🎵 Hive Open Mic 164 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Miclast year
Authored by @Hive Open Mic

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.

🎵 Hive Open Mic 164

May 29 - June 3, 2022


Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's weekly live music celebration reaches musicians and listeners globally on a virtual stage, upholding the classic pattern of an open mic event. At the end of each week, we enjoy a community concert, highlighting a Spotlight Artist.

Our song circle is a place of belonging for anyone who appreciates live music. Our creative space offers a chance to build real relationships worldwide between music fans and musicians of every style and any skill level. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are co-creating a more harmonious world by sharing the joys of music.

For Hive Open Mic 164, we will explore the following theme: "Hopeful." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @jmis101. Everyone is encouraged to express and connect through: Hopeful.

Art by @cabelindsay, royalty free for the Hive Open Mic community



This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Hopeful.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists, sharing common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.

163: Pasión por el Arte ---> 164: Hopeful ---> 165: In Love with Nature and Mother Earth

How To Play

1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week [1],” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic community. Include the tag #openmic.
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments.


Hello (Cover) by @peaq
Edekia (Original) by @auelitairene
Surprise Yourself (Cover) by @ebingo
Anhelo / I Long (Original) by @naradamoon
Sura (Original) by @osomeltrozo feat. @dealtokilate
Esta Bella Noche / This Beautiful Night (Cover) by @esteliopadilla
Donde Estará Mi Primavera / Where is My Spring (Cover) by @musicandreview
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver) by @zorajr and @armandolnrs
Llegó el Momento / Time Has Come (Original) by @fernanblog
Bringer of Dawn (Original) by @cabelindsay


The greatest gift we can give to an artist is our attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that everyone offer some friendly words. Reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Our comments might be the vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!


In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.

Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, supporting our community.


Join in and enjoy!

There are 2 pages

A great and timely theme. I will work on my entry and drop it soon

Exelente tema para esta semana

Lovely one I love this theme . Dropping mine soon.

Waw. I love this week's theme.
Very timely.
We really need to be hopeful in Nigeria.

@hiveopenmic! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ddn688. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

A theme which i always love the name itself, now its time to go and pick a beautiful song to represent this week theme

un saludo a toda la comunidad esta semana con muchas espectativas y con muchas ganas de participar y compartir la musica

Good day everyone
Here is my entry video

Extraordinaria temática la de esta semana. Segura que veremos espectaculares interpretaciones. Suertes a todos. 🎤💚💛❤️💕

Feliz semana. Buen tema. Aquí estaré presente. Me ausenté por dos semanas pero estoy de regreso. Suerte para todos.

Fue un placer estar como cada semana queridos amigos, esta es mi entrada https://peakd.com/@aly.squid/omvaoewb

Saludos, aquí les comparto mi entrada!!

Éxitos para todos en esta maravillosa semana con esta temática tan linda y por acá mi participación


Hi everyone. Here's my participation


Thank you @jmis101 for the week's theme

#openmic #music

Thank you very much dear for the mention.
It's a huge opportunity for me.

..weldon dear

Alright dear

Hello everyone, here's my entry for the week....

Holaaaa amigas y amigos, les deseo todo lo mejor y muchas bendiciones para está maravillosa semana #164, por aqui quiero compartir con todos ustedes mi participación, espero que les agrade muchisímo!!!!

A Lovely theme, I hope I find the time to participate too.

Ahora si postie en la comunidad correcta y la dejo acá abajo, éxitos para todos


Good day everyone, happy new month to you all
Here is my entry

Awesome theme - I tackled (unusually since I am a man...) "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. It's actually an empowering song full of strength and hope if you listen carefully!


Saludos amigos, por aquí les dejo mi enlace de esta linda semana, espero les guste


This is my entry for this week's theme.


Happy new month, Hive Open Mic community 😇🤗🥳🥳

Disfrute mucho participar esta semana, les dejo por acá mi entrada https://peakd.com/@jetta.amaya/ycjcxvtg

How's it going guys, It's your boy vic2ryx and here's my entry:@vic2ryx/hopeful
I can't wait to listen to y'all beautiful piece.

Buenas tardes, por aqui les dejo mi entrada. =)

Un saludo a todos amigos de esta apreciada comunidad, un gusto estar con ustedes nuevamente para participar en la temática "Hopeful" y esta es mi entrada https://ecency.com/hive-105786/@marifi/stayfcgu

Once again I am encouraged to participate, I have already seen several of your performande and honestly it filled me with a lot of energy and above all hope, thanks to all of you for this, here I leave you my entry


Hello everyone, here is my entry for the week.


Saludos amigos.

Aquí mi aporte para esta semana...


Hola!! Un poco tarde pero aquí estoy con mi entrada de la semana https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@randolpheel1/zulfoacj

Here is the link to my entry for the week 164

Hello everyone. I would like to share my presentation. I hope you will like it.


¡Hola amigos del Hive Open Mic! Reciban con cariño este simple recordatorio de vida… No dejemos de soñar y luchar por hacerlos realidad. Sin humillar a nadie en el andar. Sigamos regando, ¡De seguro de ese frondoso árbol, excelentes frutos hemos de cosechar!😉👍🙌

Hello friends of the Hive Open Mic! Receive this simple reminder of life with love... Let's not stop dreaming and fighting to make them come true. Without humiliating anyone in the walk. Let's keep watering, surely from that leafy tree, we have excellent fruits to reap!😉👍🙌


Hola comunidad hive open mic en su semna #164 de hopeful, aqui mi entrada


Saludos por aquí les dejo mi participación de la semana! Un gran abrazo

https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@onos-f/gaeeunmr its my entry for @hiveopenmic week 164. Listen to me play the violin and sing for you. Cheers ❤🍻

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