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RE: Intro to Hive Silver Bloggers - a New Blockbuster for Seasoned Buzzy Bees

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

A great post here Lady Lizzie and let's hope that this effort goes to the moon.

Now where are all of those 40 year and older hiveans? I can think of a few "youngsters" that might also pour their wisdom in here like the Austrian mountain goat @johannpiber
Then we also have the famous kp brothers @tarazkp and @galenkp and I am sure that the ladies @dswigle, @melinda010100 and their friends can jump in here.

Let's show the world the value and the wisdom that rests in the vaults of experience.
Everyone (above 40) is welcome to join this community, even "dummkopfs" like me.

 3 years ago  

I have to thank you and your Marian for the help with getting this a tad more polished and for putting me on the right path when I veered off in my rushed fashion as usual;)
I do hope some of those talented folk join in; a couple I can think of who may just make the age restriction - please forgive me if you don't;) and have not been mentioned are @bigtom13, @slobberchops, @farm-mom, @thebigsweed, @shaidon,@porters, @artemislives, @keithboone, @lenasveganliving, @barbara-orenya, @shadowspub, @goldendawne, @sultnpapper, @isabelpena, @pandamama and finally @sunscape

Haha ! thanks for the thought @lizelle 😁 I'm indeed among the silvers 🍻

 3 years ago  

Oh wow, great news, love the cute gif, you are so talented🤩

Oh, I meant I am in age, but didn't know the community...going to have a look this evening when work is off ! Thank you 😘

 3 years ago  

Hope to see you join us 🌻

I've just did ! This is a great idea of community 😁 Not sure I will contribute a lot, I'm kinda more working than in my previous young have little time for now, but the idea pleases me and I keep a little place in my head for that and for your all, my boomer friends ❤️

 3 years ago  

Awesomeness, it's almost as if one gets buzzier as time goes on not so :)

 3 years ago  

I do fit the age requirements as much as I am reluctant to admit.

 3 years ago  

You should be proud, you're in good company, we're all well seasoned vintage models who've kept up with the times just by being here😅 hope you join the community🌻

 3 years ago  

I'll see what I can do.

 3 years ago  

We are both of the Saffers family Lady Lizzie and it was a pleasure to help.
This is a community that should have been established a long time ago and let's hope that other members could also have ideas for it's growth.

 3 years ago  

It was about high time we brought together all the seasoned silvers, just took a little nudge from @riverflows although she still is too young, not one silver hair there😉

 3 years ago  

Great that @riverflows prodded you and yes, it was the right time indeed!

 3 years ago  

I am offended!! I only have a few greys in my hair and beard!!

They don't act their age -but perhaps these guys are interested:
@bozz, @meesterboom, @abh12345

 3 years ago  

It's not grey, people are colour blind. It's actually silver and you'll be richer as more and more pops up 😉

 3 years ago  

I am counting the greys as we speak - is it a 1:1 kind of thing? ;)

 3 years ago  

New rule just added his very moment, the word grey is now regarded as NSFW around here, LOL!
A tip, don't count them otherwise they'll multiply at a much faster rate ;)
I hid mine with the help of a bottle much to my hairdresser's dismay but I realized they're actually natural highlights so now my salon bills are much much lower ;)

You are well in the bracket!! :0D

Actually so are most of hive's users!

 3 years ago  

What bracket?, sanity or madness?
Greetings Boomie.

Greetings Mr Z!

I like to think I fall into all of those brackets! :OD

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, beware as I know your heart and you are actually a camouflaged saint.
I bet that I am the very first to call you this.
So please don't blush and deny, else I will put your missus on your case.

 3 years ago  

Oy Vay, don't let those 3 notorious tags of yours see this, as I am the first to borrow you a ton of grey hairs.
Heh, heh, if I can find them as most of mine were repossessed a long time ago.

Welcome Taraz and at least we know that you will act your age, but I am a bit worried about the other lot 🤣

 3 years ago  

...mine were repossessed a long time ago.

Haha that's a good way to describe it😅😅😅
Sorry for eavesdropping...and they say women talk too much🤣
Your friends are real good guys, I've not laughed so much for a long time...all by myself mind you😅

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, thank you Lady Lizzy and yeah, that's the only way that I can describe it.
Until 1980 I had a full head of blondish hair, but after the bike accident I went through 6 operations and high powered drugs. The stress was high and 2 years in plaster also didn't help.
Subsequently I had more operations and I never knew that aneasthetics can make one's hair fall out.
A quack also told me that the pills could have an effect.

So yes, the medical fraternity are now sitting with all of my hair 🤣

The other day I went to the barber and after he had cut the sides, he asked me if he should comb the two hairs at the top into a middle path.
So, I told him no and just to leave them so deurmekaar 🤣🤣🤣

 3 years ago  

And you still bring so much joy to this platform and to the poor communities here in SA kind sir, you are one amazing man!😇
You could become the perfect motivational speaker, but then we'd never see you here so better just stay buzzy here on Hive😉
I agree, just leave those two hairs deurmekaar and be careful that they don't also get repossessed😅 Thank you for helping gathering so many amazing Silvers here, a blessed Sunday for you and Marian 🤗

 3 years ago  

Nope, just an ordinary man that has made himself available to serve those that don't have Lady Lizzie.
Personally I don't very much like all of the motivational slogans, as they should rather place the focus on talent development.

Hahaha, that's why I hide those two precious hairs under a cap every day. One never knows when that South Easter wind has plans to remove my fringe 🤣

Those Silvers are all good friends that has shown their hearts to us and I am glad that they are all here. The future looks great for this community methinks 👍

A blessed new week also to you guys 🤗

I subscribed already!

 3 years ago  

Yay glad to see you here @bozz 😊

Thanks for tagging me here, Zac. It's a group that I am proud to qualify for!

 3 years ago  

Wonderful @melinda010100, welcome here 🤗🌻

 3 years ago  

Only a pleasure Lady @melinda010100 and we have come a long way together.
Thank you for joining and let's all grow the Silver Bloggers Community together.


 3 years ago  

Haha! Nothing like pointing fingers at the old people! ❤️

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, old maybe, but with young hearts and that makes all of the difference my friend.

 3 years ago  

Of course, it does! You know I am kidding. I had to run to the mirror and look!! :)) Good morning from here, @papillioncharity!

Happy Friday!

Who calls me a youngster here? But you are right, my friend, a mountain goat will never become old 🤣
If I did let my hair grow you would see more white hair than brown ones and they become more and more each day, so I think I suit to the silverbloggers I believe ... I have joined a minute ago 😀

Cheers and !BEER

 3 years ago  

Hahaha, oh yeah, a mountain goat does not get old, just more stubborn 😜

I think that you would look cool with long hair and a long beard, as you would look like Merlin.
Maybe give it a go once you have hung your gun up in the police service.

Thanks for joining up my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

Haha, yeah, I'm a bit stubborn, that's true 😁

Actually, a couple of years ago I have had long hair - they reached down over my shoulders, but one day I said "enough" and cut them ... I just didn't want to wash and dry them anymore every day 🤣 but it's much better now 😊

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

 3 years ago  

Only a bit stubborn? I will leave this here 😎

I think that you would have looked very cool with long hair.

Shorter is always easier Hannes and Marian cuts my hair on the number 2 setting with the machine.
Then I take the machine and I cut my beard and my moustache on the same setting.
Oh and also my eyebrows.

So, in the mornings, when I wash my face to wake up, I only wipe my head with my wet hand and then I am done for the day. Easy peasy 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Yes, leave it here because I am right 😂🤣

I just didn't like them anymore and I feel so much better now with almost no hair - I cut mine myself without any distance holder 😉

Sometimes I shave, sometimes I let my beard grow for a few weeks and sometimes I keep it short like yours.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

 3 years ago (edited) 

Oh yes, always a pain with long hair to keep it neat. Amazingly I see many old guys walking around here with long hair. Maybe they are clinging to their young days 🤣

So, you cut your own hair and I hope that you don't charge yourself too much for cutting your hair 🤣
I don't suppose that you cut your euebrows as well, as mine grows like bushes and people say that I look scary 🤣

Oh yeah, I grow in winter and I cut in summer. My beard is not easy to cut with a rasor, as the hair is like wires and the stubble even pricks me when I sleep, so I try to keep it short.
Here's my winter outfit.

I hang this photo in the toilet to scare the flies away and naughty little children 🤣
Scary isn't it 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Ha, that looks like an old trapper from a western movie, but somehow cool :)
I would hang it also in the toilet, but in the office that the colleagues don't sit too long 🤣

No, I don't cut my eyebrows - only when a hair grows too long I will cut it.

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE

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