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RE: Some beach flyers for you today!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Oh yeah, I Googled and found IKEA here in the big city of Johannesburg.
We have never dealt with them before.

So, then I withdraw the curse and the poor Camels will have to accept the fact that their fleas will remain with them hahaha.
Great that you guys can drive the transporter's vehicles and it's a great idea.
Over here they would not allow that, as the people will disappear with their trucks lol.

Cheers and thanks!


IKEA is big and their furniture looks good and is affordable.

Well, they have your name and address, but I have never heard of someone who would steal such a vehicle anyway 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah, but IKEA is still a bit expensive for us Hannes.

No, how it works here is that the people give false names and false addresses.
That transporter here will never see his truck again, as the thieves will take it out of the country.
Happens regularly here my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Ok, here it belongs to the cheapest. Cheaper stores offer only really bad quality 😉

Of course such happens here too, but very seldom.

Cheers and !BEER

They say that the one place where not to skimp on costs is the bed Hannes.
But we have to take what we can afford, as I never buy anything on debt.

So there's a big difference between R4000 for a spring bed and R20000 for a double spring bed.
Even if we buy 3 new R4000 beds per year, which we don't, it will still be cheaper.
Of course the problem is that the cheaper bed is not such great quality.

That happens here every day my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Of course I know what you mean, and believe me I would also buy the cheaper bed for the same reason, because if it breaks I can buy a new one and still have saved money.

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah I should have known that you would do the same.
A couple that emigrated to another country gave is their very expensive King Size bed.
That was a mattress that any real King would want, but sadly it didn't fit into our room.
At the time we lived in a very small room, so I gave the mattress to the guy that used to deliver our donated food and stuff to the poor areas.
He was the happiest guy on earth hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

Well, I wouldn't want a king size bed, because I need only a small corner in our normal sized bed now and that's enough for me, but the mattress has to be comfortable, not too soft, but not hard as the floor 😁

You did a very good deed by giving the bed to someone who does good deeds too 👍

Cheers and !BEER

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