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RE: Mystery and Silhouettes!

Oh, I have been there this morning before the people and when I was on my way back down to the valley they were driving upwards - many, many cars. I was so glad, because I had the dam wall for me alone 😁

Next time I will go for a little hike to waterfalls there.

The road is only open from 7 in the morning, so sunrise shots are not possible, and from November 1 it is completely closed during Winter, so I might not be able to get there again this year, but I'll try.

Cheers and !BEER


Yeah I figured that you would do that and great that you had the place to yourself for a while.
Those waterfalls sounds very interesting.

Now here's my question; That place might be iced or even snowed up during winter and the weak winter sun might play lovely colors on it on the odd occasions that it shines through.

Surely you as a member of the police ministry and a photographer can get a permit to go in there?
If you can then I can seethe most wonderful sunrises and even sunsets there!

Guaranteed if I lived there I would make a bid noise to get a permit, even up to prime minister level.

Cheers and thanks!

No way my friend, a closed road means a closed road, but you can walk up there at any time at your own risk 😉
In winter the snow will be meters high and avalanches happen every day, so nobody would risk to allow somebody in a family van to drive that road 🙄
Actually I was thinking of hiking to one of the first waterfalls which are not too far up the mountain ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Oh, you see? I didn't know about the dangers and then best that you stay away when it's closed Hannes.
No need to go and look for trouble.
I hope that you will take a safe route to get to that first waterfall friend.
My concern is that you are bit like me and it will not just stay there, as you will also go to other places where you shouldn't go lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Hi Zac,
now I have time for my replies ;)
We have had a nice hike yesterday with quite some rain in the beginning and a very cloudy sunset which was not great, but I haven't seen the photos yet.

I always take safe routes at first, but then I see something better somewhere else and have to look what it is ... and sometimes I go too far into unknown terrain that I have to search a safe way back 😂 lol

Cheers and !BEER

Hi Hannes,

Good, as yesterday I had a bit of a lean time with the replies, as I thought that I would get much less than normal. But thankfully it was not too bad.

Cloudy sunsets are the best in my opinion, as one can only take so much of clear sky sunsets. The clouds always bring in artist opportunities.

So, you got a bit wet at the start of the hike but it sounds like it ended well my friend.

That is exactly also my own problem, as getting back from an interesting foray is always a problem. I had just this a few days ago when I climbed up a high mound.
The grass covering it was wet and in the coming down part I slid in some parts on my bum lol. Imagine walking around with a wet bum and I felt like a baby again hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

No, this sunset wasn't good because the Clouds were Deep over the horizon and covered the sun. There have been only a few gaps which showed a bit of an orange color tone for a few minutes before the whole horizon and sky was gray.

Haha, I can imagine how you felt 🤣

My worst "hike" was last year when I thought to know a better and more interesting way to a mountain lake in Slovenia, because on "my" way there was a waterfall too. The waterfall was cool, but after an hour climbing straight upwards a slope I stood before a vertical rock face and had to search for a path down to the start. In the end I took the regular path and my hike ook 6 hours instead of 3 😂lol
But I have seen a beautiful old grown mossy forest which I will visit again one day 😃

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, it can certainly be frustrating when the clouds don't play the game lol.
You see a great shot, get your camera setting right and then when you look up another cloud has covered it!

That's a great problem and they call it moving about on unfamiliar territory. I have also made may of those mistakes where a "short cut" ends into a "long cut" hahaha.
That mossy forest sounds like a place to be lol.

Cheers and thanks!

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