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Ah! You know exactly what I like and even if I had listened to my original idea of placing the Buzzard photo last in the post with the source description, I love that bird too much not to place him first lol.

I cannot tell you how happy was to see him and I think that mother nature designed it so that I can only get one shot of him. A tease methinks, as if he is scouting the area, then I am almost sure that I will see him again.

If the bird scientists are correct in their thoughts that it is a cross breed here between the Steppe and Forest Buzzards, then we have another exclusive African breed of Buzzards, bred by nature to cope with the local weather and food conditions.

We did the same with cattle in history as some breeds were crossed to breed the exclusive Afrikander red oxen with a mighty strength to pull the heavy old ox wagons, but that crossing was done by man and in the Buzzard's case it was done by nature.
We know that there are also migratory birds from Europe and elsewhere, that have cross bred with local birds to form a new species.

Cheers and thanks!

You did the right thing - this bird deserves to be first 😊

Animals adapt to the conditions in nature, man tries to adapt nature to his comfort.

Cheers and !BEER

Thank you and I also think so, so be it done!

Now you say that you are not wise, but this adaption sentence belongs in university manuals lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Haha, I am sure that I have read this somewhere πŸ˜‰

Cheers and !BEER

Oh no, so you plagiarized then??? hahaha.
I am sure that you added your own words lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Cheetah didn't mind, so I might have used my own words, but I don't know πŸ˜‰

Cheers and !BEER

There you go, you see?
So next time that I compliment you on a wise chirp, you will know that it's real hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

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