TUNA NOODLE SOUP// Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Tuna

in Qurator3 years ago (edited)

Hi guys? How is everyone today? Is the weather good where everyone is? At my place, the weather is a bit uncomfortable. It's already winter, so it's a bit chilly and often showers. But nothing! Don't let your mood be affected by the cold of winter. Enjoy happy moments with family meals with delicious food. Today, I'm going to share with you one of my favorite foods this season. It's tuna noodle soup. Let's learn the recipe for this dish with me!



  • Tuna
  • grilled chopped fish
  • Tofu
  • Coriander
  • Tomato
  • seasoning: salt, seasoning powder, monosodium glutamate, pepper, oil cooking.


❤️Process materials

Tuna, you wash thoroughly, remove the intestines, and cut them into small pieces to eat. Then marinate the fish with a little pepper, salt, seasoning powder, turmeric, sugar, cooking oil. Keep for about 20 minutes so that the seasoning penetrates evenly into the fish meat, making the fish more flavorful.


Tofu washed with water, then cut into small square pieces and fry, You must fry until golden brown on both sides.


Coriander, tomatoes, washed and sliced.



Step 1: Fried grilled chopped fish, Tofu

Get a pan of oil on the stove, heat it, then take the grilled chopped fish in it and fry them. Fry until golden on both sides. After frying the grilled chopped fish, continue to put Tofu and tomatoes into the stove and stir well. Tomatoes will create an attractive color for the dish.


Step 2: Cook the soup.

Put a pot on the stove, add a little oil, and heat. Add the tuna and fry briefly, turn both sides until the fish is firm, then put the water in the pot and bring to a boil. When the water boils, you add the tomato, Tofu, and fish paste mixture to cook together. Continue to cook until the pot of water boils again, then season to taste and turn off the heat.


The red color of tomatoes, the yellow color of Tofu, makes the pot of water more attractive and delicious. Now, you only need to take out the bowl and garnish it with some vegetables.





Tuna noodle soup is eaten while it is still hot and especially enjoyed in this chilly weather. The sweetness of tuna, the mild taste of tofu make the dish irresistible. This is a simple and easy dish to make, and the ingredients are also easy to buy. I hope you will have success with this recipe. Wishing you a week full of energy.
This is my entry for Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Tuna. Thank you #Qurator for creating this contest.


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Đồ ăn mà up buổi tối là tội người khác lắm nhé bro :)))))

hi. vậy lần sau cứ buổi tối là chị post đồ ăn. có đúa xèm lại ghé vào. hehee

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Looks great! I'm about to sleep and saw this 😁😋😋😋

Awww nhìn yummy quá bạn tui ơi :)

thank you baby 😘 😘

Ực ực ngon xỉu 🤤 em chưa ăn món này bao giờ! Ship em 5 phần ăn dần chị ơi! 😍

Hihi, có dịp nấu cho gái ăn nè 😍

That really looks yummy and healthy just what I ordered 😁