✨✨Was anyone else hoping to wake up today to find out that 2020.............

in #food4 years ago


....................... was just history's most elaborate April Fool's prank? Just me? That's cool.✨✨
✨✨Well, I know everyone's mother said never to do this but all this time in isolation got me playing with my food. What can I say, I'm a millennial, it's part of the job description to post unrealistic snack expectations. 😜 Besides, quarantine has made snack time a highlight event of everyone's day, you know what I mean? ✨✨
✨✨Speaking of quarantine events, can someone please explain to me the hype around The Tiger King????? Also, who has tried whipped coffee because I keep seeing it all over the place and now I'm getting major FOMO so I might have to give into curiosity on that one.✨✨
✨✨Hope you're staying safe and sane today. Let's hope April is a turning point. 🙏🙌🙈 .✨✨


Yes, here's hoping for that turning point @gringalicious - we're all getting a bit tired of this now. Haha - I've just finished the Tiger King - you should watch it - good entertainment - wouldn't it have been great if it was all a huge joke (or maybe it is!!)

@gringalicious First of all, I just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU for all of your support of my blog and podcasting endeavors. It does not go unnoticed, and I really appreciate it. <3

After reading your post here, I also wanted to tell you that I have jumped on the Dalgona Coffee/whipped coffee train and I’m definitely an advocate. It’s super good. I have mine over unsweetened coconut milk, and it’s a real treat. Even though I always have an abundance of boutique coffee around my house, I also happen to always keep just good ole fashioned Maxwell House instant coffee crystals in my pantry, so this was just too handy not to try. Highly recommend.

I would recommend using regular milk or a sweetened milk alternative, as even though the coffee is made with sugar, it does not prep out very sweet. I happen to enjoy the bitterness of the coffee, but I think it would be better over a sweeter milk.


And Tiger King? I’ve watched it twice now...it’s a trip. The storyline has so many twists and turns and is like the craziest dumpster fire and train wreck that you just can’t look away. (Well, I couldn’t look away...) I’ve heard they’re already in talks for a new season, since the hype around this series has brought a bunch of new stuff to the forefront and there’s already new info. I’m on board. LOL

Have a great rest of your day, and I’ll talk to you again soon! Thanks for all you do!

Your breakfast looks amazing - how about linking a post about it to @cookwithus - would love to have your there and also to join our CWU Recipe Book - community

@gringalicious, hahaha. I even dreamt about this last night. I felt so deep in having this as my breakfast though. Thanks for sharing

I must say the snack looks delicious!! I don't have the answer for your question (Never herd of the Tiger King), and I have not tried whipped coffee.

I am now hungry for something sweet!!

yes, we are safe. I hope you too staying safe :)