The Daily Qurator #132

in Qurator4 years ago


Welcome to the 132nd Edition of the Daily Qurator here on Hive! Our team is looking left and right for the awesome posts from all Hive users and are looking forward to feature and curate some great content. Every day we will feature 5 awesome posts picked by our curators.

Qurator's team picks - 1st of August 2020.

Comments by @goldendawne.

Garden Journal- End Of July Home Garden Report
by @amberyooper

"Well, it seems that the end of July is upon us now, and it seems to have gone by pretty fast this year. It's been a pretty good growing season so far in this local area. We've had enough rain to keep the garden watered for the most part, but not so much as to cause problems. I haven't had any problem with keeping my rain barrels supplied with water for those times when I need it for the garden, but I haven't had to use the rain barrel water as much as in some past years when it was dry a lot"

Look at how lush and green @amberyooper's garden is... and how tall! Have you ever seen corn stalks towering over a fullgrown man before? WOW! I bet she has a great harvest this year.

Post curated by: @goldendawne

Gardening Aches: Raised Beds- How Not To Break Your Back In Gardening!
by @lilymay

"The most convenient way not to ruin your back in gardening is to have raised beds like these. My daughter set-up these beds a couple of years ago and ordered the soil from from a farm nearby. The first various seeds were sown and germinated in containers and then transferred in these boxes"

These raised garden beds, and the arch, are perfect for people wanting to garden, but who may have issues with a sore back. Keeping your garden plants higher up can help make everyone's gardening experience less painful.

Post curated by: @ewkaw

Plush Notebook- Motif: Panda Bear- Step By Step
by @angelys

"This time I bring you a very fun craft, it is a notebook lined in the form of a panda bear, it looks nice and is easy to do, they will love it, since it is a nice idea to line the notebooks of our children"

Now what pre-teen or teenage girl wouldn't love to have this cute panda bear on her favorite notebook for school! Absolutely adorable!

Post curated by: @ackhoo

Structures In Nature- Water
by @kalemandra

"In nature, if we observe it better, there are no boring forms. Even the smallest halm of grass or gravel is an artwork. Whose artwork then?
If the materials needed for a Swiss watch are mixed in a container, it will never accidentally become a Swiss watch (or even any other watch) unless it is designed and manufactured.Even the simplest bacterium is perfect, the flagellum on it and the structure that moves it is a miracle that was made according to a plan"

Can't you almost hear the gentle waves coming ashore? @kalemandra shares some awesome “water” images in this post, so make sure to stop over for a “wet” post!

Post curated by: @brumest

How To Make A Key Ring With Foami
by @dorada

"Today I share an easy keychain to make and it looks very nice, with few materials we can have a detail to place our keys and can also become a gift to share with friends and / or family. On this occasion I made a keychain with the figure of a girl, it can be done with the figure of boy depending on the pleasure of each person"

Just look how cute this keyring stick-girl is! She's so adorable! Want to make your own? See @dorada's post and see how she made it; and you can too!

Post curated by: @blacklux

@qurator does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in the Daily Qurator. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @blacklux | @rishi556

Cover graphics by: @cheer-up

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Active Witness rank: 54


Thank you for including me in this post feature of Qurator.

Our pleasure :)

Good information 🙂