
Good question. Referring to private property as a possession I think makes sense. It's something that has been obtained morally, in accordance with Natural Law. I would say that most possessions serve some type of function and are generally put to use by the possessor, in some fashion or another.

Makes sense. The main problem I see with property the way it is today, is that people have the right to own something they will never use and prive it from people who need it. I think the world would be a lot better if we only could call it ours if we actually and personally used it (or if we created it, as another example). I guess a mentality change in the masses would have to occur for this to work, but I keep hoping :)

Yes, I agree, there are definitely flaws in the current "property system". The mentality must change first before anything else. One can hope, right?

Yes, I agree, there are definitely flaws in the current "property system". The mentality must change first before anything else. One can hope, right?

We have to ;)