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RE: Intro to Hive Silver Bloggers - a New Blockbuster for Seasoned Buzzy Bees

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

I am offended!! I only have a few greys in my hair and beard!!

They don't act their age -but perhaps these guys are interested:
@bozz, @meesterboom, @abh12345

 3 years ago  

It's not grey, people are colour blind. It's actually silver and you'll be richer as more and more pops up 😉

 3 years ago  

I am counting the greys as we speak - is it a 1:1 kind of thing? ;)

 3 years ago  

New rule just added his very moment, the word grey is now regarded as NSFW around here, LOL!
A tip, don't count them otherwise they'll multiply at a much faster rate ;)
I hid mine with the help of a bottle much to my hairdresser's dismay but I realized they're actually natural highlights so now my salon bills are much much lower ;)

You are well in the bracket!! :0D

Actually so are most of hive's users!

 3 years ago  

What bracket?, sanity or madness?
Greetings Boomie.

Greetings Mr Z!

I like to think I fall into all of those brackets! :OD

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, beware as I know your heart and you are actually a camouflaged saint.
I bet that I am the very first to call you this.
So please don't blush and deny, else I will put your missus on your case.

 3 years ago  

Oy Vay, don't let those 3 notorious tags of yours see this, as I am the first to borrow you a ton of grey hairs.
Heh, heh, if I can find them as most of mine were repossessed a long time ago.

Welcome Taraz and at least we know that you will act your age, but I am a bit worried about the other lot 🤣

 3 years ago  

...mine were repossessed a long time ago.

Haha that's a good way to describe it😅😅😅
Sorry for eavesdropping...and they say women talk too much🤣
Your friends are real good guys, I've not laughed so much for a long time...all by myself mind you😅

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, thank you Lady Lizzy and yeah, that's the only way that I can describe it.
Until 1980 I had a full head of blondish hair, but after the bike accident I went through 6 operations and high powered drugs. The stress was high and 2 years in plaster also didn't help.
Subsequently I had more operations and I never knew that aneasthetics can make one's hair fall out.
A quack also told me that the pills could have an effect.

So yes, the medical fraternity are now sitting with all of my hair 🤣

The other day I went to the barber and after he had cut the sides, he asked me if he should comb the two hairs at the top into a middle path.
So, I told him no and just to leave them so deurmekaar 🤣🤣🤣

 3 years ago  

And you still bring so much joy to this platform and to the poor communities here in SA kind sir, you are one amazing man!😇
You could become the perfect motivational speaker, but then we'd never see you here so better just stay buzzy here on Hive😉
I agree, just leave those two hairs deurmekaar and be careful that they don't also get repossessed😅 Thank you for helping gathering so many amazing Silvers here, a blessed Sunday for you and Marian 🤗

 3 years ago  

Nope, just an ordinary man that has made himself available to serve those that don't have Lady Lizzie.
Personally I don't very much like all of the motivational slogans, as they should rather place the focus on talent development.

Hahaha, that's why I hide those two precious hairs under a cap every day. One never knows when that South Easter wind has plans to remove my fringe 🤣

Those Silvers are all good friends that has shown their hearts to us and I am glad that they are all here. The future looks great for this community methinks 👍

A blessed new week also to you guys 🤗

I subscribed already!

 3 years ago  

Yay glad to see you here @bozz 😊