it is slid way back then it may not show a notification..just guessing. I will tell you I voted on and re-blogged a friends post once and it hid my comment and his post. Neither one of us could figure out why. This happened maybe a month back..weird huh! I don't know for sure but I will guess @thekittygirl cause she is pretty smart and knows a lot of workings here I think. If I'm right then please pass the Hive to her.
Speaking of bitter pills..the doctor gave me some new ones to try for a week and they are so dang bitter that they should help me lots..lol. Anyway, I do (mostly) love to read your Dashes! I like truth and I think we both know that we ain't getting that from any of those "trusted" news agencies. I don't always fully understand some of the Dashes but that is because of my somewhat faulty brain I think. I hope you are resting up some and feeling a bit better from your busy week?! 💕

Well we have a winner folks to the "Make Your Guess" pop up contest as you correctly identified my "Go to " person. I am sure she will know the answer and I will send her the bounty due you since that is your request. @thekittygirl is a big asset to dummies like me when it comes to this block chain stuff. Not only does she know it, but she knows how to explain it in a way that even I can understand.
Thanks for the condolences for Mr. Waddlesworth.
The "norm thing" with the pictures has to do with what I mainly write about and my own self imposed rule that I only use photos that I've taken. It would be impossible for me to have pictures for the majority of stuff I write about like the constitution, civil war, and old supreme court cases. I don't want someone ever coming back and saying I used a picture that belonged to them without proper permission.
Some of the things I write can be difficult to understand but mainly because of the distortion of the history and the manipulation of the teaching of that history. Then couple it with the changing of the meanings of common words when used in law and it does get really confusing. I wouldn't blame your brain , blame the brainwashing you've had over the course of your life at the hands of government education if you need to put some blame into the equation.
A little of that blame could also go to me as well. I try to expose the truth and sometimes it is done better in little pieces rather than large chunks. I need to do a better job of segmenting and breaking things out over a few Dashes instead of doing a particular subject from start to finish in one Dash.
Good luck with the new meds,
FYI: Transfer done to @thekittygirl

Thanks @sultnpapper! I don't think I can blame the brainwashing although it does and is going on in education. That's a story I'll have to save for you another time though. 😉

Sounds like a plan, thanks.

awww..., thanks for thinking of me, and thanks to you & @sultnpapper for the HIVE!

I don't know for certain about the situation with the "Notifications" -versus- "Replies" issue, but I can hazard a guess. It depends on whether one is replying to a post or replying to a comment. And it might even depend on which front-end one is using to read the Hive blockchain. I've not tested this, but I suspect that HIVE.BLOG might be using a different algorithm for marking notifications than PEAKD.com, TravelFeed.io, and others. (It seems to me that I see more notifications on PEAKD than I do on HIVE.BLOG, which is why I say that.) For that reason, I will often @mention folks, by name in comments if I want to be sure they see them.

You're very welcome @thekittygirl! 🙂
I think the front-end guess sounds very possible and makes sense to mention the person by name so they see it. 😉

Those look to me like typical Mallard eggs. If your dups are full Mallards it means Mr. Waddlesworth may have been the only Mr. in the group. Males should have the green head and white neck ring by now....
Dup eggs are some good eating. Enjoy!

I don't have a clue about the notifications. Mine seem to be working, but now that you've told me I'll take a closer look. I use hivetasks and Ginabot to backstop my notifications, and so I think it's working.

Downvotes have changed a bit since the olden days (I've already appropriated guzbuck from you, I'll leave fired alone). Everybody has two free downvotes per day now so the shitposts should get DVs and consequently not show in your feed so much. That's the theory. Of course there is some abuse :) Sometimes we just can't have nice things.

That SteemEngine was just magical for about a year and a half, wasn't it? I don't know how I got invited either, but I didn't ask too many questions about it so that they wouldn't look again and find out I was a fraud in that company. I'm REALLY glad that @awakentolife is coming back. What a great guy.

Once more, just for old times sake. To quote Neil Young "Long may she run."

The STEEM Engine

How I used to love seeing this steem engine at the bottom of my posts!

Meeeee tooooo.

Me three!!!!!❤️

Hey @bigtom13. It has been a while. How have you been? The Steem Engine sure was a great place to meet some amazing people. Too bad the railroad tracks stopped working for it. But, I am thankful for it as I have met some amazing people in there. Hopefully, I can find most of them here on Hive as well. :)

Have a great day Tom. :)

Oh, man. Ask and it will be answered! I'm really glad to see you HERE!

I think you'll like it here, I really do. It seems more friendly, some how.

Some of the old riders at least have made the switch. @dswigle @tattoojay @gabreillatravels @littlenewthings @shadowspub @birdsinparadise @brittanjosie @birdsinparadise @lizelle @bozz @eonwarped @slobberchops are all around. There may well be more... I'm still on discord and still the same name if you want to DM me.

Well, I am sure looking forward to reconnecting with everyone. And, hopefully, staying active more this time. After the Steem Engine closed down it was just now the same for me on Steemit. But, now, I have so many stacked photos on my phone I got to start sharing them.lol

I will find you on Discord as well. But, it is not too bad to get some interaction here as well. :)

Thank you Tom for the shoutout. :)

Haha! Yes! It has been fun and busy! I cannot keep up with the interaction! I don't know how Tom @bigtom13 does!

Hello, Duro! @awakentolife


🎁 Hi @awakentolife! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Ola Ola @bigtom13! Sorry been really busy in the real world but need to start posting again hahaha

Posted using Dapplr

@bigtom13 I am no duck expert by any stretch of the imagination but these ducks aren't mallards according to the feed store who sold them to the girls and also from what they researched online. They might be a cousin to the mallard but the name of them is Rouen ducks. The Rouen males do get the ring around the neck and green head but I'm fairly certain the one is male and just hasn't reached maturity for the markings. Either that or it is a lesbian duck that has taken on the role of acting as the male, he / she is steadily mounting the other two every chance it has.
I opened up the roost this morning and found another egg, those girls have been busy for sure.

The old Engine was magical for me for sure and several others as well. Great to see so many comments and people chiming in about the old engine.
Thanks for all the support,

I remember you telling me they were Rouen dups, but looking at them and the eggs I just presumed Mallard. I just looked them up and sure enough they are colored very nearly like Mallards. Learn something new every day. That puts me on relax for the rest of the day! :)

If I were duck hunting and a flock of these flew into my range I would shoot thinking they were Mallards. Of course my girls would probably shoot me next, I haven't duck hunted in years and don't plan to anymore so the ducks and me are both safe.

I am so sorry to hear about Mr Waddlesworth Sult, I can imagine the girls must have been really upset as our pets become part of the family.
Good news though that you're being kept busy with sales; the handling of Covid has destroyed world economies but has opened up some opportunities in unexpected ways!
So glad to see @awakentolife is back, but I really miss @enchantedspirit and those podcasts by @ethandsmith, thankfully have met up with some other folk from the steemengine here on Hive.
I can't answer your question about the notifications but am wondering about all the two, to and too's in that one section which should read:
... who to go to, to find out.
I'm sure you know that too means as well or excessively;);) and this is a deliberate error?
I'm not begging for Hive here, just saying🙊 I have certainly drained your Hive this week with that wonderful contest of yours, enough is enough🙈 but had to clear up the to too's🙉

Hi ther @lizelle. Thank you for welcoming me back. It has been a while. Yes, since the Steemengine it has not been the same. It is one of the reasons I stopped writing as well. We had a good thing going there. How have you been?

I miss @enchantedspirit, @ethandsmith, and @catweasel. And pretty much everybody from that group. Who knows maybe in the future it would be nice to reunit for at least one day and have some fun. :)

I've initially blogged on both platforms but then realised what was happening with Steemit. Fortunately the fork happened at the right time as our BnB had to close down for 3 months during a hard covid lockdown here, and I cashed out my crypto to help fill the gaps!
Otherwise keeping well, and it's really nice bumping into some of that old steemengine's Whistle Stop passengers here:)

@lizelle it really is something how quickly we become attached to pets, and Shortie has never seen an animal that she doesn't fall in love with in about sixty seconds.
I was looking at the kitchen table the other morning and noticed @awakentolife was online so I messaged him and "boom" he responded. There are so many good folks that hopefully will make there way back and stumble in to HIVE.
That mistake wasn't intentional , purely a case of that exhaustion I was talking about, thanks for pointing that out. I reworded the end of the sentence so I think it is better now. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep before I could even transfer the HIVE for the Saturday giveaway but I took care of that first thing this morning.
My "working capital" for prizes is definitely drained at the moment, but hopefully it will rebound. Folks have been private messaging me ideas for contests so when the prize fund gets replenished I should be able to run another one,
Have a great day and thanks for the help,

Thanks for the mentione... I don't know the answers to your questions...

Posted using Dapplr

No problem my friend. I hope some folks watch that video you posted. That is some amazing area you have there with the Becaz Gorges.

Hey Sult, I'm sorry about Mr Waddlesworth, he seemed to be a good duck. On the other hand, I'm glad you're doing well in your work.

As for your question, I'm not sure but I think it's related to the different frontends that are used to post on the Hive Blockchain, for example if someone responds to one of your posts from one of the mobile apps and you're checking from Peakd, it's possible that some incompatibility arises, but like I said I'm not sure, I'm kind of divorced from Hive right now.

Thanks DG. We knew from the start that Mr. Waddlesworth's chances of surviving very long weren't very good because his skull was deformed and his brains were actually partially outside his skull, just his skin was holding it all together.
I know very little about the different front ends and stuff like that so what you say makes sense, it just might be an incompatibility issue. I have no way of knowing what they use but I know that the person is new and doesn't have much HBD or a high REP yet. Thanks for the input my friend.
Hey, what are we going do to with the poker games? We need to get more people involved with playing over there. You have any suggestions, there is so many games that never start for lack of entries and that is a real shame because nobody wins if the game never plays.
I try and hype the poker games as much as I can with my posts. What part of the world do live in? Can you think of any folks you can share the message with that it is free to play and they can win HIVE as prizes?
See you at the tables later today,

Yes, you're right, it's a bit frustrating not to find enough players for a tournament and I can't explain how there is so little participation in a place where you can win Hive without making any kind of investment.
For my part I try to promote the site whenever I get the chance, in my Hive posts I use this banner:

if you like it you can use it too and share it with others, here is the code:

<a href="https://brosinopoker.com">
<img src="https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/darthgexe/ttssKeWl-brosino.gif" ></a>

I wish I could promote the site a little more, maybe make videos of the tournaments, but my internet and PC are not very good, so I will have to think of something else for now.
I'm from the land of Hallacas my friend, greetings from here, see you at the tables.

I will definitely use that and I knew you were from VZ, I hadn't had my brain engaged fully by my morning coffee yet when I asked that question.
We have to get more people involved though that is for sure. I put in for a "cash out" this past week to get 100 HIVE from my poker account and been thinking of how I can use that for a contest for new poker recruits.
See you at the poker tables and best of luck,

@sultnpaper my friend thank you for such an amazing introduction back to blogging. I appreciate it my good friend. It has been a while since the last time I wrote so I am a bit rusty but I will get hang of it. I actually rebuild the bathroom and the upstairs of the house and looks pretty good now. I believe the bathroom renovation's final post is on Steemit. One of my last posts I wrote there.

Thank you again for such kind words from you, my friend. Have a blessed day. :)

No problem @awakentolife , my pleasure announcing your return. Also very pleasing to see all the folks coming out to welcome you back. All you folks know that I never closed down the DD kitchen table so feel free to use that as a gathering spot it is wide open.
You have a blessed day as well,

One day my mom made boiled eggs for breakfast and when she took the shell off and chopped them they were a little green inside. I didn't eat them because she told me they were eggs that the hen had probably started to hatch and they were taken out by mistake and arrived at our table. I was disgusted and sorry for being a little boy who didn't finish his training. I'm very sorry about your pet, Mr.... How do you name your (dog?) pet, it's very hard to mention. May he rest in peace, condolences to the whole family. About the questions you ask, I don't know exactly the answers but it's not because they're new, The Venezuelan and anyone else who invites you to eat at his table feels sad that you reject his dish that he cooks so lovingly, but if you eat hallacas don't eat the leaves. One day I gave hallacas to a friend who didn't know what it was and thought that the leaf was also eaten, hahaha that doesn't happen to you. Welcome to all of you who are invited to the contest today, Saturday, and I'm glad you are already working, there is still a quarantine here, 5 months already, it's desperate.

patos nuevos, flor roja, cielo, sapo, lluvia 008.jpg

A warm greeting friend @sultnpapper

@isabelpena the pet named Mr. Waddlesworth was named by my girls along with the other three ducklings he came with back in the beginning of March this year. The wanted him to have a "distinguished" name so they gave him a British sounding name.
I only eat eggs fried so boiled eggs are out for me. So the chances are I wouldn't notice a little tinge a green color .
That video on Hallacas did show how to eat them as well, but good that mention it about the leaves because I did say "all of it" but meant just the inside of the hallacas and not the leaves.
Each Saturday I give away one HIVE to at least three people and I do my "housekeeping" which is stuff I might have screwed up during the week or just random stuff that wouldn't make for a dedicated Dash. It's like having a junk drawer to throw stuff in and then each week I take a look in there and tell what I collected that week.
Thanks for dropping by and that is a really cute picture of the duckling and the eggs. Was that some of your own ducks and eggs that you hatched?

I hope I didn't offend you with your pet's name, I looked up the Spanish translation but it doesn't have one. But I found that it is the name of a dog from 102 Dalmatians, a Disney movie and in Gravity Fall it is the name of Mabel's pet, it is a little pig. When you eat Hallacas you will eat it all because they have an unbeatable taste. Yes, my friend Sult, that's one of the litters that mommy was able to get out of here on the farm and they are like my children.

monito, patos steemit, antena, fotos viejas y mas 034.jpg

They're always at the door of the house.

...pet's name, I looked up the Spanish translation but it doesn't have one...

@isabelpena ~ The pet's name was one they made, not a common name, which is why it didn't register in your translator. 🙂

When a duck walks, its tail wiggles back-and-forth. In English, we call that walk a "waddle."

Some names in English end with -worth, which came from an Old English (centuries ago) word meaning "settlement." So, someone with the surname "Wentworth" came from the village or settlement of Went. Sometimes in English, we add the "-worth" to names we imagine, to give them a "high society" sound, for fun.

So, the duck "waddles" (wiggles when he walks) plus "worth" made a good name for a duck! I think it is very clever and cute! 😁

Ah, well, that's very clever, of course. Thanks for the clarification. The difference in languages often does not make us understand although I strive to know why, are things of each country. I'm glad you explained it to me @thekittygirlOh

No offense what so ever Isabel in asking the name. My girls watched a lot of Disney so it wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't where they got the name.
That is quite the flock of ducks you have, some good looking group as well.
If ever there is any question you have feel free to ask it, don't hesitate and never worry about offending me. I am a big believer in free speech and will defend anyone's right to exercise that free speech.
The main thing that we all need to keep in mind no matter where we live or what religion we might be is that we are all just people. People that have similar desires, and traditions as well, that just want to live free and get along in life. Governments are the instigators of ill will and seek to change people to their way of thinking in my opinion.
Have a great weekend,

Thank you friend @sultnpapper same to you.

RIP Mr.Waddlesworth.

I loved the SteemEngine. The talent there was staggering! I had no idea what it was when they asked me to join, but, in the end, it was one of the best places I have ever been. I met the nices people!

My site has been misbehaving all last week, I didn't have time to pamper the fool, so I didn't get to post but one time and answer fewer. Plus, work is still busy. Thanks to COVID, business is brisk. The notifications and replies... I have noticed that and try to use both, but, I am so far behind right now, I am not sure where I am. I had 3500 notifications. :( It has been a while since I looked. Noooo. I forgot to delete it.

You have the new fun place for me!

Upped and Reposted


If I ever had 3500 notifications I think I would just close the computer and walk away.
I'm not surprised you have that many. You have one of the premier weekly things going with your #Market Fridays . That has been a huge success and I have seen some very interesting places by reading those posts.
The Steem Engine talent was staggering, and @enchantedspirit and @ethandsmith were just the greatest folks when it came to keeping that place organized. Both of them very dedicated and deserving of every good word I can think of to say.
Thanks for all of the support, the upped & re-posted are definitely appreciated , and good luck catching up on those 3500 now 3501,

Haha! I wish... :) I'm getting there. I didn't get anything done last week as the site was down so much. Glitchy. For me anyway.

Sorry to hear of the duck's passing... 😢

But, I am happy to hear that your business is booming! 🙌

Thanks for both of those Tiffany. Do you by chance know what would cause the comment I asked the question about to not show up on my "notications" tab on hive.blog ? You are my go to person when I have questions like that so please don't fail me now.
@darthgexe seemed to think that it might have something do with an incompatibility of some sorts between the front end interface of the comment poster and hive.blog interface, does that sound right?

Sorry, but I have no clue about that issue. However, I doubt that it could be incompatibility between front-ends, as all front-ends to the blockchain have to format blocks in the same way to mesh with the chain. If anything, it's a problem with how your front-end is reading and handling the blocks to generate the notifications. Also, HIVE.BLOG is based on the same CONDENSER front-end that was used by STEEMIT.COM, and hasn't even had working notifications for a year yet, so perhaps all the bugs weren't worked-out before Hive was born.

Okay. Thanks for for giving it a look and with me using HIVE.BLOG I should expect quirky stuff knowing what it evolved from.

"...busy as a one armed man in an ass whipping contest."

This made me laugh, my dad used to say it all the time. : )

I have a hunch about what's going on with your notifications but I'm not sure the hunch is correct. I notice a lot of your readers comment more than once on your posts (a good thing). I'm wondering if only the first comment a user makes shows up as a "notification" and subsequent comments just show up in "replies"?

Great job noticing that "resteem" oversight! My guess is those responsible for the hardfork overlooked that, it should definitely be changed.

Speaking of Steemit. I heard that there's going to be a further merging between the Steemit platform and Justin Sun's Tron token in the near future. I don't know if this will just be a re-branding our what but it'll be interesting to watch it play out. I'm so glad we all made the move when we did.

Enjoy your weekend and rest up for what's sure to be another busy week!

In this particular case about the notifications that seems to have not registered it wasn't a situation such as you described. So far the most plausible explanation seems to be an incompatibility issue having to do with maybe the app or front end platform they commented from.
I was more concerned that possibly new folks or lower REP, HBD folks were being treated differently than more "seasoned" people . I just wanted to make sure that isn't happening and if it was ask the question of , "Why so?"

I have no desire or interest in what Sustin Jun does with his piece of shit token and the FIRED platform, so I won't be watching. I am just glad to be cashed out and gone from there. I have some really good memories of my time on FIRED and the great folks at the Steem Engine so that is good enough for me.
It's sort of like having that first girl friend when you were young.... I'll just stop right there.
Have a great weekend too, record setting temperatures forecast for today and Sunday here.

Thank you, I hope one day I can come to Venezuela

Hallaca is one of the typical dishes of my country. It's delicious.

I promise when I prepare my hallacas I'll send you pictures.

May Mr. Waddlesworth rest in peace

Have a great weekend.

Thank you Eve. I look forward to seeing those photos when you make them. Are Hallaca only made at Christmas? I have a feeling that is correct , but is it because of the ingredients or just that it is so involved and takes multiple people to put it all together in an assembly line sort of process and at Christmas time the family is all together?
Thanks, great weekend to you as well!

Yes, from November and December we start making hallacas, because of the ingredients:
The capers
The olives
They bring them in for that time.

But the tradition is for the 24th of December, they are made a day before, with the family reunited.

That is what I thought after watching the videos. Thanks.

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